View Full Version : Snow In Wiesbaden

01-19-2004, 06:50 AM
Just for the record, I hate snow. I like to ski but do not like to live around it. It is messy and slippery. Guess it is because I grew up in a warm climate.

Anyhow, I woke up at 11:30 this morning and it was snowing! I was planning on taking Drake out to the park, but guess that didn't happen. We have at least over an inch and it is snowing pretty hard.I took Drake to do his potty, but we weren't out too long. Only 2 blocks over and 2 blocks down! Neither of us was liking it coz the snow was blowing in our face. It was very difficult not to slip coz Drake thought he was pulling a sled (but it was only me). He was pulling so hard in the direction of home!

I took a few pictures from a couple of our windows. I am sure I could have gotten some better ones from the street, but I am not crazy. I will only go out there if it is neccessary! These pictures aren't too bad seeing that I took them from inside through the windows!!






01-19-2004, 07:25 AM
I must admit I am a snow lover the more the merrier:D
Your pictures are very beautiful. It must be beautiful there in the summertime.

01-19-2004, 07:30 AM
Awsome Pictures, i love snow (not that it snows here).

And Drake you are a very wise boy getting your Mum home as quickly as possible out of the cold :)

Thankyou for sharing them.

01-19-2004, 08:09 AM
What a pretty street you live on Souraya. I too, LOVE snow. In fact it's snowing right now here too. Drake actually looks like he WANTS to go out....guess it looks better than it is to him huh? lol

01-19-2004, 08:40 AM
Drake, Kia thinks you're CRAZY! ;) :D She loves the snow.

Sorry you're plans got cancelled (going to the park). Hopefully it melts soon. For now, just hug up to Drake and keep warm!

Kona & Oreo's mom
01-19-2004, 09:36 AM
Those are beautiful pictures! At least the snow looks pretty, even if it is inconvenient to be outside in it. And Drake, you are so handsome!

01-19-2004, 09:49 AM
Souraya, don't get stir crazy waiting on that snow to stop! I don't blame you for not liking it though. One or two inches, once a year, suits me just fine, and as you know, many years we don't even get that around here!!!! :)

Stay warm and cozy!!


01-19-2004, 09:55 AM
Originally posted by ramanth
Drake, Kia thinks you're CRAZY! ;) :D She loves the snow.

Oh, Drake loves the snow. He loves playing in it. But it was pretty fierce outside and we could barely see anything for it blowing into our face.

Kona & Oreo's mom, yes it is beautiful, but I would rather be inside than in it. Don't mind looking. But Drake gets so messy when it snows and guess who has to clean him up?

The street I live in on is gorgeous. The whole city is! I bet it is very pretty in the summer as well. I will have to wait to tell you since we just moved here not too long ago and haven't experienced summer in Germany yet.

01-19-2004, 10:04 AM
I'm much more of a "snow-looker" than a "snow-liker" lol. Those pictures are gorgeous!

01-19-2004, 10:14 AM
Wonderful pics, the trees look gorgeous;)

I also have to admit that I adore snow (:p) and so does Alex!:D

01-19-2004, 10:20 AM
Originally posted by DoggiesAreTheBest
Oh, Drake loves the snow. He loves playing in it. But it was pretty fierce outside and we could barely see anything for it blowing into our face.
Oops! Kia and I apologize, Drake. :o :D I totally understand the difference between fierce cold and pretty/fun snow. :)

Fierce cold is no fun! :(

(btw, I agree... that is a very pretty street you live on.)

01-19-2004, 10:29 AM
Very cute photos :)

Some years ago I used to hate snow, actually I donīt know why, but now I like it :)

And 2days ago there in my town was huge snowstorm all night and when I woke up all was beautiful, but problem was that - it was very hard to drive car for place where it stayed (not for us, we have big car - jeep) and it was hard to walk, but I loved it anyway :D

01-31-2004, 10:52 AM
I don't know how I missed this. I am envious of anyone that has snow! It's so beautiful. I just miss it more after seeing it in January. Drake looks so cute standing up and looking out the window.