View Full Version : Mason

10-28-2001, 08:04 AM
I was just reading the story, admiring Mason's beauty, and I was so upset by the time I finished :( . What an adventure, traveling on the plane, getting passed around the plane, etc. I'm so sorry that he got away from you like that in the end. I too hope that he is warmly curled up in someone's home. I had a similar thing happen to me once, and I have never gotten over it. But, we do have our memories, good ones, and that's what we have to dwell on.

Mason is an extra special Cat of the Day! :)

10-28-2001, 09:54 AM
How very, very sad that you have lost your devoted, loving, incredibly beautiful Mason. What wonderful adventures you and he shared. It is so very hard to imagine that in a second, he could be gone. I know how very deeply you must miss him. But you have paid Mason such beautiful homage by sharing his story, and your immeasureable love, with us. I too, pray that without a collar or tags to identify him, a caring family has taken him in and given him all the love and kindness he deserves. Congratulations to you Mason, our beautiful, and VERY missed and beloved Cat of the Day. Today we honor you sweet boy, wherever you are.

10-28-2001, 04:06 PM
Mason is such a beautiful cat! I am very sorry to hear that he was scared off and did not return. One of my cats (all of whom are indoor-only kitties), escaped out a window one afternoon. He had no coller or ID on because I THOUGHT it was not necessary. he was gone just a short time, maybe an hour- we were lucky to have found him. The very next day I went to Petsmart and got collers and ID for both my cats. It was lesson learned- you never know when they can just take off, and it happens soooo fast with cats! Mason obviously had a really good life, and a number of special years, so that is something you can feel good about! Congrats to Mason, our beautiful COTD!

4 feline house
10-28-2001, 05:58 PM
Mason's family, how my heart aches for you. Isn't it awful that the very hardest lessons you learn are the ones you can't do over again, this time the right way? It's hard to imagine why, if he was running back towards home, why he never made it. Thank you for sharing he beautiful picture and his wonderful story with us. What an honor to his memory.

On a lighter note, hi! neighbor to the south!

[ October 28, 2001: Message edited by: 4 feline house ]

10-28-2001, 06:08 PM
What a Beautiful kitty you are!!! I only
hope that you are safe,warm and loved
wherever you are!!!
To Mason's family,
I have 4 indoor only cats and know how
totally devastated I would feel should one
be lost as Mason was. I'm so sorry...

10-28-2001, 06:44 PM
To dear, handsome Mason ~ May you realize just how much your Mommy & Maggie are still missing you, and agonizing over your loss. :(

You are so loved and remembered by them that you have been honored as our gorgeous COTD. :)

Although you surely have been taken into a new home filled with love, I have a feeling that you, too, will always cherish and forever dream of those souls that adored you so!

Cougie Wechsler
10-28-2001, 07:18 PM
Oh how my heart hurts for you that your Mason is lost. I have faith that he is purring at the feet of some person who is very happy that this kitty is with them but I also know that Mason still thinks about you and his sister. So Mason, today we honor you as our gorgeous and deserving Cat of the Day. What adventures you have had in your life! God Bless you Mason!