View Full Version : Photoshop Help Please!!!

01-20-2004, 01:35 PM
I need to know how to put an image on a clear or transparent background without saving it as a white background. I used to know how to do this but I can't do it anymore. I want to make one of my pictures have a drop shadow, which I have done, but when I go to save the picture it makes the transparent part white. How do I keep it from saving it with a white background so I can have a clear background instead? :confused:

01-20-2004, 01:56 PM
You either need to save it as an .eps, which will preserve your transparency, but is not compatible with certain layout programs, or add a clipping path then save as tiff or jpg. The tiff and jpg, gif adn bmp options don't preserve transparency. Well, gif does, but it's a pain and a horrible horrible file type for photos.
To add the clipping path, the easiest thing to do is select the transparent area, then do a select inverse. Then go to your paths pallet and save it as a work path. Then save the work path as a clipping path.
Then you can save your file and the background won't be there. Clipping paths are a little confusing the first time you do them, so if you get lost, just go to the help menu. Once you get the hang, you'll be clipping right along.

01-20-2004, 02:06 PM
Hrmm, I remember there being a very easy way to do it. I used to make transparent thingies all the time and it was never that complicated. :( I will try to go it as you say, and thanks for helping. :)

Anyone else know of an easier way to do this?

01-20-2004, 02:11 PM
The easiest way by far is teh eps. save. It's just a regular save as .eps. And if you're using quark or any layout program, eps is the format of choice.
I hold an Adobe certification in Photoshop and have been using it as my primary function in my job for 7 years. And in countless classes and workshops, I've never learned another way. I've always used clipping paths or eps. So if there are other options, I'd like to know them too.

If you go to Adobe.com, Luckies, there is a photoshop forum that I swear I use at least once a day. There is no better place to get an answer- and fast!

01-20-2004, 03:52 PM
Hm, when I save something with a transparent bg I just save in gif format and it works for me?

01-20-2004, 10:05 PM
To save as a jpg, you either have to "Flatten Image" or "Merge Visible", I think if you do the latter it retains its transperancy. I might be wrong though.

01-21-2004, 07:41 AM
If you flatten image when you have transparency, it just turns white or whatever I think?

01-21-2004, 09:18 AM
flattening or merging- doesn't matter. A jpg is not capable of supporting transparency. A png. will, but most browsers arent' yet supporting the png format.
A gif will support if you use the correct settings in your save for web option. But there are more reasons than I can count to NOT choose gif as your format for photos. It's great for line art or clip art, but it does not support enough colors to have nice photos. That's why most web photos are jpg and gif is reserved for logos or few colored images.

The clipping path or the .eps is the most common choices. Luckies, if you want to pm me, I'll give you my email and you can email the file to me. I'll slip in the clipping path and you'll be set.