View Full Version : I must vent, everyone needs to read this!!

Dixie Belle
01-20-2004, 01:33 PM
Some of the older people here are familiar with some of my rescue stories. Like the two puppies that someone dumped out near my house that were almost starved to death by the time my husband and I found them. Well, guess what everyone? IT HAS HAPPENED AGAIN!!!!!!!!!

I went to get my trash can to bring back to the house and was playfully attacked by no less than THREE PUPPIES!!!!!!!!! They look to be in pretty good shape, but come on! We have animal shelters, no-kill shelters, and even vet offices that take in homeless animals, no questions asked! STUPID, DUMB, UNEDUCATED, UNCARING, UNFEELING, ***********!!!!!!!!!!

I called my local animal shelter to see if they can come pick them up. She wasn't sure if the guy could come out this far or not. He is suppose to call me back in the morning. If he says he can't get them, I'm calling my county commissioner and beg him to make the man come get them. (My commissioner is a good faimly friend.) I have no way of getting them there, or I would do it myself.

Someone PLEASE explain to me how people can be so cruel. I would love to know who did it. I would love nothing more than to take them and dump them off in the middle of nowhere with no food, no water, and no clue how to get some. See how well they would enjoy staving to death, alone, and feeling that no one cares.

I just hope I can get them to the shelter somehow. I have to go out of state this weekend. And Belle is having a fit. She does NOT want them there. Now that we have Thor, she is in a super protecive "mothering" role. I'm afraid she would try to hurt them.

GRRRRRRR!!!!!!! Stupid people get on my nerves and then some!!!

01-20-2004, 02:03 PM
I'm sorry :( It is terrible how many animals are brought in to my shelter by nice people like you who find them dumped off in the country. I get sick thinking about all the poor unfortunate ones who are not found and picked up :( :( :(

Prayers are on the way that the three pups will safely find homes.

01-20-2004, 02:24 PM
Good thing they were found by you!!!

I'm sure they will get to the shelter, and will find homes in no time!

I think we all knew what made people so stupid and heartless.... I wish someone would dump those people somewhere!

My Peanuts
01-20-2004, 04:05 PM
I'm so glad you found those puppies! I've come to the conclusion that the general public is mostly made up of idiots :mad: Who could look a puppy in the eye and leave them for dead!?!

01-20-2004, 05:23 PM
I do know how you fell, for me it's cats, people always seem to drop them off around my house. I can never understand how someone could do that, but they do. Sick stupid people.

I do know that around here, we only have 2 shelters and they are always full so I honestly belive thats why some people dump them. If the shelters can't take them, they take the easy way out.

I've also been in arguments, over the years, with some of the idots around here who honestly belive they are doing the animal a favor. They had the nerve to tell me that if you drop a animal off in a good area, someone will take it in and give it a good home. They felt it was better then living in a cage at the shelter.

As hard as I tried to explain to then all the down sides to droping a pet off somewhere, they still belived their way was better. :rolleyes: :eek: Then you get the real lossers that, say tie them in a bag and throw them in the lake. :mad: :mad: :mad: The world is full of sick people.

So that leaves people like you, me and others with big hearts to deal with their mistakes.

I'm so gald you found them, who knows what could have happend to them if you where not there. It upsets me just to think about it.

Thanks to you there is a better home in their furture.

01-20-2004, 05:53 PM
You know what I think? I think that everybody knows you are a big-time animal lover and that if they leave their animals with you they can be sure they'll be taken care of.

Not that it's good, what they're doing. But people like you a a blessing to animal-kind.

01-20-2004, 06:02 PM
My parents live out in the country and people just drop of their dogs all the time. Thankfully my dad is pretty good about helping out the dogs that get dropped off in our yard, if they don't work out on the ranch then they get to stay in a nice kennel when we aren't around to supervise them, then they get rehomed. It's always so sad, especially when you run into a dog that won't let you help it because it's still waiting for it's owner to return. When we found my dog Pepper it was a few days before we could get her to leave the ditch she was hiding in. She didn't trust us at all and she was waiting for her owner to come and pick her up.

01-20-2004, 06:02 PM
My parents live out in the country and people just drop of their dogs all the time. Thankfully my dad is pretty good about helping out the dogs that get dropped off in our yard, if they don't work out on the ranch then they get to stay in a nice kennel when we aren't around to supervise them, then they get rehomed. It's always so sad, especially when you run into a dog that won't let you help it because it's still waiting for it's owner to return. When we found my dog Pepper it was a few days before we could get her to leave the ditch she was hiding in. She didn't trust us at all and she was waiting for her owner to come and pick her up.

01-20-2004, 06:02 PM
My parents live out in the country and people just drop of their dogs all the time. Thankfully my dad is pretty good about helping out the dogs that get dropped off in our yard, if they don't work out on the ranch then they get to stay in a nice kennel when we aren't around to supervise them, then they get rehomed. It's always so sad, especially when you run into a dog that won't let you help it because it's still waiting for it's owner to return. When we found my dog Pepper it was a few days before we could get her to leave the ditch she was hiding in. She didn't trust us at all and she was waiting for her owner to come and pick her up.

01-20-2004, 06:02 PM
My parents live out in the country and people just drop of their dogs all the time. Thankfully my dad is pretty good about helping out the dogs that get dropped off in our yard, if they don't work out on the ranch then they get to stay in a nice kennel when we aren't around to supervise them, then they get rehomed. It's always so sad, especially when you run into a dog that won't let you help it because it's still waiting for it's owner to return. When we found my dog Pepper it was a few days before we could get her to leave the ditch she was hiding in. She didn't trust us at all and she was waiting for her owner to come and pick her up.

01-20-2004, 06:02 PM
My parents live out in the country and people just drop of their dogs all the time. Thankfully my dad is pretty good about helping out the dogs that get dropped off in our yard, if they don't work out on the ranch then they get to stay in a nice kennel when we aren't around to supervise them, then they get rehomed. It's always so sad, especially when you run into a dog that won't let you help it because it's still waiting for it's owner to return. When we found my dog Pepper it was a few days before we could get her to leave the ditch she was hiding in. She didn't trust us at all and she was waiting for her owner to come and pick her up.

01-20-2004, 08:08 PM
Urghhhhhhhh!!!! I totally agree with you! People can ge sooo STUPID AND SUCH IDIOTS!! Poor babies, I am sooo sorry Dixie Belle! That's just horrible! My only wish is just that people would be respectful to each other, all of the animals, and all the animals, and all other living things! That's all that I want! Is that too much to ask?:(

01-20-2004, 09:21 PM
My first thought also, was that someone knew you were an animal lover and would be able to help them. Someone saw you with your gang and thought they were doing the pups a favor. On the one hand, it was lucky for the pups they were found by you. Still doesn't make the situation better.

01-20-2004, 09:30 PM
I don't think anyone her can explain how anyone could be so cruel. I hope the animal shelter can come pick them up.

Dixie Belle
01-21-2004, 02:14 PM
Man, what a night. I came home from work and the puppies were gone! I had no idea where they were. The animal shelter called this morning, and I had to tell them I didn't know where they were. But guess what? They had wondered to a neighbor's house, and they called the animal shelter too. So the shelter was going over to their house to pick the puppies up. I was so relieved.

Yeah, there are several people that think that others around here know I'll take in stray pets. There is no way I can look one in the eyes, and leave it to starve. For example, we had an old female hunting dog that was wondering around the area. Everyone else would just run her off. But she knew she could come to my place and get a square meal, plenty of water, and a corner to sleep in. Bless her though, she never would let us get close enough to her so that we could get her to the shelter. She finally passed away a couple months ago.

I'm just so glad that the shelter came and got these puppies. I can sleep tonight without worry. The lady that runs our shelter is really good about finding the animals there homes. They are always on the news and stuff like that showing the animals. And puppies usually stand a better chance finding a home. Everyone just pray for them.