View Full Version : Collections

01-20-2004, 02:43 AM
I just want to know what people collect?

For me its rare and unusual cat statuettes and My Little Pony.

I also collect books from Sci fi authors I like as well (700 books and counting)

So fess up what does everyone collect :)

01-20-2004, 03:58 AM
I hate shrapnel clanging around in my wallet. I also collect cute pictures from Pet Talk, clothing, rocks and stamps (though my rock and stamp collections are at my Mum's house)

01-20-2004, 04:57 AM
I collect little boxes. I received my first little box from my grandmother when I was about 14. (am 49 now) It is gold and lined with red velvet - a little jewelry box. Now I have many, many little boxes from all over the world. Stone boxes, alabaster, olive wood, Wedgewood, Kaiser, Villeroy & Boch, Limoges, cork, enamel, crystal...just many special little trinket boxes from my children and friends and each one holds a story:D I even have a tiny kitty box with a mouse inside!

01-20-2004, 05:49 AM
I collect fur! I have tons of it and I use it in different ways. I like to have at least two or three good size wads stuck on my clothing before I go to work. I especially like it when you turn on the ceiling fan and you make fur snow! It just falls from the sky! I am partial to the ones that collect in the corners and when you walk by they become little tumbleweeds just rolling across the floor. *sigh* http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif
Ok, sorry about that! I was just thinking about what I have the most of and that came to mind. I love so many things that it would be hard to say that I collect one thing. My hubby would tell you that I collect fabric. I guess it's true. I love to piece quilts and I love to hoard fabric. I don't have time to anything with it but there is some comfort in knowing that it's there when I'm ready!! I keep thinking one day I will get to it. I have managed to piece a top or two but they have never been quilted. With work, hubby, house, and kitties I'm too tired to sew.
I also have a passion for picture frames. I love all the variety. Is that wierd?

01-20-2004, 06:02 AM
Refridgerator magnets and key chains. I have 15 to 16 foot long chain of keychains, one hooked to the next. I really need to get a picture of it.

oh yes, and cats........the live ones ;)

01-20-2004, 06:22 AM
I love decorative plates ..... don't have a huge collection yet, but if I had the extra money for it, I WOULD!!!

I also have a small collection of cat figurines.

I'm wanting to start collecting pretty hand mirrors!!! Strange? I think they are beautiful and I'd love to hang some on my walls!

01-20-2004, 06:39 AM
I am an addicted collector of books...I couldn't imagine a room without books...I read everything, but I really love to collect cat books...I am always afraid that one day the bookshelves in my little library room become so heavy that the whole floor will crash...:rolleyes:

...and I love paintings of cats...(of course!)...

Cats and books...aahhhhhh LIFE IS GOOD!!!:D

01-20-2004, 07:03 AM
I just thought I would let everyone know that so far I think what I collect is weird! *laughs*

01-20-2004, 07:30 AM
OK, I'll fess up. I collect stamps, Mary Moo Moo figurines, Calico Kitty figurines, Stuffed Tigger's (no not my baby girl, but that is who she is named after), and stuffed cows.

01-20-2004, 10:52 AM
I collect lighthouses and carosuils(sp).
I too have the fur collection but what spinner doesn't? Working on a buffalo right now, the guy who plows my drive and I are exchanging services for it. So I have the only plowed drive on the block.

01-20-2004, 12:46 PM
I know this is weird, but I collect pencils, markers, pens. Anything and everything to write, draw, doodle with. Colored pencils are my main passion. If I'm in a store that has a brand that I've never used or an extended line of the Prismacolors, I got nuts and will buy 20 or 30 pencils at $2 (or more) a piece! I must have nearly 500 colored pencils, but am in that eternal search for the PERFECT pencil.. perfect color, coverage, smoothness, and will let me get a perfect point! That brings me to my other passion: pencil sharpeners. I'll use a hand sharpener only and will use it only a few times and toss it out because "the blade is no longer sharp."

I used to collect Barbies. I must have 100 of them in the attic, including the Bob Mackie Bride. Anybody want to swap pencils for Barbies?;)

01-20-2004, 12:56 PM
The only things I collect are dust bunnies...:D :D

01-20-2004, 01:19 PM
Well, my hubby hates collections at the house (thinks it's clutter...he grew up w/ a dad that was a pack rat and he refuses to become that) so I have a collection of Beanie Babies here at work. I have 9 cats, 1 rabbit, 1 pelican, 1 bear, 1 squirrel, 1 hedgehog, a Chick-fil-A cow, and a Tigger and Pooh.

Miss Meow
01-20-2004, 03:29 PM
Books, CDs and cats. :) I lean towards minimalistic, but would love to own art (paintings and outdoors sculpture).

bisi.cat - we have hundreds of kilograms of books! I don't know how many, so I just guess how many kilos we have to lift each time we move house! They are all in boxes until we can build a wall-length book shelf! I have given a lot away on Bookcrossing.com and to charity, but I can't bear to part with the last few hundred ;)

01-20-2004, 05:27 PM
I used to collect anything elephant but now that my house runneth over I've started collecting cat things.

My weird collection is shopping bags with handles, you know the really nice ones like you get in department stores. I love them and they are so nice for carrying gifts and food places. My husband thinks I'm just strange.

01-20-2004, 05:28 PM
Originally posted by catcrazylady
I collect fur! I have tons of it and I use it in different ways. I like to have at least two or three good size wads stuck on my clothing before I go to work. I especially like it when you turn on the ceiling fan and you make fur snow! It just falls from the sky! I am partial to the ones that collect in the corners and when you walk by they become little tumbleweeds just rolling across the floor. *sigh* http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif


01-20-2004, 06:50 PM
I have an old collection of beanie babies from when they were "in". I also collect anything cats, especially anything I can find with an aby on it. I also collect whiskers, I have a whisker box with tons of whiskers in it. I really should take a picture of it sometime...

Prairie Purrs
01-20-2004, 06:53 PM
Fountain pens (new and vintage), decks of tarot cards, and strange little wind-up toys (Nunzilla, the walking brain, and the rolling sushi are my favorites).

01-20-2004, 06:55 PM
I collect frogs - i've got a pretty impressive collection, from beautiful glass ones and rare ones to stuffed animals. I want to start collecting cats though. I just never thought to.


01-20-2004, 07:12 PM
Originally posted by neko1
. . . I also collect whiskers, I have a whisker box with tons of whiskers in it. I really should take a picture of it sometime...

If you mean the whiskers your cat sheds, I do the same thing!! Whenever I see one I pick it up and put it in a toothpick holder thingy. I also do the same with their claws, but they go in a little box . . . wonder what my problem is?! :eek: :rolleyes:

My husband and I were avid old toy collectors; everything from Fisher Price wooden pull toys to rubber sqeaky toys to 60's figural vinyl night lights to vinyl face stuffed animals from the 50's and 60's. Going to toy shows, yard sales and antique/flea markets was our focus on the weekends. If you are a collector it is so easy to get carried away on eBay because anything and everything is available there. We have gotten away from that hobby in part due to the shrinking space in our home! Our cats have taken over, and that is what is important to us.

My passive collections include Jem (1980's) and Furga Italian dolls, old ceramic lamb planters/figurines and Keane-style (sixties era) Big Eye prints, primarily of cats and dogs, but also have some children.

Within the past several years, if it not a cat, or cat related, I'm uninterested! ;)

01-21-2004, 06:24 AM
Yep that's what I meant! Gee I wonder what's wrong with me, too;) :p

01-21-2004, 06:30 AM
Originally posted by neko1
I also collect whiskers, I have a whisker box with tons of whiskers in it. I really should take a picture of it sometime...

OMG:eek: now that you've mentioned it, I do collect cat whiskers, too...I keep them in a fine bone china box...I never told anyone about it, because most people wouldn't understand...

This is really funny!!!

Are there even more cat whiskers collectors out there?!

01-21-2004, 04:15 PM


01-21-2004, 08:10 PM
Glad to learn I'm not the only one . . . Cat Whisker Collectors ~ UNITE! :cool: :D

Do you know how many you have in your collection??? I've never counted mine. Anyone have any black ones they want to trade for white???:rolleyes: :p