View Full Version : Gigi's first day in puppy class

01-19-2004, 04:44 PM
She got to meet 3 other dogs (incl the demo dog)... 1 is a mix (chihuahua, dauchand and something else), the other is a Shih Tzu and the demo dog is also a mix... a big white doggie. Gigi was quite easily distracted. I think most thing went ok EXCEPT she keep going to the person next to me to get his treat. :rolleyes: and she does not sit as well or give me those "fake sit" (though she seems to sit better when at home). We also learn "take it" and "gotcha". I guess we will have to practice A LOT .:o :o :o

Any idea?

Nicole, how about your puppies??? Do you have the same kind of difficulties?

01-19-2004, 04:48 PM
sounds like GIGI had a fun time :p.

i have never takin my dogs to puppy or dog class's befor, sorry i have no suggestions, other then to practise, practise, practise.

01-19-2004, 04:50 PM
Don't be discouraged! Sounds like a typical first day at puppy class to me!:D The nice part is there aren't too many puppies in the class! I'm sure it will be less stressful with each passing week. Good job, Gigi, keep up the good work!:)

01-19-2004, 05:13 PM
She would sit ok on the carpet, but not on the kitchen floor. :confused: :confused:

01-19-2004, 05:30 PM
It's cold and hard!;) Keep at it, you're doing great!:)

Miss Meow
01-19-2004, 06:09 PM
Hope you had fun!

Ours will do many, many things, including advanced algebra, brain surgery and cook a mean souffle if they see a treat. :) If there's no treat, they pretend I'm from a different planet and speaking a strange language they don't understand.

So if you are using treats, start weaning her from a treat for every sit or whatever, to every second one, every third one, and then randomly (if you can resist those eyes, that is :))

B&S know their names, come, sit, do a bit of a stay, walk well on lead, retrieve (Buffy does, Schnaggles waits for her and steals the ball ...). They aren't big on the drop - it's taking ages.

Last night we graduated from puppy school to obedience and we went for an excursion to the primary school to do some exercises. Well, it was our turn to go on a long lead and do some 'come' exercises when Buffy was distracted. She was great until a really cute guy rode past on his bike, and she wouldn't come and we both looked silly! On the way back she did a sit-down protest and wouldn't move, so the others had already gone and the guy comes back and sees me all by myself with my black and tan terror. I just said that we were the dunces!

Back to the topic, you can practice all the commands in different situations and with different distractions :)

01-19-2004, 06:15 PM
lol Gigi seemed to have fun there, she was a little greedy :o lol maybe his treat looked better :p

Jasper is going to basic commands classes, they start tomorrow night(every Tues night for 10 weeks) I hope things go okay! He already knows Sit, give both paws, lay down, and high five:o lol so I hope things will go alright!

Good luck with the puppy classes Gigi

01-19-2004, 06:48 PM
haha... Nicole, you got 2 very talented dogs right there! How do you train them to do retrieve? It's usually I throw a toy and *I* retreive. :o And I don't really know how much Gigi knows... I think all she can see/hear/smell/notice is the treat. And when it's cold outside she won't walk. So, I may start taking her out when the weather is warmer... Argh... too many questions...:o :o :o :o :o