View Full Version : Sparkey's Story

Laura's Babies
01-18-2004, 06:45 PM
Sparkey showed up at my daughters house one day and refused to move! He would not be ran off...PERIOD! He dicided that looked like a nice house and he wanted to stay so he did. He was scared of men and would not let my son-in-law get near him but he followed my grandson everywhere he went and would wait by the back door for him to come out. He was a well bahaved pooch and grew on them really fast. (My son-in-law always refused to let them have a dog and would run every dog off that came, this one would not leave!!!!) My daughter came up with the idea of having Curt be the only one to feed him and while he was eating, for Curt to talk to him in soft tones, working into petting him while he talked to him. Now, when Curt comes home, Sparkey runs to greet him and Dad has to give him belly scratches before he can do anything. He has been living in the home HE adopted for several years now and he is a absolutely wonderful dog. He is also a really beautiful, well behaved pet who has his own bed inside the house with a owner that use to think dogs did not belong inside!

Oh, and by the way. When the big house had new sidding put on it, Sparkey's house outside had new sidding put on his too!


01-18-2004, 06:50 PM
Sparkey is beautiful! Is he a Border Collie?

Welcome to Pet Talk! My name is Julie and I am owned by 2 dogs named Daisy (Golden Retriever) and Molly (Sable and White Rough Collie). I also have a Pied Cockatiel named Piper, a hamster named Neko, 2 cats named Angel and Dillian, and 6 Desert Tortoises. You can see Molly and Daisy in my signature. :)

Do you have any more pets? We would love to see pictures of them! :D

01-18-2004, 07:06 PM
Welcome to Pet Talk Laura and precious Sparkey!:) Dogs have such an amazing ability to teach us how to give and receive love. Your daughter's beautiful boy is a shining example of that! I think Sparkey came to stay because he had a very special job to do, showing your son in law what unconditional love is there for taking, all wrapped up in a furry package! What a great story!:) My name is Sandra and I'm owned by Star, a yellow Lab, Cody, a Husky X, 2 kitties Mr. B and Oliver and 2 guinea pigs, Moon and Rosie! Looking forward to hearing more about sweet Sparkey!:)

01-19-2004, 06:40 AM
Sparky is beautiful!!! I loved the story. I'm glad Sparky was so determined and changed dad's mind.

Robin :)

01-19-2004, 09:45 AM
Sparkey sure is a striking and beautiful pup, with an equally beautiful story! What a truly touching tale of determination, love, trust and patience. Like Sandra said, it is truly amazing how dogs can teach us about the giving and receiving of love. Thank you for sharing Sparkey's wonderful story!

01-19-2004, 10:00 AM
Spraky is a very cute pup. And your story was great! I am glad that Sparky was able to win your SIL over.

01-19-2004, 11:23 AM
Great story, Sparkey is beautiful. I hope to see more pictures soon! :D

01-22-2004, 04:10 PM
Wonderful story, and Sparkey is beautiful. :)