View Full Version : It's Ripley's Gotcha Day!

01-16-2004, 07:49 AM
It's hard to believe that it has only been one year since Ripley came to live with us. He has been a little joy and blended in immediately into his new family of one rather large white curly sister :D and two felines. I will never forget the first day I saw him at the shelter. He was a big matted furball, skinny and badly in need of a bath and a haircut. He had been brought in the night before as a stray and all that he was wearing was one of those old white flea collars around his neck. I have thought of his first family often in this past year and will always be puzzled as to how he came to wind up in such dire straits. I know I was meant to be at the shelter that day because I was able to be the first one to fill out an application on him and he became mine after the 7 day waiting period. In his honor I want to post a few pictures, which some of you may have already seen before, but it sort of tells his story. :) The vet had estimated him to be about 3 years old, so today we are celebrating his "4th" birthday. Ripley we love you!
This is his shelter picture.
The girls at the shelter had shaved him down to the skin to remove his mats and here is how he looked when we brought him home.
Here is is playing with Little Duckie that his Auntie Rachel (mom of Hannah and Tucker) sent him shortly after his arrival. :)
Sporting his new NASCAR jacket bought for him by my son. :)

More to come...

01-16-2004, 07:54 AM
Sharing a smell with Big Sis Bella. :)
Enjoying a greenie. Greenies and baby carrots are his very favorite treats. :)
And the last one. This is a favorite of mine, taken by my daughter. When I pulled the hair away from his face, that day at the shelter, so I could see his little eyes, I melted. I think you can see why. :)
Ripley ~ Happy Gotcha Day to you little one and thank you for coming into my life. :)

01-16-2004, 08:22 AM
I think Ripley is even more happy that you came into his life. I think he knows that you are the one that rescued him from what must have been a not so nice life and he is gonna live everyday thanking you...as you can tell, since his every waking moment is trying to jump into your lap!!

When my mom leaves the house to go out somewhere, Ripley waits in the window sill all day, until he sees her car pull up...(Bella does too)...

I am sure he became so attached to you, b/c he is so thankful for giving him the best life he could ever ask for!

Little Rippy, glad you came into our lives!!

01-16-2004, 08:31 AM
Happy Gotcha Day to Ripley and Pam!!!!! :D :D :D What a joyous occasion to celebrate, Pam. And the pictures of "then and now" are just marvelous! I'm with Robyn, Ripley is very glad that you saw him and "got" him!!!! :D :D :D

We love you Ripley!!!! :D

01-16-2004, 08:38 AM
What a happy day for Ripley and you! I really wish I had remembered the day I got Duke. I had no idea how much he'd come to mean to me. Have a very special day today.

01-16-2004, 08:45 AM
Oh Pam, I remember when you got Ripley! He seemed to just blend into your family there and it seemed like no one missed a beat. I also remember that first pic, and when I see it again now I’m reminded how much he needed you. :)

Congrats to both of you

01-16-2004, 09:28 AM

Ripley is a beauty. You are so lucky you found him and Ripley is even luckier! Congrats to you both, Pam!

Robin :)

01-16-2004, 09:33 AM
Oh Pam! Your lil Ripley is just the most adorable guy ever!! He sure has come along way from when you got him at the shelter. He even looks happier that he did in the first few pictures!!

Happy Gotcha Day to you both!

Kona & Oreo's mom
01-16-2004, 09:52 AM
Happy Gotcha Day, Ripley!!!

01-16-2004, 09:54 AM
Are you kidding me???? Its been a YEAR already? Oh my! It seems like yesterday!!!!!!!!!!

Your love has turned a little neglected dog into a beautiful, happy, bouncey boy. The pictures bring tears to my eyes.

Happy Gotcha Day Ripley!

01-16-2004, 09:58 AM
What a happy day that was Pam, the day sweet, precious Ripley came into your (and our) lives!:D:D:D I remember how excited you were that day, Pam. And just look at those adorable then and now pictures! I can hardly believe it's been one year!:) I know he's far surpassed your greatest expectations; what a wonderful addition to the family he has become! And we all know howmuch he loves YOU!!! We love you Ripster!:) Happy 4th Birthday to Ripley! Love, Auntie Sandra!:)

01-16-2004, 10:25 AM
Happy gotcha day not only to dear adorable Ripley but also to Pam! Surely a joyous occasion for both of you :) Those eyes sure make my heart melt. He looked SO cute in his pic of when you first brought him home.

Now he is such the little trooper that he runs to tell Mom when the gate is open and Bella has gone exploring! ;)

What a good boy! CONGRATS to BOTH of you!

01-16-2004, 10:26 AM
Happy Gotcha Day Ripley!! What a handsome boy you turned out to be. :D It's great to see that you're a Bobby Labonte fan. ;) :D

01-16-2004, 03:10 PM
:) Happy Gotcha Day Gorgeous Ripley!!:D

01-17-2004, 11:46 PM
Ahem! I have bragging rights that I got to hold and hug and kiss this precious, special little adorable boy! Pam brought him to the Pa PT meeting in the spring! Attached to Pam? I was holding him when she went in to ladies room and I thought he'd jump out of my arms to follow her!!! He never took his eyes off the door! And when she returned, his little tail was flipping! And he leaped right back into Pam's loving arms!

Pam, I can't believe it's been a whole year! I think of him as being with you always! Happy Gotcha Day Ripster and Pam! It was meant to be!!!

01-18-2004, 07:36 AM
It's been a year already??????!!!

Wow, Ripley you have come so far, and I think you have found the most perfect home on the face of this earth. Congratulations to you and your Mom, Pam!! :D

01-18-2004, 07:38 AM
Karen I remember that day so well! Here is a picture that will show you sort of what Karen is talking about. My little boy got so many kisses from Auntie Karen that I had to blow his hair dry when I got home! :D :D hehe!


Hope there is a Pet Talk PA in 2004!

01-18-2004, 08:10 AM
Wow Pam, I can't belive that it's already been a year! It seem like just yesterday that you were telling us about Ripley:D

Ripley Dude, you've really wormed your way in to your family's heart and the hearts of us here at PT! I hope that you had a wonderful day boy!

01-18-2004, 08:20 AM
Happy Gotcha Day Ripley!!! You've come a long way baby!!!

Still love that Bobby Labonte jacket! I need to get pictures of my dogs in their new Tony Stewart bandanas!!!

01-18-2004, 08:39 AM
Happy Gotcha day Ripley! You two were really meant for eachother and I'm so glad he found a good home with you. Have a good day, Ripley. It's already obvious you'll be spoiled rotten. :D ;)

01-18-2004, 09:29 AM
happy gotcha ripley!

01-18-2004, 10:11 AM
Happy Gotcha Day Ripley!!!!!

What a joy you are to have around, so your mommy tells us--I know she is right too--one look in those beautiful eyes tells all!!!

Pam, you are so lucky to have found such a wonderful companion in Ripley:)

Please give him a ton of kisses from me (and some for beautiful Bella too!!!)

01-18-2004, 10:20 AM
Pictures paint a thousand words:

Day one - looking unsure but slightly hopeful

Day 365 - looking happy, relaxed, and confident:

Happy Gotcha Day Ripley

01-18-2004, 12:59 PM
Oh my goodness, I almost missed this special thread for Ripley.

RIPLEY! A very happy Gotcha Day 4th brithday...
Rocky and Sheba want to know if you will
share the greenies. ;)

HUGS (((^..^)))

01-18-2004, 09:02 PM
Awwwww! Has it been a year already? Wow time flies!

Pam you know I love your pups! Happy Gotcha day Ripley! Cute pics, too!:)