View Full Version : Headaches

01-19-2004, 08:32 AM
I know we are all familier with headaches in some way shape or form... :) But something different is happening to me.

I've had a headache since Friday. I've tried just about every otc headache medicine you can think of and it hasn't helped.

It hurts the worst when I cough, sneeze, or sometimes laugh. Bending over and looking down makes it ache worse too. The pain seems to be centralized to my forehead/top of the head and stretches to my temples.

Is this a migraine? I'm just perplexed and I wish the pain would stop. :(

01-19-2004, 08:38 AM
Poor you. :( It must be awful! I don't get headaches very often, but if I've been busy for a while and try to stay awake, I get them. Do you get enough rest? I'd go and see a doctor.

Hope it'll go away! Good luck! :)

01-19-2004, 08:39 AM
Sounds like sinus to me. Get thee to a doctor!!! You may have a sinus infection and sinus headaches, from what I hear, are WORSE than some migraines.

01-19-2004, 08:46 AM
Originally posted by mugsy
Sounds like sinus to me. Get thee to a doctor!!! You may have a sinus infection and sinus headaches, from what I hear, are WORSE than some migraines.

Yep, that’s exactly what it is. I’ve suffered with those and migraines since I was a young teen. I can tell the difference. :( Nothing is worse than the pain of coughing or bending over! :eek: OUCH!

01-19-2004, 08:53 AM
Migraine Expert to the rescue! I suffer chronic migraines that can sometimes knock me out for days... what you describe is not a typical migraine. Migraines typically pick one side of your head (left or right) and then reach around. You have extreme light sensitivity, nausea, and sound sensivity. You didn't mention any of those symptoms. But you DID mention what DOES sound like a sinus infection! Go to your doctor so they can give you the antibiotics and painkilers you need. I had one last year and it was awful!

Sorry to hear you are going through this!

01-19-2004, 08:56 AM
Sounds like sinus problems to me too. My mom always called it a sinus cold.

I hope you get to feeling better.

01-19-2004, 09:03 AM
Gah! Stupid sinuses.... ;)

Thanks for the input guys. I'll call the doc and get my head examined. ;)

01-19-2004, 09:21 AM
Ow.I get headaches a lot.Its a big nuisance.I hope things get better for you once you see the doctor.

01-19-2004, 09:23 AM
For one whole year I have had the same problem.

If you go on the net and type in google...something about headaches when you cough....for can find information about them.

I have spent hundreds of dollars trying to get this under control, to no avail. My guess is that it will subside eventually. Stress is not so good for it either.

I will be going back for a physical again, next month and will re-address the problem.

If it is any consolation, my headaches aren't quite as bad as they were....but I still have them, especially when I cough.

I will let you know if I find any new answers.


01-19-2004, 09:33 AM
Thanks SAS. :) I've never had a headache last this long before and I've always been able to make them go away with Tylenol... but not this one. oiy.

Called the doctor and they are getting me in today! :)

I only work a half day today, so I'll let you all know how it goes tomorrow. :)

01-19-2004, 09:36 AM
For a "band-aid", you can try sinus medicine otc and see if that dulls it a bit....

But, you STILL need to go the doctor!! lol (geez do I sound like a mom or what?)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-19-2004, 10:19 AM
Kim, I'm so glad you made an appointment, and I hope it's only sinuses. As bad as they can be, they are minor compared to what happened to my best friend's sister a few years ago. She, like most of us, was familiar with headaches, so when she got a particularly bad one she thought nothing of it. It lasted a few days - like yours - and then one day it was so bad she couldn't stand it anymore. She had her boyfriend take her to the emergency room and they discovered that she had an aneurism that had burst. They immediately got her into surgery which she survived, but the next few days didn't go well at all, and....well...she didn't make it. :( She was only 31 years old. :( :(

So I don't mean to scare you, and it probably is just your sinuses, but any really bad headache that lasts for a few days definitely needs to be checked out. Had she gone to the doctor earlier, they might have discovered the aneurism before it burst, and she would have been fine and still alive today.

Please let us know what they say.

01-19-2004, 10:36 AM
Oh T&P's mom, that's so sad. :( A friend of our family lost their son to an aneurism. He was only 22 years old.

The thought of an aneurism did cross my mind, but I always thought of them as silent and deadly killers. :(

I'm hoping it's nothing more than sinuses...although my sinus area doesn't hurt. :\ And I don't feel sick. Bleah.

Maybe I'm just going kRaZi! ;) :D

01-19-2004, 11:03 AM
Originally posted by ramanth
although my sinus area doesn't hurt. :\ And I don't feel sick.

Oh, that's not uncommon. My sinus area doesn't always hurt and I very rarely feel sick. You probably don't have a sinus infection yet, but without medication to drain them out, you'll get one.

I almost never have nasal congestion either. I know it's bad when I go from the headache to total vertigo. That means it's moved into the sinuses by your ear and it's putting pressure on your inner ear. YUCKY! :eek:

01-19-2004, 11:08 AM
Get well soon!!!! I hope it is just a sinus infection.

By the way, if you ever get a migraine, try Excedrin Migraine. My mom, sister, and I all get TERRIBLE migraines that nothing else helps so we all swear by Excedrin Migraine.

Desert Arabian
01-19-2004, 03:56 PM
:( :( Poor Ramanth! :( :( I hope you feel better soon! Let us know what the doctor said!! :)

Last Friday, I was in the emergency room for 4 hours from a horrible migraine. They thought I was having a stroke cause I went numb and couldn't move...but it was just my darn head giving me a horrible migraine.


01-19-2004, 05:05 PM
I get frequent migraines
i have to take anti siezure medician to stop my head aches theyare so bad.

01-19-2004, 05:53 PM

i get mingranes alot mostly because i have epilepsy and early menopause they both are connected to migranes.

in fact i got one yesterday it hurt so bad that i could barely eat everytime i chew food it would hurt worse.i still have a bit of a headache but not as bad as yesterday,anyway i agree w/ the others get to the doctor .it sounds like a sinis heache to me also.hope you feel better,take care


01-19-2004, 05:58 PM
I'm so sorry you're going through that Kimmy. I went through one a few years ago along with an ear infection so bad it made my eardrums rupture. It's terrible. GET WELL SOON!

01-19-2004, 06:07 PM
This does sound like infected sinuses. Get thee to a Doctor.
Headaches that last and last should never be ignored. Even
if the pain eases a bit, please do get it checked out. Hope you're
feeling better soon. Let us know what the DR. says, o.k.?

01-19-2004, 07:33 PM
I'm sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well Kim. I think it sounds like a sinus infection too. I get bad ones every year & have to go to the dr and get medication.
Please let us know what he says.

01-19-2004, 07:42 PM
What did the Dr. say, Kim?

01-20-2004, 08:38 AM
Thanks for the thoughts everyone! :)

Yep.. it's a sinus infection in the early stages. There is fluid in em' that is not quite infected, but had it been left alone, it would of been nasty. :p :(

She perscribed me a decongestent (HORSE PILLS :eek: ) that I take twice a day. Already my head is feeling a bit better and now my nose is runny. :p

But if the headaches and symptoms get worse, then I have a perscription of amoxicillon on file that I can start taking.

(But I tell you what... I'm surprised my headache isn't worse after the morning I've had.... I couldn't find my keys.. :eek: :mad: ... and finally had to leave with my apartment unlocked. :( I got to work and called the apartment office and thankfully they are locking it up for me. My dad is making me a spare key with the copy they have... and after frantically calling Andy... the keys are in HIS coat pocket!! :eek: :eek: He feels so bad. :o

I'm just happy they are not lost for good. :) )

01-20-2004, 08:45 AM
Sorry you have a sinus infection, but glad it isn't something worse! Get well quick!

01-20-2004, 09:25 AM
I get headaches alot. Even the kind that you described but it was not a sinus infection. I had to have an MRI done and they found nothing so they put me on medication just for headaches I get them everyday all day long and trust it sucks:mad: but the pills really help! Hope you get to feeling better:D

01-20-2004, 09:35 AM
Good to hear that's what it was and they've given you something to help.
Hope you keep feeling better:D

01-20-2004, 09:39 AM
Hey Kim, if you find that you aren’t’ sleeping well, just take one pill a day in the morning. Sometimes the decongestants can keep you awake or only allow you to get restless sleep.

Glad it was only sinuses! :D I’ve had years worth of horse pills. :rolleyes: They work really well, though!

01-20-2004, 12:26 PM
Originally posted by micki76
Hey Kim, if you find that you aren’t’ sleeping well, just take one pill a day in the morning. Sometimes the decongestants can keep you awake or only allow you to get restless sleep.
Thanks for the input. I was so tired last night that I had no trouble sleeping, but if I start waking up to something other than kitty wrestling matches on the bed, I'll know not to take it before bed. :D

Glad it was only sinuses! :D I’ve had years worth of horse pills. :rolleyes: They work really well, though!
Thankfully I've never had a problem taking pills. I was just shocked at the sheer size! :D

01-20-2004, 01:04 PM
I'm so glad you know what is causing the problem now, Kimmy!

I am one of those self diagnosers, and usually can tell when the sinus infection is coming on. Thank goodness, my doctor trusts me as I have always been right, and will call something in for me when it happens. But recently we decided to try some preventive measures and I have been taking Singulair (I do not have Asthma), but my sinus issues are allergy related and I have only dipped into the over the counter sinus medication about 5 times in the previous two months!

This is more info than you need, but my BP has been up and we feel it is due to a number of things, including my use of Birth Control Pills, OTC sinus decongestants and lack of sleep. It is improving and I am proud to say that my intake of sinus medication (the OTC type) has decreased immensely!!! :)

01-20-2004, 01:24 PM
I know exactly how you feel. :( I've been getting a headache every day for the past three weeks. :(

Try going to the chiropractor. They can get rid of your headaches, not to mention relieve any cold/sinus problems you have.

01-20-2004, 01:39 PM

Glad to hear it's "only" your sinuses!! I thought that was what it sounded like to me, but I'm no doctor. I am a bit of a hypochondriac though, that's why I didn't post til you saw your doctor--I always assume the worst for myself:o

I hope you feel better soon!!!

01-20-2004, 02:33 PM
Glad to hear you got it sorted out, yes thats what I thought too, the old sinuses playing up, a course of antibiotics should hopefully do the trick. Hope you are feeling better soon!!!!!!:)

01-21-2004, 08:05 AM
I still don't feel any worse (ie, no added symptoms) but this morning I woke up and I feel like someone is driving an ice pick into my temples. :( :(

01-21-2004, 10:37 AM

Did your Doctor check your BP also ? When's the last time you
had a complete physical? It this pain continues, I'd be sure the
Dr. knows the severity of the pain. Please forgive me if I'm
sounding like a Mom here, but pain that seems to hang around
forever, really needs to be checked out. Hope you're feeling
better soon. Liz.

01-21-2004, 11:08 AM
She didn't check my BP this time, but it's always been low in the past. She checked my temperature, heart, lungs, eyes, nose, and ears and said they all looked good.

She did suggest that I take Advil too, so I'll do that tonight. If my head still hurts, I'm calling the doctor tomorrow.

01-21-2004, 11:31 AM
Ramanth, I get sinus headaches all the time. They used to get so bad I'd go to the ER because I would be throwing up from the pain. You know what works wonders for me? Advil Cold and Sinus. Honestly - it's a life saver. Everybody who's tried it is amazed by how well and how quickly it works.

You should try it if you get any more sinus headaches. It has to be the Advil kind, NOT the Tylenol cold and sinus.

01-21-2004, 01:15 PM
I have suffered from headaches since I was about 9 years old. We tried glasses. contacts, braces, retainers, and building things on my retainers to relieve pressure of my teeth in case I was grinding them. (which I wasn't)
So finally after all these years I finally saw my family doctor. (19 years- I am a bit of a self diagnoser especially since I went to Xray school!!!) :rolleyes:
And my dr said I have migraines. I knew I got headaches obviously but I never thought they were migraines b/c I hadn't been diagnosed nor am I usually light sensitive, nausaus, light headed or dizzy etc. So now my dr. has me on blood pressure medicine even tho I routinely am hypotensive, thinking that if he can lower the pressure in my head, it will reduce the headaches.
And has told me to take Aleve. He gave me some samples of Axert which really helps but it is EXPENSIVE!!! A co-worker told me that for 6 pills they were $98!!! :eek:
So I only take it when I get a reallllllyyyy bad one. Just a couple weeks ago, I had one so bad that I did throw up. :(
I hope you are feeling better Kimmy!!! ASAP!!
And I hope you get your keys from Andy!!! I bet he feels bad!! :p

01-21-2004, 02:02 PM
Wow, a lot of you suffer... :( *HUGS*

Originally posted by shais_mom
And I hope you get your keys from Andy!!! I bet he feels bad!! :p
Yep! Got my keys. And boy did he ever feel bad. He owes me. :D ;)

01-21-2004, 04:44 PM
Poor Kimmy. I am sorry it hasn't all cleared up yet, hope it does soon.