View Full Version : Catmandu Sends Thanks

01-17-2004, 08:17 AM
"Please pass 0n to my fellow Pet Talkers , my thanks for thier friendship and concern.There is a new procedure that is , although not guaranteed , is a good bet to save the Toe.And that is all I can ask for. Please pray for my Cats , so they dont miss me too much. Gary , Cats and Angels!"

Catmandu asked me to share this with you.

01-17-2004, 08:44 AM
He has, maybe for just a little bit, use of a computer so check it out! He needs the PetTalk prayer line open and running (I happen to know it really does work) so let's get going! Blessings to you Doug, keep the spirit high! :cool:

01-17-2004, 08:55 AM
Prayers coming from me Max and Speckles. You're right Laurie, they really do work.:)

01-17-2004, 09:49 AM
I will definitely keep him and the kitties in my prayers.

01-17-2004, 09:59 AM
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers, Gary and sending you all the strength and support I can muster. And we'll be sayig special prayers for the kittie clan too! Love, Sandra, kitties Mr. B and Oliver and the entire furfamily.

01-17-2004, 10:01 AM
Catmandu posted in Cat General, check it out!

Prayers continue for Gary and the Found Cats!

01-17-2004, 10:59 AM
Sending you prayers me, Grover and Stubby. Hope you get well real soon and get back here to Pet Talk!


01-17-2004, 05:03 PM
All of us kitties in PA are praying for the head Canadian inn keeper and his cats.
Get better quickly the found cats will hold your spot for you.

01-17-2004, 09:16 PM
Catmandu, I hope you know we all love you here at Pet Talk and hope you get better soon. We are blessed to know you.
Your kitties wants you to get well, and take better care of their Daddy.

01-17-2004, 10:18 PM
Is our sweet Gary from Canada? I never looked to see where he was from! I just know he is so sweet and that picture you posted of him Jen showed me what a sweet guy he is.

I will try not to slap myself in the head over this! Hehehe:D , it gives me such headaches, lol.

But back to our sweet Gary, yes sweet Gary you. Like these two wonderful women said, Jen and Ann, I wholeheartedly agree, for you to please take care of you first, and then you will be able to get back to those beautiful Kitties that love you so much.


01-17-2004, 10:27 PM

Yes, he's from Ontario and being a fellow Canuck, I feel the need to call him a brother :) :) I'm praying so hard for him right now because he's so special.

Cinder & Smoke
01-17-2004, 10:45 PM
Here's Our Gary ("Catmandu") >>


[i]Photo circa 2003,
From the "Self Portraits" thread in Cat General.

Hope you FEEL BETTER - SOON, Gary!! ;)

/s/ Phred

01-17-2004, 10:53 PM
I just think he is adorable, I love Gary's sweet face! He has just gotta get better soon!

Phred, you got to get those prayer pup on the job, I know you guys are working overtime on the prayer line for Gary. Its just that your prayers are so very effective!

01-17-2004, 11:12 PM
Gary, sunny seen your picture and got up in my lapp and touched his nose to your picture! Sunny must be trying to send you a message of his love to you. I have never seen him do that before!
He gets in my lapp all the time. But I have never seen him put his nose on the moniter before. He never pays attention to cat pictures or anything on the computer! He sure did give your picture a nose kiss!:)http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid99/pa0128ec3e06f86191ad785bb5e454e49/f9e9b145.jpg.thumb.jpg