View Full Version : Slipping and sliding

01-20-2004, 01:32 PM
Is there anything we can do about our tiled kitchen floor? Nicki has been sliding around on it lately (we haven't changed cleaners to account for the slippery-ness.) She's becoming scared to enter the kitchen... its where food & water are. Also, that is how we let her out. My husband thinks a runner or some throw mats would work, but our kitchen is not square so a runner would be absurd and the little mats would slip this was and that... besides, so you know how much of a mess three teenagers make on a kitchen floor? Those mats would be disgusting the day I throw them down!

I'm actually considering those silly shaped things you put on the bottom of your bathtub! How would those little shapes look in a grape themed kitchen;)

01-20-2004, 01:48 PM
We don't have tile in our kitchen, but we do have a Pergo floor, and it is very slippery! Zipper had a horrible time when he first arrived, and was literally afraid to step on it. I used rubber backed mats (throw rugs) to help him, and it worked. Now I don't even have to use them except in my customary spots (in front of the sink and the door) and he is fine. He just had to learn to slow down a bit!!!


01-21-2004, 06:03 AM
rubber backed rugs, a dark color to minimize the 'track-ins' and shake them out daily will help a lot. try for 2 sets, one to wash, one to use. in angel dukes' last summer, he was slipping a lot & his joints hurt after each fall and the rugs made it better for him. i made a path on his usual walking places, i.e. food/water area, hall to rest of the house, and under the table, his hang out area. it was worth the daily shake out to keep him comfortable

01-21-2004, 08:49 AM
We put the extra bathmats out inthe kitchen... its working already! It got so bad yesterday that she FLAT-OUT REFUSED to enter the kitchen. I can't take her out from the front door - it snowed and the ice build-up on the steps was worse than the kitchen. So out of desperation, I threw the bath mats down it it made a super difference immediately... poor thing really had to go otside desperately!

We have a trail of mats snaking through the kitchen and I don't care since it makes my girl happy.

Thanks for your help!