View Full Version : Lily acting very strange today!

01-16-2004, 08:12 AM
I'm a bit confused now! :eek:

Once or twice a day, Lily is getting her "moments" in which she storms around, from one room into a another, and she cries and complains. It always seems to me her adrenaline level is too high in these moments and she just has to run and climb. Thought it was a kitten thing.

But this morning it's been strange. We had or usual feeding ritual which means the girls were in the kitchen with me while I was preparing their breakfast, then I took their bowls to the cat room and first placed Luna's to her feeding station and then Lily's. This morning, something must have startled Lily when she walked to her bowl. Seemed to me she slipped on the floor because it was still wet (had to clean the floor because Luna had pooped onto it :eek:.)

However, Lily ran away, literally "flew" through the entire place, and after a while, I heard very weird sounds. It's been a mixture of howling and growling, very loud and eery, she sounded more like a dog or some wild animal; I thought she had lost her mind (even though I don't think she was aggressive that moment, she never is). But it's been strange, and even Luna left her food to look what's going on. When I talked to Lily, she calmed down and now she's her old self again.

Has anyone's cat ever done something like this? It's the first time I heard such strange sounds coming from a feline. :eek:


01-16-2004, 08:22 AM
The growl you were describing comes from Allen everytime I put the poor guy in the car. Could it be their "scared out of their minds" meow? Sounds like poor Lily had a real good scare. As for the meow and dash, Pouncer does that too. He'll be downstairs with this very loud insistant meow... I'll go see what's wrong and he hides. I've come to figure out its his way of calling Allen for a game of tag.:rolleyes:

Pouncer will fly through the house as if he's got a rocket attached to his back. Zoom, zoom here and there. A meow or two in the process (especially if you are in his zooming way.) And if nobody's paying attention to his zooming, then he cries and complains too - as if to say, "Come play with me, watch me be cute and energetic."

Our two little ones truly are a lot alike!

01-16-2004, 08:54 AM
Jack will tear through the house growling and meowing every evening just as we are trying to get to sleep. I'm not sure why they do it. He'll even try to climb the side of the door by jumping up and trying to grab it w/ his claws and then slides down. He's a crazy kitty at night.

01-16-2004, 08:55 AM
Tigger does the same thing all the time. It's like she has these spurts of energy where she will run through the house. Up the stairs, down the stairs, down to the basement, up to the 3rd floor, the whole time making these really weird noises. Her ears are back like she is ready for take off.

Then she will come to a complete stop, look at you and then go flying around the house again only to hang upside down from the door frame.....which of course makes my husband go crazy...she has managed to ruin the wood trim around all of the doors.

If you could only see this because it always seems like she does this at a time when everybody else is tired....then we have 4 sets of airplane ears looking around like they just saw a ghost run through the house....I wish I could capture the look on their faces but I never seem to have the digital handy when she does this.

01-16-2004, 09:10 AM
When one of my kitties do this, I just say they "got a wild hair"....hehe!!! :D

01-16-2004, 09:11 AM
Originally posted by Lerah021399
Jack will tear through the house growling and meowing every evening just as we are trying to get to sleep. I'm not sure why they do it. He'll even try to climb the side of the door by jumping up and trying to grab it w/ his claws and then slides down. He's a crazy kitty at night.

Thank GOD! I thought my cats were the only weirdos that did this trick!

It sounds normal to me. Sometimes there is a strange smell, or feeling, that they can't internalize, and kitties go crazy. I guess with all my cats, I am just used to it. Tex does this the most. The 'howl' he makes is eerie...Consider it a kitty tantrum.

01-16-2004, 01:28 PM
Good to hear Lily doesn't seem to be the only one that freaks out from time to time!

I was thinking now that maybe it caused her some pain when she slipped on the wet floor, and that drove her crazy.

catnapper, it's amazing how much Pouncer and Lily seem to have in common! :)
