View Full Version : What do you pray for?

01-17-2004, 03:34 PM
I took Deirdre to the vet yesterday because of her weight loss and just general not rightness.

I got some good and not so good news on her blood work. There is definitely something wrong with her. My vet really feels it is hypothyroidism. Even though she is a bit young she is about 8 years old so she is on the bottom edge. But we are hoping for that diagnosis since our only other alternative is probably cancer. She is slightly anemic and her weight went from 9 pounds at the beginning of Dec. to 7 lbs 13 oz yesterday. And that is still with her voracious appetite. She fits the profile of hypothyroidism pretty closely. Her symptoms really
fall in line with that diagnosis. In April we had done a full blood work up on her and back then her T4 levels came back normal but that can happen. So her blood is being sent to Michigan State for a full thyroid panel so we can get a better diagnosis.

Her other blood levels of calcium and such don't show any possibilities of cancer, however, they use prednisone to keep
cancer at bay and it masks the blood symptoms of cancer. She has been on pred for about a year and a half because of her chewing her hair off. So there is a bad and a good about that. If it is cancer then we have been keeping it in better check...however...we have also masked the symptoms so
we don't know it. The only indicator may be that one of her kidneys is slightly enlarged. But all her kidney values came back great so she isn't in any failure. And hyperthyroidism can cause some heart and kidney problems until the thyroid tissues are killed off.

The good news if it is the thyroid is that it is easily treatable and she can still go on to lead a happy life. The bad news in that is that the best treatment for it is a radioactive injection that targets and kills all thyroid tissue no matter where it is in the body. It is a pretty safe procedure for the cat...however you are making the cat radioactive for a while. So the treatment can only be done at certain facilities and requires a hospital stay. Our vet said it was a 3-5 day stay. However, what I have read so far says it is more like a week to 4 week stay. The cat has to
remain in a lead lined cage during that time with minimal exposure till the radioactive levels decrease to a safe level. But it is a cure...not just a treatment like oral medication it. But it is also at least 1200 dollars. Surgery is also an option but it can lead to some severe complications like death. That is pretty severe huh?

I am having a bit of a time processing all of this. It will be a while till I have the blood results back. I don't know what to hope for. It seems insane to hope for the hypothyroidism....our vet is certainly keeping her fingers crossed for that. But on the other hand if it is cancer it is probably a death sentence. What I really want is for there to be nothing...but that isn't going to happen because with the anemia and weight loss there is certainly a chronic illness going on. But she is my baby...the thought of
having to send her away to Baltimore or Pittsburgh for a week or more to stay in a lead lined cage with strangers just breaks my heart. But if it means her survival I will do it....but it still breaks my heart. Thank god I have Brian who doesn't even blink at spending 1200 to save the life of a cat.

I would be asking for prayers but I don't know what to pray for. I thought I was dealing with this better than I am.


01-17-2004, 03:55 PM
We will pray for you and Deirdre at this very difficult time.

I know this sounds rough but what will be, will be. :(

But waiting for results is always the hardest part.

What ever happens.....know that we are here to listen to you, with a shoulder to cry on.

Love Jenny

01-17-2004, 03:58 PM
Pray for what is best for your kitty. I know it is difficult to leave it in God's hands ... but He certainly knows best! ;)

01-17-2004, 05:09 PM
Cancer doesn't always mean an immediate death sentence. I've just returned from seeing my friend's kitty Luba and she is doing great. She has cancer of the gall bladder and after sir jury and removal the vet said the cancer will return but we don't know when. It could be years down the road.

It's a terrible situation you are in and I'm not sure what I would do. All I can offer up is my support and prayers. Let's pray that it's something very treatable.

01-17-2004, 06:40 PM
I am so sorry to hear that Deirdre is having problems. The waiting to find out what it is does not help either.

I know that the price seems alot, but are babies are worth it. If it does end up that she has to go away for a time, just remember that it is for the best. Although I know that it is hard.

I will be praying for te best outcome Deirdre and comfort for you.

I also like to her that you have a partner that has the same love for your babies. I think that is has to do with being named Brian We tend to be good people, even if he does spell it a little funny.;)


01-18-2004, 01:02 AM
I'm so sorry to hear that Deirdre is having health problems.:( Hopefully everything will turn out fine in the end and whatever is found is easily treatable. Prayers and positive thoughts are being sent your way.

01-18-2004, 05:48 AM
We can pray for an answer. And for you and Dierdre to get through this.

Laura's Babies
01-18-2004, 04:58 PM
It is so hard when when of our babies are sick. I will pray for acceptance for you and whatever He decides is best for your baby. The people here will be here to support you, no matter what the outcome, but we will pray for the best outcome possiable!

01-18-2004, 08:56 PM
I'm so sorry for the anguish you and your darling are going through right now . . . prayers and [[HUGS]] to you both and keep the faith that all will turn out well.:)

01-23-2004, 08:00 PM
Thank you all for your prayers and good wishes. I still haven't heard anything yet on the blood work. Deirdre is enjoying the extra food and goodies she is getting. Although she is becoming a bit finicky. Or else she is just getting tired of browned hamburger..;) The other night we went to KFC/Taco Bell for dinner, I was just too tired to cook, Deirdre loves chicken so I purchased a single original recipe breast to take home for her. The young man working there said I could wait till we were done with our dinners before picking up the peice of chicken so it would stay warm. I chuckled and said it wouldn't matter to my cat...that I was buying it for her since she was ill and losing weight. When I got home not only was the chicken breast in the box but there was also some boneless chicken fingers. I almost cried just from the sweet gesture from a teenager.

Deirdre is doing ok so far...her gums are still very pale...but some days she has just tons of energy and enjoys playing with Katie...chasing each other around the house like two little maniacs. Other evenings she is just grumpy and spends the evening snarling at everyone. But she is allowed. :)

I will keep everyone updated when I get some more news. My hubby took some wonderful pictures with his regular camera. Once we get them scanned I will post them.


01-23-2004, 08:52 PM
I an suprised that you have not heard anything on the blood work yet. You would think that 5 days would be enough. Oh well.

I am happy to hear that she is eating, if Bob did that He would plump up like a ballon.

That was very nice of the young man at KFC.:)

Still keeping Deirdre and you in my prayers.

Take care of yourselves.

01-24-2004, 05:36 AM
Poor sweet kitty. :( I am sorry she is still not well. But what a wonderful thing the the KFC guy to do :). Gives me a little faith back about humans.

01-24-2004, 02:26 PM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
Poor sweet kitty. :( I am sorry she is still not well. But what a wonderful thing the the KFC guy to do :). Gives me a little faith back about humans.


Prayers and positive thoughts for Deirdre.

01-25-2004, 09:52 PM
Bless you Deirdre, I hope you will be feeling better soon.

Julie Grove
01-27-2004, 10:45 AM
I know how you are feeling right now because I went through it all so much with my little Gigi last year. The tests and the waiting for the results are just so terrible and I just pray it is not cancer.