View Full Version : Peaches up date!

Aspen and Misty
01-18-2004, 07:56 PM
I have been careing for Peaches for 2 days now and it is a off and on process. She is active, is eating and drinking, which are all good. Her eyes aren't sucken in all the tiem any more, just every once and awhile. When they are I wipe them with cotton balls and all is good. We moved her cage into my room (it's warmer and has no drafts). Her heat lamp broke though so I am coming up with an emergency plan right now to heat up my room, she was so cold I had to bring down her basking lamp and shine it right on her really close. She eventually warmed up and so we moved her out in the living room and built a wamr fire that we are sitting close to right now. She took a nice warm bath today in her tupper ware bowl and that seemed to cheer her up (pictures following). Nothing like a nice long hot bath when your sick :D Now all we need is some cricket soup and she would be a very happy girl.

Well, here are some pictures of the sick girl in her bath tub.




Bet you've never seen a swiming Chameleon!

Thanx for all your thoughts, please keep them comeing :D


01-18-2004, 08:34 PM
aww thats so cute she's swimming! :D!

01-18-2004, 08:40 PM
Certainly looks like Peaches is being spoiled rotten, better watch out she will pretend to be sick just to keep her swimming pool!!

What a great mommy you are, babies are meant to be spoiled aren't they?


01-18-2004, 08:44 PM
aww very cute pics!!

01-18-2004, 09:53 PM
I'm glad to hear Peaches is making positive progress! :D I'll still be sending positive thoughts her way :)

01-18-2004, 10:08 PM
:D:D:D YAY!!! REX IS SO HAPPY!!! I never new you could give them a bath!!:eek: How warm is the water?? Should I try it with Rex??;)

01-18-2004, 10:40 PM
Because Peaches is doing so well I decided to make her something to feel even BETTER!!:D plus I have a really good Idea for a valentines sig! Ill make it and PM it to you;)


Aspen and Misty
01-19-2004, 03:53 PM
I LOVE IT!!!! Thank you SOOO much!!! :D :D :D

Yea, you can give rex a bath. She (vet) said some chameleons really like it. I put it on a warm. If you make ti to cold they will get really cold and to warm they can burn. So you have to get it just right!

Can't wait to see your valentine siggy!

Thanx for your well wishes everyone! Peaches ate all her crickets last night

Ashley :D

01-19-2004, 03:59 PM
Oh I love that sig, it is just beautiful! Don't Peaches look sweet!

Thats some good work!!

01-19-2004, 04:00 PM
awww she's so cute taking a bath! i'm glad she's feeling better!:D

01-21-2004, 04:23 PM
How is Peaches now?? Rexy sends his Luv!!:D

01-22-2004, 10:58 PM
Yeah how is she?

01-23-2004, 12:56 PM
Her heat lamp broke though so I am coming up with an emergency plan right now to heat up my room,

Can you use a heating pad under her cage or aquarium?

01-23-2004, 03:19 PM
sorry to answer the question;) But no your arentsupposed to use them because if it gets to hot it could burn there feet while hunting thats what they said at the petstore Ill read up on it more:D

Aspen and Misty
01-23-2004, 10:45 PM
Yea. We took a heater and heated my room to 98 degrees ::sweating:: It was sooo warm! But we bought a new lamp and now I can at least be in my room without dieing! Peaches is doing good. She's eating/hunting/drinking everything. Her eyes aren't crusted over and she is putting up more of a fight about her pills now. She will even bite the syringe everytime! LOL.


01-31-2004, 09:29 PM
THATS AWESOME!! ugh we are out of crickets so I had to feed Rex the dried ones but when ever I put the calcium supplement on them it slipped of so I dipped them in a little bit og water and it did the trick;) LOL YAY PEACHES!! Rex misses you lots!