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01-16-2004, 10:29 PM


:D :D :D

I'm amazed after all these weeks we found what we belive to be the brother of the other guy my dog found. He's really scared right now and his (maybe) brother is a little scared of him too.

Hiding on top of my Iguana's cage.

Turns out he was coming into the yard at night and eating the left over cat food, I leave out for the strays.

01-16-2004, 10:32 PM
How precious they BOTH are! Just give them some time. They'll come around.

Uh, I also believe that THIS beautiful kitty is a girl! She's so sweet looking.


Have you come up with any names yet??

01-16-2004, 10:32 PM
So CUTE!!!!

What are you going to do with these two cuties??? Add to the Fox-Gal family?

01-16-2004, 10:45 PM
How can you resist faces like that.:)

They are two sweet looking babies.

Donna little boys can be sweet looking too.:p

01-16-2004, 10:53 PM
moosmom, no belive it or not they are both boy's and I know how rare that is for the cali. I keep checking, thinking that maybe I'm wrong, but he is all boy, no questions about it.

jazzcat, no names, I'm set on not naming them because they will have to leave me soon. :( I just can't take on any more cats.

I went to the pet store the other day, to get ChiChi some food and was talking to the owner there about my find. He offered to take them in for me, but I just don't know about giving them to a pet store. I know I have to do something though, they need a good LOVING home.

I don't know what I'm going to do, I'm so confused about it. The pet store is a so so idea, The H.S. is a awful idea, me keeping them is out of the question and me finding people that want cats anymore is almost impossable.

I'm think i'll move to the city if this keeps up.....no more strays drop off. I can't take it any more.

Laura's Babies
01-17-2004, 12:12 AM
OMG! They are tooooo darn sweet! I would have to keep them long enough to spoil them before I let the go anywhere!

01-17-2004, 12:22 AM
Are you sure he's a boy? Can you take a pic of his "parts" for me? I wouldn't sell him to a petshop. They would just exploit them, or sell him for money. Could you form some sort of train? If you could test them for FIV/FELV I would be happy to take one. I really like the Orangie as he reminds me of my old cat Orangie. :D

01-17-2004, 12:37 AM
Originally posted by luckies4me
Are you sure he's a boy? Can you take a pic of his "parts" for me? I wouldn't sell him to a petshop. They would just exploit them, or sell him for money. Could you form some sort of train? If you could test them for FIV/FELV I would be happy to take one. I really like the Orangie as he reminds me of my old cat Orangie. :D

Oh I'm sure he is a boy, very much a boy. :eek:

I agree I hate the pet store idea also even though I know this guy very well and he wont sell them he just offered to find them homes for me. He did say he would perfer that the people bought at least $15/20 of items from him, he said that way he knows the kittens are starting off right.

I'd going to have them tested before I give them away, that is the only right thing to do. I'd love to give you the orange guy, but how am I going to get him to Oregon, thats a long drive. But if you are coming down to Florida, I'll hold on to him for you. :D :D

01-17-2004, 12:39 AM
Maybe we can form a cat train? Anyone willing to take a vacation? :D

He's SOOO cute! :D

01-17-2004, 12:41 AM
Plus I told myself the next one would be a rescue/feral......well they all are, but that Orangie is special. He reminds me so much of Orangie. :( I want him! :D

01-17-2004, 12:57 AM
Well I want the other little guy, he is so cute. That is supposed to be very rare for a calico to be a male isn't it? That alone would make me want that little miracle of a find! Wouldn't he go good with Grover?:)

01-17-2004, 02:09 AM
Fox-gal, a calico boy...WOW...that's one in a million...how amazing!!! What a gorgeous find!!!
But it's the orangie who really touches my heart...he looks like my Nellie must have looked when she was a baby (okay except being a boy, of course;) )...when we got her from the shelter she was about one year old and I always wondered what she has looked like when she was tiny...now I know!!!

Thanks so much for sharing the pictures...it will be hard to give them away, I suppose...if you change your mind about naming them please consider "Nelson" for the orange boy...teehee:D:D :D

And trayi52, I think the calico boy (still can't believe it! WOW!!!) would be wonderful with Grover!!!

01-17-2004, 05:35 AM
I burst into tears reading this thread. Mainly because you guys are so great to pull togehter for two little stray kittens so they wouldnt' have to endure the pet shop.

Thanks guys you are all the best :D

01-17-2004, 05:44 AM
They are both beautiful.

01-17-2004, 07:48 AM
The Orangie DOES look like Nellie! What a couple of cutie boys... you shouldn't have to much trouble finding homes for them in your area! Who could resist those faces?

Steffi N
01-17-2004, 08:02 AM
They are both so cute and precious.

01-17-2004, 09:17 AM
Oh how adorable they both are!!!!:)

01-17-2004, 09:45 AM
Oh Foxgal!!!!
They are Beautiful!!!!!!!
You are TOO Close for Comfort!!!!!!!
John would killme if I got anothet pet...But hes' in Vegas for a week....HMMMMMM...Think he'd notice???;)
They are Just Wonderful!!!!!!!!
If you get in a bind let me know...Their is a Great organization in Jensen Beach that Just found a home for a Beautiful White kitty I found in one of our merchandise trucks!!!:eek:
They are No-Kill!!!!
There is also a group in Jupiter...I think it is called Just For Cats...or something like that...they are Excellent....You can find all the No Kill organizations on petfinder.org.....theres' alot of them for Kitties around here....

Do you really think John would Notice?????
They Are So Precious!!!!!
I could Never decide between the two!!!!;)

Felicia's Mom
01-17-2004, 09:45 AM
They are both so cute.:D :D

01-17-2004, 09:59 AM
What cutie pies they both are.

01-17-2004, 10:03 AM
You guys can do it!! Or maybe organize a rescue railroad. From Florida to Oregon and Tennessee - that's not that far!!! On another pet board I frequent, a sweet little stray kitten got adopted from one member in the northeastern US to another - would you believe - in Italy!!!

And maybe I'm a little nuts, but I drove all the way from Cincinnati to Atlanta to adopt my darling little white American Eskimo dog. I saw her picture on Petfinder.com and ended up taking a little road trip to get her!

Good luck! (PS - I've got an orange kitty too, and I think your little one is absolutely adorable!)

01-17-2004, 10:20 AM
Originally posted by Dog1,Cats2
And maybe I'm a little nuts, but I drove all the way from Cincinnati to Atlanta to adopt my darling little white American Eskimo dog. I saw her picture on Petfinder.com and ended up taking a little road trip to get her!

Sascha is a honey. Welcome to Pet Talk :D When do we get to see your kitties ?

One of our poster Aly sent one of her foster cats from USA to Canada :eek:

The further I ever travelled to adopt a pet was when we collected Sandy (Orangie in my Signature) was 53 Miles each way. I know it does not sound very far but in England that is a very long way to go to adopt a cat. :D :D :D

01-17-2004, 10:56 AM
Originally posted by trayi52
Well I want the other little guy, he is so cute. That is supposed to be very rare for a calico to be a male isn't it? That alone would make me want that little miracle of a find! Wouldn't he go good with Grover?:)

Actually they really aren't that rare. When I was in 5th grade our cat Wacko had a male calico kitten, who was sold to our local pet shop, along with my bunny. :( He was snatched up FAST!

You guys can do it!! Or maybe organize a rescue railroad. From Florida to Oregon and Tennessee - that's not that far!!! On another pet board I frequent, a sweet little stray kitten got adopted from one member in the northeastern US to another - would you believe - in Italy!!!

I know! All you other people BACK OFF, I had first dibbs, and I am serious about it. He looks like my Rainbow Bridge Orangie and I wanted him first. After losing Mystic I think I deserve to chose my next kitten.

And he ALREADY has a name, it's Orangie. :D

01-17-2004, 11:01 AM
They are both adorable.:) :)

01-17-2004, 11:10 AM
I agree, Cass gets first dibbs on Orangie. Thats one way to heal a broken heart, put Orangie in the broken part and let it seal up the break!!


01-17-2004, 01:34 PM
I agree luckies4me should get first dibbs on the orange guy if we can figure out how to get him to her.

If not watch out delidog, you are only an hour away from me, so I might just show up one day kitten in hand. ;) ;) You know once you saw the little guy, you break down and want him. lol don't worry i'm just kidding
But thanks for the offer to help if I get in a bind with them. I'll e-mail you if I need any help, thanks.

The more I think about it the male calico is going to be a problem for me to find a home for. I just worry that someone might take him for the wrong reason, because he is male and not just for the love. You know how people can be. I'm honestly thinking of not telling people that his a male. Then I wont have that question in the back of my mind of whats the real reason they want him.

Look at this guy, I have to make sure he gets a great home.

01-17-2004, 01:42 PM
BTW: I woke up to this site this morning. I think they are starting to make friends. :D

Dog1,Cats2, I travel that far too for that cute guy. I feel in love with her as soon as I saw that picture. She a cutie.

01-17-2004, 01:46 PM
They are both soooooooo precious! Yes, I think they may remember eachother??? :) Oh, I do hope that the transport will work out! Either way, these babies WILL have loving homes, thanks to wonderful PT people!!! :D

01-17-2004, 02:00 PM
What could they want him for, aren't the male calicos sterile? Cass do you know if they are sterile? I would think all anybody could do is make a sweet pet out of him and neuter him, I think! I really don't know that much about the torties and the calicos! Never been able to undestand that rarity before. I thought Grover was a boy for a long time, and then we kept looking, I swore she was a girl and my daughter said a boy. She had never been wrong. So I thought yeap Grover is a boy! She wasn't...Anyway I got her spayed, when I thought I would be saving money on it being a neuter job instead. LOL! So I am definitely not and expert.

I wish there was a way to get Orangie to Cass! It would make her feel so much better after losing her Mystic. And the fact that she has fell in love with Orangie and done named it.:(


01-17-2004, 04:19 PM
I have no idea if they are sterile, i'd like to find that out too.

I have been told that some people have paid almost $1000 for a male, now if that is true or not I don't know. I just know my friend at the pet shop rub his fingers toghter when I said male!!! Then told me "don't worry I won't go for the bucks" "Good homes only" Who know? But thats what got me thinking maybe I should just not say anything about him being male, find a good person and then surprize. :eek: you got a male!

01-17-2004, 04:23 PM
It is funny...my vet and I were just talking about male calico/torties. They are relatively rare..roughly a half of a percent of them. They are sterile but the most interesting thing is they are often hermaphrodites. They have both male and female sexual organs. You just can't see the female ones and the organs might never mature enough to cause them to go into season. My vet just neutered a male calico last week and she has the owners watching out for signs of going into heat just in case.


01-17-2004, 04:26 PM
Have you thought about keeping him yourself? I know you have a lot to take care of. But at least you know what your intentions would be and that would be love, love, love!

There has to be a way for that boy to get a good home, and not just because of the big bucks out it. Oh well I am just hoping for a good home for him. I don't want to see somebody get him just to hang in a frame and say 'look at my masterpiece'. He needs lots of love.

Fox-gal, you will think of something, I know you will!


01-17-2004, 04:31 PM
Denyce, I have heard that too. I believe it was Stella, rpcathouse, that was telling me that. Amoore was also telling me that too! I had forgotten that until you mentioned it. That was in a thread about tortie cats. I can't remember the name of the thread though, like everything else, I forgot.


01-17-2004, 04:55 PM
Well after what Denyce just said I think I will be calling my vet tomorrow and find out everything I can about male calico's.

If everything you say is true and I belive you might be right, I will be thinking real hard about just keeping him with me. It sounds like he might need a little more care then most and I have a bad habit of not trusting in others, caring for a special pet. Long talk with the husband coming up soon. :rolleyes:

You know this would put me at 11 cats!!! Way over what I ever said I have. Thank goodness my vet gives me cuts rates. :) and is willing to come out to the house. You know how many trips I'd make back and forth to the vet if he wasn't so kind. 11cats, 8 dogs and maybe a new puppy on her way and me with a 2 seater car. :eek: :eek: Time for a mini-van. :( :mad: lol

Life is an adventure. :D

01-17-2004, 05:22 PM
Sounds like its' time for a MommyMobile!!!!!
Also sounds like ...Long Talk W/Husband is heading in the right direction......
Once you have 11.....what difference does 12 Make????
Have you used this one before?????

Good Luck!!!!
I know that you will give him a Wonderful Home!!!!!
I know,I'mSt;) ill Only an Hour Away!!!!;) :)

I Totally agree w/ you, I Never would want an animal to go to a home as a Novelty Item......I don't Need to say Any More!!!!

01-17-2004, 05:46 PM

I think you should keep them both. They can grow up together
and keep each other company.:D If you can afford it finiancially,
I'd keep them together. Think of all the pics you would be able
to show us as they grow. :D Really, they couldn't ask for a better
place to get the love & care they need.

p.s. What's this about a puppy on the way? :)

01-17-2004, 05:59 PM
Wow some more cuties for me to go gaga over, the little calico really takes my eye he/she is adorable, both of them are.
I hope you can keep the cali fox-gal, and Cass I sure hope you can arrange transport to get orangie, you deserve that kitty. GO FOR IT GIRL!!!!!!!!:)

01-17-2004, 08:07 PM
Wow fox-gal, that sounds really great! Remember to tell hubby that Cali, as Carole called him, is a little special kitty and needs extra loving care.

That is a real winner of a vet, that comes to your house and gives discounts. Not many of those out there at all. Are there anymore out there?

Now if a human chain to Oregon can be formed to get Orangie to Cass, something like hands across America!


01-17-2004, 08:34 PM
OMG! How cute! I've been craving a kitty lately. Actually, I've been craving anything small and cute...I have baby/kitty/puppy fever. lol.

01-18-2004, 01:42 AM
They're both so adorable.:D I'm also a big orangie lover so hopefully you'll keep posting many more pictures of them.:) I'm sure they'll both get great loving homes.

01-18-2004, 12:12 PM
I'm in the process of forming a train. FoxGal, what city are you in? You can PM me or call me. If you want my number I can email or PM it to you. I think this might work! :D

01-18-2004, 12:17 PM
Cass that would be great! I hope you get this train going! Orangie will be so happy when he gets to you! Gee I was just wondering if they allow carry on kitties on airplanes or do they have to ride in the cargo hole???

I know somebody that is flying to California.

01-18-2004, 12:26 PM
Oh, these cute little faces! :)
It would be so nice if some Pet Talkers could give them a new home! :)

And I think Denyce is right, I've heard the same....

and bisi.cat: I bet Nellie has looked the same as a kitten!!! :)


01-18-2004, 12:39 PM

Yes, they allow cats on airplanes. One pet per flight. They have to fit in an approved carrier that fits under the plane seat. We got a cool looking carrier at the pet store, looks like a piece of luggage with mesh sides and a shoulder strap. My mom took a cat that I rescued last year back with her to her house in El Paso. The airline cost was $75.00 for the cat!

01-18-2004, 12:45 PM
Originally posted by trayi52
Cass that would be great! I hope you get this train going! Orangie will be so happy when he gets to you! Gee I was just wondering if they allow carry on kitties on airplanes or do they have to ride in the cargo hole???

I know somebody that is flying to California.

Where do they live? My family is in California! AND I am supposed to go there soon. Even so I have a lot of friends in California and I am SURE even some people here would volunteer, right? hehe :p

01-18-2004, 12:55 PM
I am not sure what part he is going to yet, he is flying out there to see his mother who is driving truck for a company on strike, one of those strike jobs.

He is my son-in-law to be, so I will find out if he would do it and where he is going. LOL, he may kill me, but it sounds like a good idea if I can talk that boy into it. I am not exactly sure when he is leaving. He wanted to take my daughter with him. I cried about that.


01-18-2004, 12:58 PM
Originally posted by trayi52
I am not exactly sure when he is leaving. He wanted to take my daughter with him. I cried about that.


LOL. I can just imagine how I am going to be when Dylan gets older. Dan wanted him to stay at his moms tonight to sleep over with Mason, Dylan's cousin, and I was like, NO WAY! LOL Dan wanted us to have some time alone. But how could I focus on us when my baby boy is at someone else's house for the whole night? I told him we have to wait. He just barely turned two! :eek:

01-18-2004, 01:04 PM
Oh it is so hard Cass, Lindsey is getting married I think in May 2005, and I can already feel the house getting so empty!

I will try and find out if I can talk this guy into doing me a favor, he says he hates to leave Lindsey, so I think if he is leaving it will be at the beginning of next week! So I will keep my fingers crossed.

It is hard to let the little ones go and spend the night if you have never done it before. But Cass, everybody deserves a break, and you do work awful hard.


01-18-2004, 01:31 PM
*sigh*, I know. Well before you plan anything let me speak to Dan. I am trying to talk him into it. He wants to wait until we are moved out, which isn't for another month. :( However, I CAN be patient lol. :p And I really want to go to Florida. I want to see Busch Gardens. :D

01-18-2004, 01:46 PM
I went to Busch Gardens about 17 years ago, they had free beer in these little cups. Little cups, I kept going back for free beer!! LOL. I loved that place! Great vacation place. I do hope you get to visit there.

Willie(lover of free beer)

01-18-2004, 02:04 PM
Originally posted by trayi52
I went to Busch Gardens about 17 years ago, they had free beer in these little cups. Little cups, I kept going back for free beer!! LOL. I loved that place! Great vacation place. I do hope you get to visit there.

Willie(lover of free beer)

LOL! You really know how to make me laugh. I am looking in the paper right now for a house! :D :D :D

01-18-2004, 11:29 PM
Originally posted by delidog
I know,I'mSt;) ill Only an Hour Away!!!!;) :)

Is that a hint? :) lol

01-18-2004, 11:36 PM
Originally posted by trayi52
Wow fox-gal, that sounds really great! Remember to tell hubby that Cali, as Carole called him, is a little special kitty and needs extra loving care.

That is a real winner of a vet, that comes to your house and gives discounts. Not many of those out there at all. Are there anymore out there?


Thats just what I plan on telling him. :D Special kitty, special love.

As for my vet coming to the house, I cared for his grandsons for years in my day care, so I think that helped. ;)

Honsetly he is a good man from what I know there are 3 of us that he does this for, one woman has over 40 rescue pets that she took in, me and another woman out of town.

01-18-2004, 11:40 PM
Originally posted by Dog1,Cats2

Yes, they allow cats on airplanes. One pet per flight. They have to fit in an approved carrier that fits under the plane seat. We got a cool looking carrier at the pet store, looks like a piece of luggage with mesh sides and a shoulder strap. My mom took a cat that I rescued last year back with her to her house in El Paso. The airline cost was $75.00 for the cat!

I didn't know that, last time I asked about it they told me that they couldn't because others on the plane may have allergies to cats. Maybe it just different airlines.

01-19-2004, 12:18 AM
Hey Fox-Gal, got something I want you to see. This is one of my husbands first loves! Do you know what kind it is? Maybe your hubby knows, I sure don't!

01-19-2004, 03:45 AM
What super cute kittens!! :)

I was just talking with my vet about male calicos and she said the same thing, they are usually hermaphradites if they aren't female. She also agreed that they would be sterile.

Anyway...they sure are special. I'm so glad you're there for them. Congrats to whoever ends up taking them. :)

01-19-2004, 08:41 AM
I like the calico, but the orangie has really appealed to my heart! His paws are big, just like Pichu's when he came to live with us :)

01-19-2004, 09:28 AM
I don't know where these babies are going to end up but I am for sure that it is going to be a very loving home!!
Those two babies are just as cute as they come! Those little round faces are more than kissable! I'm in love with them both and would snatch them up in a minute.http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif
Good luck guys and I hope you get everything worked out. I am just glad that it is sounding like we might get lucky enough to at least get pictures of these two growing up!:D :D http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

01-19-2004, 12:02 PM
Originally posted by trayi52
Hey Fox-Gal, got something I want you to see. This is one of my husbands first loves! Do you know what kind it is? Maybe your hubby knows, I sure don't!

Well I know it's a quail.:D The only quails we know are bobwhite and pharaoh and it doesn't relly look like them. See what you did now I going to have to do a search just to find out. lol

01-19-2004, 12:07 PM
Oh man those are cuties, I just want to bundle them up and carry them around with me! You are kind to take care of them. I'm sure they will come to trust you with time. I look forward to seeing more pics! :D

01-19-2004, 12:12 PM
LOL, that is funny! Jimmy got some eggs from a friend of his, and hatched out a lot of different featherd friends, ducks, chickens and quail. This was the only one that hatched out, the rest were just the pharohs! So it got me to wondering where did that one little egg come from? Thats the one I was telling you I thought about stealing and sneaking into the house!!

I thought he/ she whatever it is was so beautiful! Well maybe you'll find out what kind it is!

Thanks for letting me post it in your kitty thread! Now back to those adorable finds of yours, after this brief commercial on a quail!!!


01-19-2004, 01:56 PM
We found a few places, actually went to look at some last night and they are beautiful! Nice HUGE yards for Lucy, oh and Dylan too. hehe :p So lets just see what happens. We should be moved by the beginning of February :D

01-19-2004, 04:04 PM
Originally posted by delidog
I know,I'mSt ill Only an Hour Away!!!!


Is that a hint? lol

No Dear...Not a Hint....Just a Fact!!!;) :)
How did Chat w/hubbie Go?????
Does Calli have a Perm. home?????
Will Orangie be going to Oregon????
It:) 'd be great if they are both taken care of!!!!! As I know they both Will be!!!!!

Please keep us posted!!!
Maggie says Hi!!

01-19-2004, 04:07 PM
luckies4me, I hope you find just the right house. Beginning of Feb. is not that long away, lots of packing to do, hope you're ready. That the one things I always hated about moving, packing.:mad: Of course it is a good time to clean out/get rid of a lot of unwanted stuff you forget about over the years.

If you ever make it to Florida, let me know, I love Busch Gardens. hint lol I just love to watch the tigers every time I go. Tiger and monkeys, put me near them and I happy. :)

trayi52, I'm still working on that Quail, no luck so far. I starting to think it's a cross breed or something. :confused: Lets just give it our own name. LOL

01-19-2004, 04:11 PM
Almost forgot, I called the vet today and he says the same thing about the male cali as everyone here. So i'm going to do some hard thinking about him and his needs. So for now he is off the adoption list. :D