View Full Version : Jim and Kim's story

01-19-2004, 09:54 AM
Many of you may remember how and why I adopted Jim and Kim, but I never really told "the story". So here goes:

My cat household was holding at a resonable number (11, hee hee). And I was not even considering adopting any new cats when my world came to a screaching halt. My best friend, the only true friend in my entire life, the one person whom you don't know if you could survive without, passed away suddenly. :( Her only instruction to me had always been to make SURE her 2 cats came to live with me in the event of her death, so I prepared to do just that. But it was not meant to be. :( Kim lived several states away from me and I only had her mom to help with with this cause (her father, HER best friend in the world, passed away earlier in that same year). Kim's mom promised to transport the cats back with her on her way back from seeing to Kim's affairs, but she did not.:( I was devestated!.. This made Kim's passing even harder to bear. How will she look down on me from heaven knowing that I did NOT care for her 2 beloved?
Independently of one another, Charlie and I both decided to adopt 2 cats in her memory. He wanted to adopt 2 cats that would look the most like Kim's own cats (and orange and a calico females). I on the other hand wanted to adopt a male and a female, related if possible, to name after Kim and her beloved father, Jim. (Kim missed him immensly, and I am not surprised that they died only months apart).
Who I found, were 3 kittens (about 6 to 7 months old) at an event. A long haired male, a long haired female and a short haired female. I first was attracted to the male (of course). He sat on my lap for what seemed like hours. Just as content as could be. My second choice was the long haired female but she was playing hard to get while at the same time the short haired female was BEGGING to get out. (and if you've never seen it, when little Kim begs......little Kim BEGS!) So out of the cage comes the short haired female only to join her brother on my lap for what seemed like a few MORE hours.
"UMMMMM.....Could someone get me an application???"

Welcome Jim and Kim

Thanks for listening.

01-19-2004, 11:52 AM
What a precious and special way to honor your friend, Jen, given that getting her two cats was out of the question. Thank you for sharing that very special story. :)

01-19-2004, 02:21 PM
Oh I knew that Jim and Kim were related to your dear friend but not in which way.

This is such a noble way of dealing with this terrible situation.
Kissies to Jim and Kim.

Laura's Babies
01-19-2004, 02:29 PM
What a wonderful idea and a great way to honor your friend. It is so sad that you were not able to keeo your promise but she will understand and apperciate what you did instead so as not to forget her or her Dad.. Great Way to go!!

01-19-2004, 02:56 PM
What a sweet story. Way to go begging, Kim ;)

PS. If you don't mind me asking what happened to your friends cats ???

01-19-2004, 03:08 PM
Jen, that is such a wonderful story! My heart just goes out to you. Losing a friend is bad enough, but then not getting to do what you wanted, abide her wishes must have been agonizing to you. But to name them after Kim and her dad Jim was the best honor you could have given her!

I am sure Kim is looking down from heaven and smiling, very happy to know how much you loved her, and seeing the circumstances that got in the way of taking her babies.

Wonderful story, Jen. Very heartwarming.:)


01-19-2004, 03:19 PM
What a beautiful but horribly sad story. I am glad that two other cats found loving homes. Did your friend's cats find loving home?

Someday I'd like to adopt either a female kitten (or puppy) and name it after my grandmom as she asked to me take her cats when she died (at the time I just couldn't.) So now I want to find a little one and name it after her too. Beware Jen, I'll check occasionally to see if any of your cats have her name and if it does, I'll take it as a sign that she needs to be adopted by me!

By the way - that was not a cry for another new critter any time soon. And no, I will not divulge my grandmom's name so that you can trick me into another one. LOL:)

01-19-2004, 05:19 PM
Originally posted by PayItForward
PS. If you don't mind me asking what happened to your friends cats ???
Happy AND sad ending.
Patches and Peaches were their names.
Patches was one of those special cases that could not be handled by anyone but Kim, but I never knew to what extent until the sad news came to me that Patches had been put to sleep by the SPCA when she was unmangeable by Kim's local friends. Kim's mom found out about it on her arrival at Kim's home (500 miles from OUR home).:( :(
Peaches stayed with one of Kim's local friends as Kim's mom did not wish to divulge this terrible news to me and she knew it would be easier to say she could not bring them home than to explain why one came and one did not.
It was out of our control because no one local to Kim could contact me to help them with the cats. They did not know.
I cried my heart out but I knew that Patches was at that vry moment reuniting with Kim and I even pictured Kim saying " How did you get here?" but being happy to be together.

Steffi N
01-19-2004, 05:50 PM
What a sweet thing to do in memory of your special friend. I am picturing little Kim irresitibly begging to come onto your lap. It is sad you were not able to adopt your friend's two cats. I am sorry to hear about Patches, and I hope Peaches is doing well.

01-19-2004, 06:57 PM
What a heartwarming story Jen. What an honor to have named your new kitties in memory of your best friend and her dad.
No other kitty begs like little Kim does. It is priceless.

I'm so sorry to hear about Patches. May he rest in Peace and I hope Peaches is happy in her new forever home.

01-20-2004, 03:51 AM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
Happy AND sad ending.
Patches and Peaches were their names.
Patches was one of those special cases that could not be handled by anyone but Kim ......

I cried my heart out but I knew that Patches was at that vry moment reuniting with Kim and I even pictured Kim saying " How did you get here?" but being happy to be together.

Patches was busting to go to the Bridge to join his meowmie, no one else would do...

Boy this is a sad yet beautiful story ... patches got to go to his meowmie, and in his stead Jim got a home!

Ally Cat's Mommy
01-20-2004, 05:34 AM
What a special tribute to your friend! I am in tears just reading this story. ((HUGS))

01-21-2004, 10:24 PM
I knew that I would get to these.

What a wonderful story, and a great tribute.

I am so sorry to hear about Patches.:(