View Full Version : Welcome Homer!

01-16-2004, 11:22 PM
:D Whoo hoo, finally I got to invite someone I actually like! :D

Welcome to Pet Talk. Don't worry, we LOVE pictures, so blab away and post as much as you want. Tell us all about your pets. I would tell you all about mine, but well, you already know who they are. :p

You WILL become addicted in no time flat, and become a blabbermouth just like the rest of us. Go ahead and give Loree (I spelled it right!) the link here ok? ;)


01-16-2004, 11:24 PM
Hey Homer! Let's start again shall we? I'm really not a man hater, I swear! I have a nice husband and everything. He just doesn't get my animal obsession. :rolleyes:

01-16-2004, 11:31 PM
Originally posted by micki76
Hey Homer! Let's start again shall we? I'm really not a man hater, I swear! I have a nice husband and everything. He just doesn't get my animal obsession. :rolleyes:

I hear ya Mickster! Dan would do anything for the cats, he's obsessed with them? I just found a new pic of Dan and Ewok when Ewok was actually still tiny (hard to believe now!) and I was going to upload it for Kim to use on her site. :)

Now come in here Homer! Where did you go? I know you're out there. ;)

01-16-2004, 11:56 PM
Welcome to Pet Talk Homer! Of course you have talked to me too. Micki and I were busy fitting our boots into our mouth, when you happened upon us! Yikes! Sorry about that!

I like men too, honest I do!

I have, well they are in my sig, not the men, the pets I own. I don't have any rats or anything like that. I think I would only want one from Cass, because she spoils her rats really rotten. I don't think anybody close to where I live does that.

Anyhoo, Welcome to Pet Talk!!:)

01-17-2004, 12:22 AM
I am going to bed ladies.

But thanks for the welcome. I'll try to get my site access straightened out (ASK ME ABOUT C.R.S. SYNDROME) this weekend so I can post pictures inside the messages here. And how do you do those rotating pix, tray? And, what do I call you?

I bet Micki is, well, MICKI! Doh!

Night to all. BE GOOD! If you can't be good...


01-17-2004, 12:25 AM
Do you want me to make you an animated avitar and a signature? I have all the software here for that if you want, just ask! ;)

01-17-2004, 12:33 AM
Just about everybody calls me Willie, so you may call me Willie.

Cass has you covered on the sigs and avatars. Cass they are fun to do aren't they? I am still working on getting them right. LOL.


01-17-2004, 12:36 AM
They sure are. And this will get me motivated to make a new one for me, sig anyway. I am trying to take pics of all the rats so I can finally add everyone to my site. I added Fred's page today, whoo hoo!

Jim, I just now realized why you chose Homer. DUH! That is too funny. Everyone, he lives in Springfield and works at a Power Plant! That is just too funny. I almost fell out of my chair when I realized that. Sure took me long enough. :rolleyes:

01-17-2004, 12:45 AM
*Slaps self on side of the head, must remember to take somthing for headache* My god, I didn't think of that at all! And I read his profile! That a great user name!

Well I have suddenly went blank...could I be watching to much banana??;) or just slapping myself silly?


01-17-2004, 10:36 AM
No other welcomes for our newest member? :confused:

01-17-2004, 10:56 AM
Welcome to Pet Talk Homer :D

I take it you are Cass's buddy ?!?

What an impressive list of pets

Two cats, three dogs, three horses, four rats (from Cassie's brood), and a Parrot. Oi! And the fish DON'T FORGET THE FISH!

I can't wait for photos...Though you are going to be in demand in the cat and dog and pets section....

The Cat section is best (j/k), so I think we deserve kitty photos FIRST before you post the dogs, rats, parrots and I daren't forget the fish photos :D

01-17-2004, 10:58 AM
Welcome to PetTalk, Glad to meet you! :D

I have two dogs, two cats, two Cockatiels, and seven bull frogs.

Your friend Ann