View Full Version : I'm feeling VERY VERY guilty right now :(

Rio and Me
01-18-2004, 02:30 PM
well about ? 2 days ago I cleaned out my Gerbil and Mouse (seperate cage's) I always do the gerbil first (dont know why), I put them in the ball thingy.
well i put the mouse in the ball second cleaned the cage etc, and dun dun der....... forgot to put him back in the cage, the next day i was looking in the cage and noticed he hadnt eaten and thought nothing of it, 2 days later i thought i havnt herd him or anything, looked through his cage and he wasnt there, I looked everywhere to see if he had gotten out, and started to worry searching around for him, looked under the bed and found the ball with a suspisous white object in it, it was my little mousey, i franticly opened it and he was still alive, a little thiner but alive, now he's back in his home with food and water.
I'm feeling like such a bad rodent owner right now. hes ok but thin, i just cant belive that i cleaned him out and forgot to put him back in there.
Ky and Rio

01-18-2004, 02:31 PM
Yikes! Extra fattening goodies for mister Mousie, pleese!

01-18-2004, 02:37 PM
mistakes like that happen you just have to remember not to forget about the lil mousy next time if that makes much sence ;)

01-18-2004, 03:12 PM
WOW! Now that is forgetful. I am glad the little mousie is OK. :)

01-18-2004, 05:37 PM
Originally posted by tikeyas_mom
mistakes like that happen you just have to remember not to forget about the lil mousy next time if that makes much sence ;)

Yeah - remember not to forget heheheheh.

Good thing mice can go so long without water.

I used to have nightmares that I had a baby and forgot about it and found it days later, all thin! You lived out my nighmare.

I feel for you - I'm sure that won't ever happen again. You'll probably be paranoid about stuff like that forever now.