View Full Version : Fister wants his posts back!

01-16-2004, 07:17 AM
Originally posted by Cataholic
Originally posted by jonza
PS: I'll never make pillar now, 5 of my posts have been deleted!

Well, Jonza, if you wouldn't be so STINGY(and lets hope that translates...he he) with Fister stories, you might even eventually break 200! Now, get on with your posting!

OK, OK, I know what STINGY means! I'll wrack my brains, scratch my head, cuddle the cat and see what the orange gentleman can come up with. It's a bit difficult finding the time nowadays I'm afraid, and he can be sort of "awkward" if you know what I mean. He's also a bit put out that anyone would dare delete anything at all concerning His Royal Highness without his express permission.
Meantime here's a recap on the sort of things Fister and his chums got up to while galavanting around on Luts' holiday threads. Having put a bit of time into it I think it (together with a lot of posts from other Pet Talkers) is worth more than a summary deletion.

I was having a little private chat with Fister, and it seems that he has a DEVIOUS PLAN! He is dreaming of sneaking out with all his friends, hiring a private jet, and taking a little trip to the sun. As far as I can understand from what he says, it will look something like this:


One of the things I particularly like about Pet Talk is that some of the threads seem to get a life of their own and rocket off in all sorts of unexpected directions. They're often the best ones.
You didn't have to close that thread Karen it was getting to be FUN! ;)

Remember - laughter is the greatest medicine in existence. And it's natural, environmentally friendly, non-toxic and FREE! :D :D :D

PS: We've got copies of the thread including all the juicy stuff, if anyone wants to see it, they can PM us. This is of course X-rated and not for public consumption. All applications will be carefully checked out for authenticity. (Hope that's alright with Karen!).

01-16-2004, 07:24 AM
I'm sort of out of the loop here, but Butter says that if you're taking a trip, he wants to be on that plane!!!!! :)

01-16-2004, 07:37 AM
Fister chartered a plane for him and his buddies--what a great guy!!!!!!

01-16-2004, 08:06 AM
Oh Butter, now Fister is tempted to do it again!! :eek: This time to another destination, as long it's a sunny one. :D It's getting a bit nippy for his taste here. He also says, that since his humans had such a great holiday - and he was left with about 10 unknown cats, he deverves it!! He misses his mates from PT!

Lets see if anyone else wants to join. :)

01-16-2004, 08:11 AM
I was going from time to time back to these threads and having fun at the kitties, at us, being so childish (in the very good way). Those were some of the best stories we wrote, when dear Gabe and Grammy Crackers were still here, when Juni and Filou just fell in love and when other kitties doscovered the world - Paris, Europe... This picture and some others were the ones that I will miss the most.

John, if you have copies of this thread, I want it.

01-16-2004, 08:14 AM
Originally posted by Randi

Lets see if anyone else wants to join. :)

Juni's for it with all her four paws. Since Pichu is still a kitten (can you believe it by his size???), if he promises to be a good kitten and listen to Juni, we might think about him going too. This would be his first trip out of Moldova.

01-16-2004, 08:18 AM
That seems so long ago! Now I remember that Phred finally got the Klam Juz out of his fridge and onto the plane. Is that when Edwina procured her french beret? I must be having a "blonde moment", having trouble remembering all the details. I just remember laughing out loud at the adventures and pictures.

01-16-2004, 09:01 AM
Well, well, well, if you look closely at Fister and his pals on their private Lear...you will notice who is missing- The Tuxedos! This surely must be some underhanded plot to leave out the United Cats of America!

Why, why, why must it be so political! The States just want to have fun (and are secretly planning on sending only Monte, to get that black thing out of our hair!)

01-16-2004, 09:03 AM
Sunny wants to go. :D

01-16-2004, 09:32 AM
Oh, I have missed that picture and the travel story when it first has been posted.

What a sweet photo! :) I think I see Fister in it and Edwina, Maya and Inka... and is that Juni in the background and Filou sitting next to Fister?


01-16-2004, 09:38 AM
That is such a cute picture! All the pretty kitties!:D

01-16-2004, 09:44 AM
Not all of these threads were started by persons who delete them now:

Cats on the train (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=19862&highlight=Vermontcat)

Filou and Tigris still talk a lot about their journeys and about the parties. Filou especially as he is one with a stable international partnership.

I still think Tigris suffers a little as he couldn't conquer Miss Edwina's heart.

01-16-2004, 09:47 AM
That is just too cute! I love it.

Edwina's Secretary
01-16-2004, 10:05 AM
Thank you Barbara! I was worried the train had departed (in more ways than one ;) ) I was going to look for it today and there it is.

I'm so happy! That and Jonza's airplane --- what fun!

01-16-2004, 10:09 AM
Originally posted by Kirsten
I think I see Fister in it and Edwina, Maya and Inka... and is that Juni in the background and Filou sitting next to Fister?

Originally posted by Cataholic
Well, well, well, if you look closely at Fister and his pals on their private Lear...you will notice who is missing- The Tuxedos! This surely must be some underhanded plot to leave out the United Cats of America!
Why, why, why must it be so political!

Alright already, let's not get all political about this, the cats were more or less chosen at random, or their pictures were easily obtainable. (Notice I didn't say pics). Fister would never DREAM of discriminating against any breed, type or race. As he told me only recently, some of his best friends are Tuxedos. So there! :D

01-16-2004, 10:23 AM
While john is working away - see above! :rolleyes: - I had a little chat with Fister. Now he's all hooked on going on a fishing trip. :eek: I do agree that could fun, BUT what about all the kitties who get seasick. :confused: He says: well, we'll have to invite kitties who don't!!

Then, there's the decision on WHERE to go! I suggested it could be Canada. Of course, they'd all have to fly there first, but I'm sure such well travelled cats can cope with the arrangements. ;) They did SO well last time!!

I can picture them sitting on a fishingboat with their "little" paws strecthed out for all the goodies in the sea! So everybody, put it on hold with the nail clipping!!:D

In case any of them should fall in, we should have Cinder & Smoke ready to go get them back in safety! They are marvelous swimmers! ;)

01-16-2004, 10:26 AM
Oh Filou and Tigris would love to go fishing.

I forgot who it was on Cat General who killed all the fishies from the aquarium? He should absolutely come.

Filou asked: can we catch Tuna too???

01-16-2004, 10:29 AM
Unless we wait until spring it will have to be ice fishing :D sub-zero temps are not kitty friendly :rolleyes:

01-16-2004, 10:30 AM
Accoring to my almanac...Canda is COLD right now, bitterly so.
I think my guys want to go somewhere very far south...like Mexico? Plus, my girls have some very daring swimwear they would like to exhibit!

01-16-2004, 10:32 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by jonza

[b]Remember - laughter is the greatest medicine in existence. And it's natural, environmentally friendly, non-toxic and FREE! :D :D :D

Oh Jonza you have it exactly correct. The only thing that I would add is that it is especially good for the soul.

Another trip? Well Rascal wants to be included in this one for sure. In fact, right now, he is digging furiously in his litter box looking for his passport. Why he buried it in there beats me.

He needs a break away from Annie and Emma - he is good to them, but they do drive him crazy.

He said he thought it would be great to just hang out with Fister for a while and share some war stories.

01-16-2004, 10:35 AM
Joxer would love to go on a fishing trip. He'd love to get away from miss grumpy pants (Jan) for a few days and bond with some of the guys.

Edwina's Secretary
01-16-2004, 10:36 AM
Ever the vagabond, Edwina always has her backpack ready to go. However...when she heard fishing, rough winter waters.... she thinks maybe she should send Eddie instead????????

I'm a little worried her motives aren't too pure!


01-16-2004, 10:37 AM
lol, aww thats too cute :X

01-16-2004, 10:38 AM
I TOLD Fister to check the weather there first, but he wouldn't listen!! :rolleyes: Now, he says he thinks it will be too cold there to really enjoy it, so .... he's open to suggestions. :D

I'd definately choose Carribbean or Thailand at this time of year!! :)

Rascal, Fister would delighted if you could come! What a pair you'd be!! :eek:

Joxer, he'd love to meet you too - and Edwina, he's head over heels to see you're packed and ready to go, you sweetheart! Could you please convince Eddie to come along too!! PLEASE!!! Time to go shopping for his rucksack!! ;)

Felicia's Mom
01-16-2004, 10:46 AM
Felicia and Beau say: "Don't forget us!"

Edwina's Secretary
01-16-2004, 10:53 AM
I heard strange noises downstairs...look what I found.....


Edwina is teaching Eddie how to fish!

01-16-2004, 11:07 AM
Looks like they might be wanting to go fishing? or are they trying to hide the fishing poles or are they fighting over the fishing pole?

Grover is thinking about going, just never can tell about that girl, though she does want to try mountain climbing. I'm not sure what she would think about a fish, she has never seen one!


01-16-2004, 11:47 AM
Awww, Fister is honoured that you're thinking of joining too, Felicia and Beau! :)

Edwina, you are just the sweetest girl, teaching Eddie how to fish. When he gets the grip of it (I think he alreday has), you can help him choose a stylish rucksack. And he'll surely protect you on the fishing trip! ;)

You two are getting REAL close - it's a joy to see!! :D Edwina, will you give Eddie a BIG kiss from Fister's mom - she is absolutely smitten with him!! She fell in love the moment she saw him!!

Grover, you think about it, and report back when you've asked your mommy whether you can go or not! I can assure you that fish are yummy! ;)

01-16-2004, 11:54 AM
Tigris sez he wants to be in the same boat as Fister and Rascal. He asks whether girls are admitted at all and if they are he recommends a different boat.

The Caribbean is fine for him. He'll bring his pirate hat


Edwina's Secretary
01-16-2004, 11:57 AM
Edwina sez..."what's the matter Tigris??? Afraid we will catch more fish than you????"

01-16-2004, 11:59 AM
Sunny and Loverboy says they are ready to go. :D

01-16-2004, 11:59 AM
Fister was sleeping through most of this, and when he got up I accidently managed to give him a terrific thump on the head with the TV remote. So he's not too happy just at the moment. :(
But he did manage to groan one comment:

Canada?? - you must be joking! I'd love a vacation with all my Pet Talk chums, but come on - Canada? I mean really. Now if somebody suggested Thailand or somewhere like that I might be tempted … :cool:


01-16-2004, 12:02 PM
Well THIS ought to be interesting... the girls vs the guys on a fishing trip :eek:

01-16-2004, 12:03 PM
Oh, Jonza, that is so dear..............just look at Fister!

How do you do it?

01-16-2004, 12:05 PM
Tigris, being one of the most beautiful boys here, you're certainly welcome on our boat - we wouldn't have it any other way!!

Fister says, he'll have to think about girls/boys on different boats - I say, YES, it's probably a good idea!! Just like how I had it in school. Never harmed me! :rolleyes:

Edwina, I think you've got a point there .... girls are better!!

I once caught 2cod!! :D The guys in the boat couldn't even take the "thingy" out of mouth. :rolleyes: Wimps!!

01-16-2004, 12:07 PM
I can see why the people are at the other end of the boat, they sure don't want big guy like that mad at them!! Look how the boat is tilted to the back of the boat!! Whew!! Cat heavy!


01-16-2004, 12:07 PM
Say, since this is posted in General and not in the Cats section, does that mean that pets other than kitties are welcome on the fishing trip?

01-16-2004, 12:19 PM
How do you do it? That is such a cute picture!:D

Cinder & Smoke
01-16-2004, 12:28 PM
Boots suggests that Down Under Place ~
Austrailia?? isin't it??

An he wants a Fishin Hat like the E's have >>

Iz KLAM :eek: Juze any gud fur Fishin??
I kuld bring a kuppla jugz a dat stuff along...?

/s/ Boots, da Kat ;)

Edwina's Secretary
01-16-2004, 12:36 PM
And Edwina was all ready for Canada and some ice fishing!


01-16-2004, 12:37 PM
Originally posted by Cataholic
Accoring to my almanac...Canda is COLD right now, bitterly so.

That reminds me of a thread posted earlier, about almanacs and communists. You're not really one of them in disguise are you? :cool:

I mean, you might like a glass of wine once in a while, but you never know … :rolleyes:

01-16-2004, 01:01 PM
ah HA! So that's why Cataholic always orders vodka when she stops by Thursdays. A closet commie :eek: :D ;)
I wouldn't mind having a topper like Winnie's ice fishing hat. On a day like this it would sure help keep me warm.

01-16-2004, 01:03 PM
The only thing I know that I am is a Catmunist!

01-16-2004, 01:12 PM
Me too Cataholic!! ;)

01-16-2004, 01:53 PM
OMG you guys, this has struck me so funny that I'm sitting her with tears pouring down my face. I forgot about the communist with almanacs - I saw that post. LOL!!!

01-16-2004, 02:22 PM
Well, it surely is tempting to get my house emptied of all of the furry creatures.....even if it is just for a few days. I will teach them all to fish, if necessary. Maybe they could learn to play cricket? or tennis? or to play horse shoes.....or throw darts.... what other events will be taking place? I don't want my guys to be at a disadvantage if they decide to take the trip and meet up with Fister et al!

Please let us know of the final destination!


The inmates at Camp Vermont!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-16-2004, 02:26 PM
Originally posted by jonza
Alright already, let's not get all political about this, the cats were more or less chosen at random, or their pictures were easily obtainable.

Johanna, you may not have noticed, but I believe this was a direct cut on your picture posting habits. ;) :p :D

You guys, again you're just having too much fun without me! So now the boss is gone and I can play too. yippee!

If I remember correctly, Tubby was suffering with his UTI when Fister's plane took off last time, but both he and Peanut are in great health this time and most definitely want to join the fishing party!

I think someplace warm, like Mexico or the Caribbean might be nice. I hear they have lots and lots of really big T-U-N-A's there.

It makes me happy to seeing Gabe's picture again, but it also makes me sad 'cause he can't join in the fun anymore. :( Maybe once the trip gets underway they can all have a toast (with their Arkansas wines) to all the dear friends that have been called to RB recently. :)

01-16-2004, 02:40 PM
Filou is searching the apartment for all the old rods of the featherwhisks. I can see that he is getting together his gear.

Tigris rather collects six-packs. Ok Tigris as long as it isn't clam juice it may be ok.

01-16-2004, 02:50 PM
Hey, this is Taz and Rocky. Mom isn't too keen on us going out and traveling, but we'd like to join this escape plan. Can we come too, please? Rocky wants to go where the nightlife is happening and Taz wants to meet women.
Anytime you're ready, let us know

Edwina's Secretary
01-16-2004, 03:11 PM
I just returned from doing errands and Edwina is gone. She left this photo. We have snow on the ground so she must be somewhere warm!


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-16-2004, 03:12 PM
Wow, Sara, when that girl wants to go she goes! That was quick! Are Eddie and the fishing pole still there? :D

01-16-2004, 07:23 PM
Wow :) Looks like the kitties have a great fishing trip planned! Sadie is a little jelous that the dogs weren't invited :( She loves cats!

She actually troed to talk us into a kitten instead of Cincy!! Too bad her mommies allergies wouldn't allow it!)

01-16-2004, 07:26 PM
Sadie said I should post some evidence that she likes kitties...

01-16-2004, 07:46 PM
Edwina always gets all the good hats!!!

Miss Meow
01-16-2004, 08:27 PM
Our crew will take four seats if they're available! :) They need a break from those pesky little hound dogs.

John, if you want to get your post count up, you have to respond to every - single - comment - that's - made - on - this - thread - OK? ;)

01-16-2004, 08:31 PM
We could get post counts up by visiting that 'forbidden' thread, that seems to be unlocked again!:eek:

01-16-2004, 10:36 PM
I'm laughing so hard that I'm crying, you guys!

Livvy is pushing hard for a 'down under' visit, as long as her heart-throb is going, too. Have we heard from Tat's crew? Both Cassy and Livvy are practicing with their fishing rods. You've started something here, Jon and all!

I missed the thread about communists and almanacs, but really enjoyed the KLAM Juz reminder.

{{{hugs to all}}} Must go dig out the furkid's passports. Getting them out from under my feet right now would be a blessing. :p ;)

01-17-2004, 01:01 AM
Did Somebody say WARMER Climate?????
Place for ALL to enjoy...even if interests were Different???

Can You Say FLORIDA?!?!?!?
We ARe 5 miles from Stuart,Fl.Sailfish capital of the World!!!
it will be 78 F here tomorrow.....
And for those who get seasick.....We have waveless pool!!!!!
And we support All Critters!!!!!!

01-17-2004, 06:58 AM
This morning we met to discuss who might be ALLOWED to go on the big trip to meet up with Fister and Friends.

It was determined that Chloe, being only 14 weeks old, would not be allowed to go.

Winter the rabbit is allowed but still unsure as to what to wear and may end up missing the plane if she doesn't make up her mind more quickly.

Juni is packed and ready to go ... and Miley, well, she is still on the fence. She is afraid that Tiberius was invited and she ain't going anywhere near the place if he is invited. I assured her that he was not on the email list for the invitations and that his new mom was not thrilled with PetTalk...thus he is out of the loop!

I have extra fishing poles (they originally had little felt mice attached......to the end) and Juni will bring them with her. I hope they allow her to carry them on the plane. They look a bit imposing and may be considered to be weapons! Not WMD...maybe George Bush could straighten that out for us.

Anyway, please let us know about the dates and places, as our dance cards are filling up quickly....and we don't want to miss this event!

Winter, Miley and Juni

P. S. We have a Yorkshire terrier houseguest right now and he will be here for a few days. May he come along too? He is quite small and doesn't require much attention - just a pillow and something warm to wrap around him....?!!

01-17-2004, 07:09 AM
Originally posted by Miss Meow
John, if you want to get your post count up, you have to respond to every - single - comment - that's - made - on - this - thread - OK? ;)

Good idea! I hadn't thought of that! :rolleyes:

01-17-2004, 07:11 AM
Originally posted by Cataholic
The only thing I know is that I am a Catmunist!

Well as long as you're not a Commuholic I suppose it's OK. :D :D :D

01-17-2004, 08:39 AM
Everyone is really busy here:

I have the strange impression that Tigris is not so much interested in fishing but more in Caribbean parties:


Anyway he's ready to go (look at the ticket in his right paw, he goes via London):


He said he'd be happy if Sadie came. To his biassed opinion she could be the babysitter for the kittens:rolleyes:

Filou invites Miley cordially to come. He said he would take care of her. Ti was not invited and Filou (with his nice original unclipped claws) would attack anyone who wanted to mess with Miley:)

Edwina's Secretary
01-17-2004, 10:10 AM

Did you say beach??????

Did you say FLORIDA???????

01-17-2004, 10:13 AM
lol, I love this thread!!!!!!

It's so much fun!!

All of the pictures are adorable--Miss Edwina really does have something for every occasion doesn't she?

We'll be expecting pictures of the event when it is decided where everyone is going, so someone pack your camera with your kitties fishing poles!!!

01-17-2004, 10:18 AM
You are bringing Tears to My Eyes!!!!!!!

Now just remember....Gators is not ALL that Florida is Known for!!!!
Right Smack Dab in the Middle of the State!!!!!!!!!;) :) :D

01-17-2004, 11:00 AM
Oh Edwina!!! You are stunning in any setting :) And Kahula to boot? You are a girl after my own heart!

01-17-2004, 11:14 AM
A lot of kitties, two doggies and a bunny want to join our fishing trip. :D However, we’re a little worried about space, so we just might split them up in two boats – or more. Perhaps even one for the girls and one for the boys. :eek:
All you kitties must ask your mommies if they have a problem with that? We know that some of the kitties are eager to meet the girls, but we don’t want any fighting over them, you hear!! Once ashore, you can all party! :D

We can now publish the list of the participants, but if anyone wants to chicken out, it’s now!! The rules require a photo of each participant. Should they drift away on the ocean, the authorities will know who to look for. ;)

The departure has not yet been decided, as all the kitties will have to discuss what provisions to bring on board, but it will be sometime within a week. :)

Here's a list of the passengers for the fishing trip:

Dizzy miss Lizzie
Juni Rose
Mugsy's gang
Sas' visiting dog

01-17-2004, 11:16 AM
Originally posted by Randi

Sadie is so excited that she has been included in this kittie voyage!!! She wishes to thank all the klitties for allowing her to come along!!!

01-17-2004, 11:20 AM
Sadie, I'm sure all the kitties will enjoy having you aboard - they also hope you're a good swimmer! ;)

01-17-2004, 11:23 AM
Sadie LOVES to swim!!! She actually jumped into an above ground pool ( over a 4 ft side) just to get in the water!! Luckily, I was already in there with Cincy and could help her get back out!!!
I bet she's give the kitties piggy back rides in the water :D

Edwina's Secretary
01-17-2004, 11:24 AM
Well as long as you're not a Commuholic I suppose it's OK

I'm just glad she isn't a terrierist! :D :D :D

sorry Secretary Ashcroft...I know...homeland security is no laughing matter

01-17-2004, 11:26 AM
I have not yet been able to read all the posts as I am dealing with 2 transports in 2 days and finding a home for another dog from Cobb Care, but, was wondering if the dogs could at least join the group perhaps in business class?:D

01-17-2004, 11:32 AM
Tubby and Peanut, I can't wait to meet you, I felt SO sad last time because you couldn't come. :(

And Livvy and Cassy, it'll be great to meet you too! Livvy, I agree that "down under" would be an exiting place to go, but I'm also quite hooked on the Carribbean. Go and find your passports and the rest of your gear! :D

We'll sort out the place within a few days. ;)


01-17-2004, 11:36 AM
Edwina and Eddie! How COULD I forget to put you on the list - but you're on now! ;)

Edwina, I'm so glad you persuaded Eddie to come along, now you can show him how to travel in style! I'm SO exited to meet you two!! :D

Now, you two be nice to each other! ;)

waiting in anticipation,

01-17-2004, 11:58 AM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
I'm just glad she isn't a terrierist! :D :D :D

sorry Secretary Ashcroft...I know...homeland security is no laughing matter

No, I think Micki is the terrierest!

01-17-2004, 12:04 PM
The dogs just loooove water but are so rowdy they would probably scare the fish. Emmitt Kat loves fish but doesn't like water too much. Can he just surf fish from shore? He will prep for the shore party! Moon Kat is quite social but still has dizzy spells (hence the nick-name Dizzy Lizzie :rolleyes: ) so sea legs she does not have. She feels safer at home. Emmitt has a passport but wont need one if it's the Caribbean and has surf fishing stuff. He is quite proficient at bon fires on the beach. Mom would post pictures but she is still a troglodyte when it comes to computers and posting pictures :o

01-17-2004, 12:15 PM
Stubby is a definite, but Grover I just don't know...I haven't been away from Grover except when she was spayed. Besides she does not have a nice hat to wear!! (hint, hint Edwina) So anyway Grover is only a maybe....

01-17-2004, 12:23 PM
Oh by the way, if they decide to go by plane, WHO is that weird looking airline hostess at the back of the plane?? She/He looks a bit confused! and zoned out! ;) Will all the cat buddies be safe with this hostess?;)

01-17-2004, 12:37 PM
Miss Hoppy is opting out on this one, too many kitties for a bunny-girl to feel safe, and she does NOT like getting wet. No way, no how. Not. Not. Not.

As for splitting boys and girls, let me just say that if that happens, it is just to spare boys' feelings, as a girl with long experience on fishing boats full of old boys ... ah, the stories I could tell ...

The time when I was about 16 when I caught just one fish the whole day - which turned out to be the boat pool fish (biggest on the boat), my fish had swum around the lines of all the guys to the right of me. Dad was to my left, and as all these guys were saying "hey, look at that fish! I think that's MY fish!" Lou, the quiet old man to the right of them said, "No, fellas, I think that belongs to the little girl." Boy were they all mad and disappointed when it WAS mine. By the way, I was then, and am still about 4 inches taller than Lou, who still fishes to Dad's right side every Wednesday when deep sea fishing is possible in the North Atlantic (April to early Septemberish.)

01-17-2004, 12:48 PM
Juni has packed and they're both sleeping sound now, they don't want to miss the plane in the morning with Pichu. She's very eager to see her beau Filou, and Pichu promised to act like Tigris and listen to his advices.
I hope they will send an e-mail or two, although they might not have any means of communications.

01-17-2004, 12:49 PM
Willie, I would try to explain about the hostess with the mostess in the back of the plane but * fit of giggles here * it all goes back to a "Dear Phread" thread and the introduction to KLAM JUZ. I believe it was the "Thread of the Year" some time ago. I laughed so hard it came out my nose :D :D :D :D

01-17-2004, 12:56 PM
OOOkay..... Just as long as he/she is trustworthy? ;) But still Grover does not have a hat to wear, and she is quite jealous of Edwina's hats! Suppose I will have to go pick one out from all my dolls I collect, I do have a Pollyanna hat she might look good in..of course her ears could present a problem.;) No backpack either, and she wants to carry the camera and take pictures of the goodlooking guys on board. I don't think I trust her with my camera. And she wants to take the cockateil with her, but I am afraid she just wants Charlie for the cookout!

01-17-2004, 01:02 PM
Vio, will you tell Juni and Pichu that Fister will bring along a laptop, so all the kitties can e-mail home.

I keep telling Fister that Juni is spoken for, but he's SO in love - I think he may try to make a pass at her. ;)

01-17-2004, 01:16 PM
Corkscrew and Tibby suggest a party in the desert, they say the weather is really nice right now.

01-17-2004, 01:57 PM
Originally posted by Karen
Miss Hoppy is opting out on this one, too many kitties for a bunny-girl to feel safe, and she does NOT like getting wet. No way, no how. Not. Not. Not.

As for splitting boys and girls, let me just say that if that happens, it is just to spare boys' feelings, as a girl with long experience on fishing boats full of old boys ... ah, the stories I could tell ...
But miss Hoppy, Winter might join - that's another bunny. :) You two could have such fun!! :D Please, reconsider! I promise to tell the moment Winter decides on whether to come or not. ;)

Karen, you're so right! I was in a similar situation, but on a small boat. We were four of us- out fishing for a few hours, and I caught 2 cod!! I was so proud! :D Neither of the two guys were keen on taking the hook out for me. :rolleyes: Wimps!!

Awww, Corkscrew and Tibby, it looks like a very interesting place you found there. I've seen on TV some small critters come out of holes such places - they could be our dessert. :D Something to think about! :eek:

After our fishing trip, perhaps we should find a resort in a wonderful landscape like that, relax and enjoy our catch. :)

01-17-2004, 02:05 PM
Originally posted by trayi52
Oh by the way, if they decide to go by plane, WHO is that weird looking airline hostess at the back of the plane?? She/He looks a bit confused! and zoned out! ;) Will all the cat buddies be safe with this hostess?;)

OMG! Willie, you don't know who Carla is? This gap in your knowledge base must be rectified immediately. :D

Carla the clam first appeared on Edwina the secretary's "Dear Phred" thread. She was a sweet, shy young clam who, against all odds, became a STAR! In spite of the fact that Phred didn't like her, (and called her Clara), and even though some heartless souls had the temerity to suggest that she was ugly(!), she followed her dream and became Clam of the Year!


If you're interested in all the sleazy details, check out
"Dear Phred" (


01-17-2004, 03:10 PM
Originally posted by Randi
I keep telling Fister that Juni is spoken for, but he's SO in love - I think he may try to make a pass at her. ;)

Well, Randi, if she's like her meowmie, then maybe Fister would have a chance ;)

Juni says she's not like me and this are only "lies and provocation" (a phrase use in the FSU for what Capitalists had to say :D)

01-17-2004, 03:31 PM
I hope you can add Samantha's name to the guest list!
I feel so bad that I didn't see this thread until now.
She is rushing around packing her bags right now.
She would love to go fishing as long as there is tuna, it is someplace warm and sunny, and that her sweetie Tubby and her other cat friends are there.:)

It was also nice to see the Cat Train thread brought up again.
It is hard to believe that it has been a year already since that wonderful adventure.

Felicia's Mom
01-17-2004, 03:43 PM
Beau and Felicia are very excited. They are packed and ready to go. :D

01-17-2004, 04:02 PM
Thought I would come back and tell you I am still reading that amazing thread. I think it should be made into a book! Phred the Shadow??? Oh my! You guys sure know how to keep a body busy. Just give them a long reading assignment and they stay busy for hours.

Which one you guessed I liked reading??? LOL, so far, sooo great. Sounds like everybody was having so much fun.

Willie( I personally think Clam juices sounds *gags* yummy, *cough, cough*)

01-17-2004, 04:40 PM
To Fister:

Friendly reminder from Filou:

Paws off my girl!!! Grrr!

01-17-2004, 04:48 PM
Tigris, I see you're ready to party again, you're just my kind of guy! ;) Lets go together from Europe and see if we can get seats next to each other on the flight over, like last year. We had such fun! :D

Mugsy, we expect your gang to be ready on the shore, when the kitties arrive ;)

Emmitt, I have never seen you, but I'm glad to hear you like fish - that's also my favourite. We'll find a spot for you on the deck! And Dizzy miss Lizzie, you may want to stay ashore, the boat could be rocking quite a bit. :eek: But bring your surf fishing stuff!

Trayi! We're counting on Stubby, but will put Grover on hold. Never mind the hat Grover, it may blow off anyway!

Vermontcat! Samantha has been added, and I'm SO looking forward to meet you, sweetie. :)


01-17-2004, 07:45 PM
Photos for our i.d. tags:

Lady Olivia d'Flufferuni "Livvy"

01-17-2004, 07:47 PM
Perspicacity Purrsonality "Cassy"

(Sorry, meowmy's not too clear on posting pictures so that they pop up automatically here...)

01-17-2004, 08:52 PM
Andy are Trevor hope they aren't too late to sign up. Don't let their expressions fool you. They really want to come.
They missed all of the other trips (Andy was too scared to leave home). When Andy heard it was a fishing trip he said he wanted to see where they REALLY come from. Up until now he thought the fish in his Fancy Feast cans came from here: :rolleyes:

01-18-2004, 05:09 AM
Cassy and Livvy, thanks for your ID pics, they're beautiful! :)

Now we're just waiting for the rest of them, so my mom can have then ready before you all leave! ;) .... hint, hint.

Andy and Trevor, I'm over the moon to hear you will be coming too!! :D You're added to the list. :) Andy, you silly boy, the fish are coming from the sea! Fister is silly too, he thinks they grow on the kitchen table. :rolleyes:

01-18-2004, 06:45 AM
Trevor is on that boat trip, too?!:eek: :)

Now Nellie would love so much to join, but is unsure, because her weight could make that boat sink?????
But she is very experienced in fly fishing...and she's a constant guest to our neighbor's pond...

01-18-2004, 06:59 AM
Here is Ms. Miley, happy as always, waiting for her bags to be loaded in the car so that we may head for the airport:


Here is Juni, excited beyond belief. She cannot wait to meet more and new friends:

And last but not least, Winter - she is packed (bringing only white, of course...a version of the Emperor's Clothes)....and is waiting by the door for the final boarding to the airport....She is a bit nervous about where she will be put on the plane. I keep telling her that she will have a seat, just like the rest of the pets.

01-18-2004, 07:02 AM
Someone must invite Mango!

01-18-2004, 07:25 AM
SAS I am laughing so hard at the look on Miley's face! Gosh, I don't think she will stand for any nonsense. It looks like the furry ones might have a built-in chaperone with her along. :D :D

01-18-2004, 07:39 AM
My Cat Herd would like to attend with the exception of Sandy boy.

Sandy said maybe next time as he wants to make sure that we really love him before he leaves the house.

01-18-2004, 08:27 AM
O.K. Randi!!!!
I'm on a mission!!!!!

Maggie has Momentarily Taken her head Out of the food Bowl,And has expressed interest in joing your fishing trip!!!
Can she Be Invited??????
Careful though,@16lbs. She WILL Rock the Boat!!!!;) :)

01-18-2004, 08:30 AM
OOps Forgot pic for her Passport!!!

01-18-2004, 08:31 AM
Maggie Puss

01-18-2004, 09:20 AM
Nellie, Fister really wants you to come too, he says he's very curious to see who of you weigh the most. :D You're on the list!

PayItForward! Your gang has been added too, it will be exiting for them to meet the "oldies" and vice versa.

Mango, you're very welcome too, all you need to do, is sign up and send a picture. :)

Maggie Puss, you're used to the Caribbean climate, so you'll feel as a fish in the sea! :D

The list of participants has grown considerably over the last few days. Fister says, he may have to charter a few more boats and is asking if any of his friends can help out? It must have lots of room = easy to place the kitties. ;)

Any more pics of your fishing gear and outfit, anyone?

01-18-2004, 09:40 AM
Immediately after reading the post that Nellie is welcomed "on board",
she has taken a look at the globe and then she nearly fainted due to happiness!!!
Her first plane ride...WOW!!!
Please, would it be possible that Trevor holds her hand during the flight?!
(She's a wee bit nervous!)


01-18-2004, 10:56 AM
You wanna just skip this fishing thing and go trolling on deck?

"Carnival Pet Pride" Cruise Ship

A masterpiece in the art of having fun for all animals. At Carnival, we put all our experience and imagination into this new ship to give the very special thrill of sailing aboard the CARNIVAL PET PRIDE. Our designers took enormous satisfaction in creating the unique environment of the Carnival Pride for every pet. Every area of the ship impresses with fascinating themes and artistic motifs and lots of comfy spots to sleep and nap. The Renaissance-themed atrium has a red glass ceiling. Elephants and minaret columns add to the charm of the Taj Mahal showroom. The Ivory Bar is as Japanese as a pagoda; while the Nobel Library was inspired by Swedish architecture. The decor of the Normandie Restaurant pays homage to a legendary liner; the Perfect Game Bar to sports legends; and The Winner's Club Casino to horseracing, the sport of kings. We have litter boxes scattered about the ship, along with biscuits and bones and toys at every resting station. We aim to please.

Won't you please consider ditching the fishing idea and take a cruise?

Ship destinations:
7-Day Mexican Riviera from Los Angeles
Free pricing / Reservation 1-800-377-9383

01-18-2004, 11:04 AM
Ohhhh... We just found this thread! Pouncer would seriously like to come as he has been practicing a lot with his tank at home..... he got especially excited when he learned that the fishies in the wild are much bigger than the ones in his tank! He is old enough now to be allowed to travel the world (but he MUST return home at some point because mommy might go into withdrawl.)

01-18-2004, 11:43 AM
Is it too late for Freckles??:)
She has her fishing pole, and is ready to start walking, if necessary.
This would be her first journey out of state so hopefully some of the more experienced catravelers would help out. :)

(Let me know if you need a different picture for her ID.)

01-18-2004, 12:19 PM
Samantha let me take a quick photo of her before she headed out the door.
She was hoping to get on the same flight as Miley, Juni and Winter because Winter was saving a seat next to her on the plane.
It seems that Winter is quiet and wouldn't disturb Samantha's nap on the flight.;)
Sas, I heard Samantha mention something about a cruise ship but I thought they were flying down to Florida (and maybe hanging out at Delidog's place)until they knew where to meet the ship.
There are a lot of cruise ships that leave from Florida and island hop with plenty of opportunities to go fishing on the stopovers.
And Sas, I must say, I really like those photos of your girls. Nice photography!;)

Freckles, you are welcome to hang out with Samantha.
She thinks you have a lot in common and that you are both members of the Fluffy Belly Club!:)

01-18-2004, 12:22 PM

I have been having a serious talk with Fister about our plans, and he tells me that there has been a surprising last minute development concerning our kitties holiday trip.
It appears that he has found an anonymous donor who has offered to back them, and who is willing to hire AN ENTIRE CRUISE SHIP for us! Fister really is amazing sometimes, I have no idea where he gets all his good ideas from. Must be from his chums on Pet Talk (Sallyanne perhaps?).

What do you all think? I know some of you have spent time and trouble checking out suitable fishing vessels, collecting all the rods and lines and bait and things, but apparently he will arrange for a fishing pool on board as well as all the other exiting entertainment possibilities.
Surely this is an offer we can't refuse!

Any ideas and feed back on possible entertainment, routes etc will be welcome. What's it going to be, the Caribbean perhaps? A trip round the Mediterranean? Anything is possible! The sky's the limit!

… and what could this all lead to? Romance in the ballroom, naughtiness in the executive lounge, disagreements by the fishing pool - the mind boggles. :D

01-18-2004, 12:28 PM
Sadie says as long as there is a pool on the ship, the plan sounds good to her. But since she is one of few doggies traveling with all the kitties, she will do whatever they want!!!

Sadie wanted me to post this, so all the kitties know she is a good swimminer and will give them rides, or save them if they accidently fall in the water...

01-18-2004, 12:30 PM
And here's apicture for Sadie's passport...

01-18-2004, 12:32 PM
Jonza, what great idea! That Fister - who knew that he had all of these connections?

I understand that the Tuna Tunes entertain nightly on board in the lounge - nice music - a little dancing - darkened room - who knows what could come of this trip.

Rascal is busy unpacking his suitcase - dumping the fishing boots and gathering together his finest cruise line wear.

01-18-2004, 12:42 PM
If they are going on a Cruise Ship, then it is a good thing all these guys and gals have been spayed and neutered because I am afraid if not, we would all become grandparents! Population explosion with some of these lovesick kittys.;)

01-18-2004, 01:05 PM
Since Ripley is not fond of fishing hooks he didn't want to go on the fishing trip but since the venue has now changed the Jazzcat Trio wish to sign up.

Ms Edwina, since you are the feline fashion consultant, could you please advise on appropriate apparel? Ripley's cruise wear is considerably out of date.

If invited, Jazz and Scout would love to get spa appointments scheduled. Can that be handled once on board?

01-18-2004, 01:20 PM
The Theme has changed?http://home.comcast.net/~jwalborn1/wsb/media/254243/site1023.jpg
That works for me!:)

01-18-2004, 01:28 PM
Originally posted by gini
I understand that the Tuna Tunes entertain nightly on board in the lounge - nice music - a little dancing - darkened room - who knows what could come of this trip.
OMG! and we could have the Dancing Clams do their show one evening, and Carla (Clam of the Year) could do a solo act and …

No, no, it's too much for me all at once, I'll have to go and ruminate over all the aspects of this unique event. :eek: :eek:

01-18-2004, 01:33 PM
Gabe here. Typing on a computer from RB. Sorry I cannot be on this trip. Graemer and I are being good up here and having loads of fun together. We run in to other PetTalk pets and chat about all the fun we had with our previous families.

Anyway, it was my experience that one must dress for the occasion on a ship. Ascots, blue blaizers, pipes, ladies in all their finery..... You guys might was to take in the movie "Titantic" to get a true understanding of what nice cruises are like.....

Here is a photo of me on my trip last year. Dashing, eh?


Anyway, I hope that Fister takes the time to invite as many friends as possible. Sorry that some of us cannot attend.

Love always,
The Gabe from Rainbow Bridge

01-18-2004, 02:02 PM
Pouncer has been added to the list. So have you Freckles. Ripley, Scout and Jazz too. :) What a party, we're gonna have!! :eek: :D

Pics for the ID cards are coming in, the authorities are working hard to have them ready in time - only a few days to go. Get your fur brushed and be sure to take all the naps you can, so you're feeling up to it - it's gonna be some voyage!!

Awww Gabe, I'll miss you SO - and Graemer!! Just seeing this wonderful picture of you brings back memories from our last trip. You take care up there on the RB! It's good to hear you have access to a computer - we have too, on the ship, and many of us promise to send you e-mails and tell you how it's going. ;)

Nosekisses and headbumpies to you, Gabe and Graemer!! :)


Miss Meow
01-18-2004, 03:19 PM

Jasmine? Jasmine? Where are you?

I thought she was calling a taxi - for all of us.

She wouldn't, would she?

01-18-2004, 03:36 PM
Oh Fister,
What a Brilliant Boy you are....as another said...I didn't know that you had Such Connections!!!!!!
Would the Entertainment on board include "Hot Tuna????";)
We are There!!!!:) :D

01-18-2004, 03:37 PM
Bisi.cat: Nellie doesn't look nervous at all. Filou and Tigris will be glad to pick her up. They have been travelling several times last year. They even helped Lady Edwina when she had problems with the French authorities.

Tigris says cruising is fine. Filou anyway.

And their meowmie is laughing very hard about all the plans.

And she has a tear in her eyes for Gabe and for Graemer.

01-18-2004, 04:46 PM
Well the gang was thrilled to find out they've been added to the list!

Ripley is trying to prepare for life on the water.

Scout is dreaming about those lazy days in the sun and bikini tan lines.

Jazz is wondering what will she wear?
Oh yes, she requests a room with at least a porthole view. She likes to get a good look at things.

Edwina's Secretary
01-18-2004, 04:49 PM
The Es are in such a flurry of activity! Since the changes in plans, Eddie, who had borrowed Edwina's napsack had to put away his fishing pole and straw hat...

and try on his black tie to make sure it still fits!

Meanwhile Edwina was going through her things (getting a little misty-eyed with memories of her adventures with Gabe, her true love) and trying to cram too, too much in her suitcase...

But she's packed now and ready to go!

01-18-2004, 04:51 PM
Court Shuffleboard
Undoubtedly inspired by the table game, an unknown recreation director for the Peninsular and Oriental Line created deck shuffleboard during the 1870s. The cruise industry, established by P & O in 1835, was burgeoning and new sports and games were being created to amuse passengers between ports. Among them were deck tennis and quoits. Deck shuffleboard quickly became a shipboard staple.

The deck shuffleboard court was considerably larger than the table and larger wooden discs replaced the coins and metal weights used in table shuffleboard. Of course, cruise passengers couldn't be expected to get down on their hands and knees to play, so a shooting stick was created, with an attachment at the end to hold the puck.

Scoring was originally the same as in table shuffleboard: lines across the court marked scoring areas, with the higher scores at the end farthest from the shooter. But somewhere along the line, a triangular scoring area was devised, with the highest scoring area at the apex of the triangle, nearest the shooter, and a penalty area,

The deck game was brought ashore early in the 20th century, probably more than once. Most important, the Ball family built a shuffleboard court in 1913 at their resort hotel in Daytona Beach, Florida. The sport quickly became popular, especially among retired people, and it was quickly adopted at other resorts and in the retirement communities that sprang up in Florida during the 1920s.

The St. Petersburg Shuffleboard Club (originally known as the Mirror Lake Shuffleboard Club) was founded in in January of 1924. The SPSC was and is unquestionably the leading club in the country. At its peak, the club had 110 courts, a covered grandstand from which spectators could follow the action on its tournament courts, and more than 5,000 members.

In 1931, the SPSC called a meeting of other shuffleboard clubs, most of them in Florida, to form the National Shuffleboard Association (NSA) and adopt standard rules. The rules were essentially those that the SPSC had been using for seven years, and they have changed little since then.

The size of the court was set at 52 feet long by 6 feet wide; the length of the cue was limited to 6 feet, 3 inches; and disc size was established at 6 inches in diameter and 1 inch thick.

The NSA held its first national tournament, for men only, in 1931. Women's competition was added the following year.

During the 1930s, the federal Works Progress Administration built shuffleboard courts on many playgrounds throughout the country. An indoor version of the sport, often played on a scaled-down court, was developed after World War II.

Shuffleboard reached its peak during the 1950s and 1960s. Since then, it has virtually disappeared from many areas, primarily because other types of recreation have entered the picture.

There are currently eight state associations, in Arizona, California, Florida, Michigan, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, and Texas. The NSA has a membership of about 160,000. About 25,000 of them belong to the Florida Shuffleboard Association.

The NSA estimates that about 5 million people play shuffleboard at one time or another in the course of a year.

01-18-2004, 06:13 PM
I forgot to include my passport photos!

Here is Mr. Corkscrew

And Miss Tibby

01-18-2004, 06:55 PM
Originally posted by gini
I understand that the Tuna Tunes entertain nightly on board in the lounge - nice music -

I think I heard that Hootie and the Blowfish might be an opener for the Tuna Tunes. :)

Nellie, Trevor hasn't stopped meowing since he heard that you were coming. Last I saw him he was throwing hubby's cologne (Grey Flannel by Geoffrey Beene) in his suitcase. He is hoping that is a scent that you will like.

01-18-2004, 07:17 PM
The Beans would like toknow if they may attend this wonderful cruise... They have their passports ready.

01-18-2004, 07:20 PM
Bonzo says, he'll bring the ' Nip'!... as long as he can get it through customs.;) :o

01-18-2004, 07:22 PM
LOUD Louie would also like to go, however he is a whiner and a VERY sheltered boy so it's ok if he can't.

01-19-2004, 01:28 AM
Originally posted by jazzcat

Scout is dreaming about those lazy days in the sun and bikini tan lines.

Uhm, Nellie wants to know if she has to wear a bikini, too?!
She would prefer to have a large towel wrapped around her and will spend the day on a deck chair with a drink...and a biscuit...and a biscuit...

Barbara, it's so nice that Filou and Tigris will take care of her, she appreciates it very much and she's relieved that this time, she doesn't has to travel in a cat carrier;) !!!

Trevor....PUUURRRRRRRRRRR!!! Nellie loves her big boy with every scent (maybe a little "Eau de Tuna" or "Clam unFresh" would be another good choice)...she's in heaven...

01-19-2004, 06:01 AM
More have been added (see list on page 5) - a good thing we got a Cruise ship! :eek:

Ripley, it's always a smart move to be prepared. ;) Scout, is this what you're dreaming about?


Jazz, you just wear you beautiful black furcoat, and you'll look stunning! ;)

Eddie, hold your horses! There'll be plenty of opportunities for fishing!! ;)

I just LOVE Corkscrew's ID photo!! :D

Kitties, we need the last photo's for the ID cards, can you tell your meowmies to get them sent? The ones who can resize, we prefer them 60x60 pixels - or perhaps 70x70 - we'll ask Karen. ;)

01-19-2004, 06:50 AM
This is Juni taking care of her pawdicure :) she must look ravishing for her beau!

And together with Pichu resting well before flying


They left already, promised to be good kitties. Juni insisted on taking care of the booking herself. I don't know exactly which way they flew to Europe and who's meeting them. Could it be Munich? With all my connections in the travel business, I couldn't find out ;). Barbara, if she's coming your boys' way, make sure she doesn't lose Pichu somewhere, he tends to be less attentive sometimes and she's too fast.

01-19-2004, 07:14 AM
Oh Those Passports are Just Fabulous!!!!!!!!!!

I was Thinking,If You need Entertainment...Joey has experience as "The Court Jester!!!!!"
He could join Sadie and Loud Louie in his down time......
What do you think??????
Deli & Hobo could use the break!!!!

01-19-2004, 07:16 AM

Edwina's Secretary
01-19-2004, 09:05 AM
Dear Trevor,

May I suggest you skip your dad's perfume (who wants to smell like a human anyway???) You can borrow some of my perfume that momma and poppa brought me back from France two years ago....


It will drive Nellie and all the other kitties wild!

If you prefer there is that old standby.....


01-19-2004, 09:21 AM
Sara, you really have a perfume for cat? :D

01-19-2004, 09:59 AM
Sara!!! ROTFL!! :D :D :D

Edwina, was that your trick? I can see that Eddie has come a lot closer lately. ;) Which of them attracted him?? We are SO curious!!

Killearn Kitties
01-19-2004, 10:48 AM
Fister, is it too late for us to come cruising??! We're sorry to be at the last minutes, but our Meowmie never comes out of the Cat site.:rolleyes:

We hope we are not too late. We will start resizing our photos.

Jessica, Samantha and Daisy.

Edwina's Secretary
01-19-2004, 10:50 AM
Vio...but of course! Got it in Paris...it's what all the French kitties use.....and with restraint, I will make no stereotypical jokes about the bathing habits of the French!

01-19-2004, 11:04 AM
Jessica, Samantha and Daisy, it will be an honour to have you on board too. You are added. Pack your gear and get ready! :D

Joey, you on stage would be a real treat, I'm sure they'd all enjoy your performance. ;) The kitties need to know - do they book tickets, or is it all arranged?

01-19-2004, 11:37 AM
Yesterday I was with some friends and Rascal was going around getting attention from everyone.

I heard myself say "Oh, I have to remember to post a picture of Rascal for his crui............." and my voice trailed away..............

How could I explain to my friends that Rascal is going on a cruise with his Pet Talk buddies and he needs a picture?

They know I am a cat person - but A CRUISE? - RASCAL GOING WITHOUT ME?

Sometimes it is a little difficult to explain Pet Talk....you just have to be here.

01-19-2004, 12:07 PM
Boy, go away for a few days and prepare to miss a lot!!!!!!

Mimi asked that you please reserve her a private room......she'll be glad to chaperone, but she's not into the partying attitude of her younger brother!!!


01-19-2004, 12:26 PM
Oh Randi,
Joey is sooo happy...He is presently going from room to room in search of his Top Hat & Tails...(Looks like a Trip to Petsmart for Mom and him!!)

Please let the Ladies know that He will perform Each Night on the Meow Deck!!!!!!
Performance times are as Follows:
8p.m.,10 p.m. and Midnight...For the Late nighters of the group...

Oh Look hes' Brushing up on his soft-paw now!!!!!

Scared me when Maggie Puss dragged out her Josie & the Pussycat albums!!!!!:eek: :eek: :eek:

I'm still voting for Hot Tuna on the Fishy Deck!!!!

Edwina's Secretary
01-19-2004, 12:37 PM
Guess who will be dealing blackjack in the casino?????


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-19-2004, 12:41 PM
Oop, looks like Edwina won't be playing any cards during the cruise. ;) :D

T & P are all excited, but unfortunately their mom is too busy at work right now, but they just wanted to make sure they were forgotten. They are definitely up for a cruise! :D :D

01-19-2004, 12:41 PM
Oh Too Funny!!!!
Now I'm Definately off to Petsmart!!!!
Can't let Joey & Maggie-Puss Be Underdressed!!!

01-19-2004, 12:57 PM

Look what I saw here: Filou sneaking out of the house with a huge bouquet of flowers. I guess he's going to the airport.

Tigris will take good care of Pichu. On the other hand I am a little scared whether Fister, Eddie and Tigris don't teach Pichu and Pouncer to play poker or whatever.

I hope Nellie will keep an eye on them.

Sallyanne: Filou said something like he hoped Juni did not have that many tops on her bikini;)

01-19-2004, 01:38 PM
Fister tried a few outfits just now, well, sort of half tried, but he got very grumpy and refused to let me take his picture. Boys!! :rolleyes:

It's time for an update on who is going. This is the list, and hopefully all the passengers will have arrived and be ready to board the ship during the next few days. :)

We are still hoping that Koxka's gang will join. ;)

Missing ID photos will be very welcome! ;) - by PM or e-mail.

Dizzy miss Lizzie
Juni Rose
Mugsy's gang
Samantha Scotland
Samantha USA
Sas' visiting dog
Siseta Bum Bum

01-19-2004, 01:44 PM
I think your gonna need a bigger boat.......;)

01-19-2004, 01:55 PM
Miley here. I don't want to give the other travelers the wrong impression of me, so I would like to submit a new photo for my passport. The "Little Bo Peep" look will get me places that the other look will not......


Can't wait to meet everyone!


01-19-2004, 02:07 PM
How did I miss this thread for so long!? I'm laughing so hard right now.

Felicia's Mom
01-19-2004, 02:09 PM
Beau and Felicia hope you can use their photos in my signature for ID photos.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-19-2004, 02:13 PM
When I got up this morning, first of all I saw Tubby looking out the back window.

He seemed to be saying "Hmmmm....let me think, snow covered, freezing backyard or a cruise with all my PT buddies? Snow, cruise, snow, cruise? Whaddya think Peanut, how 'bout we get the h otta this frozen tundra!" And before you know it, their bags were packed and ready to go!

Peanut readily agreed since she really doesn't like the cold, so she is submitting this for her passport photo. Although she said it was a little blurry, and if it didn't work, you could use the second one.


And here's one for Tubby's passport.

I told him he looked a little sleepy and he might want a pic where he's more awake, but he assured me the customs people would be more likely to recognize him like this. ;) Oh, and he wanted to assure Samantha that he will be arriving in his best black-on-black outfit with the little white boutonnière and cumberband. I have no idea what sort of outfits Peanut packed. :D

01-19-2004, 02:23 PM
Hey Randi and Jonza, Mimi added her picture and request earlier this morning. She's "old" but feels that with a private cabin, she can help chaperone and rest accordingly. Please don't forget her!!! :)

01-19-2004, 02:36 PM
By looking at Tubby's and Peanut's luggage I ask myself: how long will the cruise be? 3 months?

Edwina's Secretary
01-19-2004, 02:42 PM
You know how older kitties are! They like to take their own pillow and lots of different shoes....

01-19-2004, 02:45 PM
Barbara, Samantha packed quite a bit herself. Remember they need fancy clothes as well as something to wear while lounging by the pool.
Tubby, Samantha brought along her little black dress and long white gloves so she can enjoy formal dining and dancing with you on the ship.;)

Randi, you might want to check the guest list again because I think there are two Samantha's that will be on board.
I do believe the Samantha from Scotland will be there too.
I do hope they don't confuse everyone!

01-19-2004, 07:49 PM
Sadie is very excited to hear Joey will be coming along!!! Although her mommy has not been good at practicing with her, she did take dance lessons about a year ago. Perhaps she and Joey can enterain the kitties together :)

01-19-2004, 07:53 PM
Wow, I received an email from Fister about our accomodations. Take a peek at what we are going to experience! Only the BEST!


I just cannot wait.

My Mom bought me a black boa for the trip! Wait until you see how I look in it!


Love, Miley Girl!

01-19-2004, 09:10 PM
Darn why did you have to put those pictures up, now Grover is packing, she is upstairs now at this moment stealing the clothes off of my dolls! They are all gonna be nudes!! No hats, no clothes! :( :rolleyes:

01-19-2004, 09:52 PM
Oh Sweet Sadie!!!
Could you PLEASE teach some of those dance steps that You know so well!!!!
John Tried,But he gave up and ran to Vegas!!!!

Joey is Really trying!!!!!!!
Its' the 4 Left feet Thing!!!!!!
Maggie just sits on the sidelines laughing!!!!

01-19-2004, 11:50 PM
Pouncer has been very busy getting ready for the cruise... and making a list of all the things he'll need. He's worried that since he's so young and inexperienced that he'll miss something! He agonized all day about which SPF to pack, and whether his speedo would be too showy.

He had me explain time and time again the concept of Bingo, but was only interested in those little bouncing balls... he couldn't concetrate on the Bingo strategy at all.

He keeps telling Allen that he won't miss him! Allen just walks away and takes a nice quiet, Pouner free nap... I think Allen's looking forward to no Pouncer!

All I know is that he's been in a flurry of cruise related activity and hardly had time to get into any trouble!

01-20-2004, 01:33 AM
Originally posted by Barbara

Sallyanne: Filou said something like he hoped Juni did not have that many tops on her bikini;)

If you meant my Juni, I know she'll be topless ;)

Well, I hope they arrived well and that they are not making any trouble.

01-20-2004, 02:52 AM
I only noticed that Filou was not in the bed tonight. That there is a lot of fur on the nice blue pillows in the guest room.

And that someone seems to be extremely hungry: lots of food gone.

And did I see a certain smile on Filou's lips this morning?

01-20-2004, 02:57 AM
OH, OH, OH!!! So, Juni and Filou are more in love than ever! That's good, but, Barbara, please look after them. They should cuddle within some limits. They're not married yet ;).

If the food is gone, that must be Pichu :)

01-20-2004, 06:19 AM
Originally posted by delidog
Oh Sweet Sadie!!!
Could you PLEASE teach some of those dance steps that You know so well!!!!
John Tried,But he gave up and ran to Vegas!!!!

Joey is Really trying!!!!!!!
Its' the 4 Left feet Thing!!!!!!
Maggie just sits on the sidelines laughing!!!!

Sadie would be happy to teach Joey :) She'll have him spinning and twisting in no time!!!

and maybe John will catch a show or two and come back kowing more moves to teach Joey :)

01-20-2004, 07:19 AM
Oh Sadie!!! Joey sends his Thanks!!!!

Maggie is still sitting on the Sidelines Snickering!!!!!!

So Randi,
When Does the "Catonic" Sail????
Where From????
Have we chosen a Destination??? or just "Round The World!!"

01-20-2004, 07:21 AM
Have you Booked "Hot Tuna" Yet???

Keep your Lamps Trimmed and Burning!!!

01-20-2004, 08:15 AM
If the kids are going to wear name tags can you make sure Miss Dizzy Lizzys' just says "Moon" or "Moonie"? She is a wee bit sensitive about being call Dizzy Lizzy :rolleyes: See, it's because of a little stroke she had a year or so ago (she sometimes tilts a little) and she does want anyone to feel they need to baby her. Thanks. And don't worry, Emmitt looks after his twin sister very well.

01-20-2004, 08:21 AM
Fister has been talking to his tour operator, and it looks as if we'll soon be off! There are a few details to be finalized, and the passenger list including ID's will be announced in the new thread within the next couple of days.
Meanwhile, Fister has chosen the "Feline Princess", has been checking out the accommodation for us, and reports full satisfaction!

Fister has got it all worked out!

Any suggestions on where we should board the ship? Fister thought Miami would be a good choice.

01-20-2004, 08:27 AM
Wow what a ship!

Tell us soon where to come. Juni and I will board soon.

Ok. Tigris and Pichu too. (When they can stop to giggle about Juni and me:mad: ). We'll pick Nellie up on our way.

For us Miami is fine.


Edwina's Secretary
01-20-2004, 11:32 AM
Oh yes...let's go from Miami! Fort Lauderdale will be crazy what with the QE2 and all. Plus, Eddie and I can stop and see Aunt Mary and Uncle Barry. Their condo looks across to the cruise ship dock so they can keep an eye on things and make sure we are safe!

After all, it is Eddie's first trip!

01-20-2004, 12:07 PM
Pouncer finally told me which pictures he wants used for his passport.

He salso likes this one because it shows his back view & fishies.

He's so very excited!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-20-2004, 12:16 PM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
After all, it is Eddie's first trip!

Oh my, Edwina! Is that a bit of concern I hear in your tone? Concern for the dreaded Eddie!? Yes, this is definitely a new year and new attitude. :D It's very becoming Ms Edwina. :D

T & P don't care where we board, as long as it's someplace warm and the ship stays in warm waters. They are actually quite sick of the "brisk" temps we've been having around here lately. :rolleyes:

01-20-2004, 12:16 PM
You should not have shown the picture of Pouncer, Grover is now in love! She is insisting on going on the cruise now for certain! Now what do I do?

She says this picture is really sexy of Pouncer:


01-20-2004, 12:34 PM
Ut-oh, Pouncer's kinda got a crust on Lily and its a mutal thing! He's very flattered and has always thought Grover was a wonderful gal! His moewmie loves Grover though... Allen's unattached!

01-20-2004, 12:43 PM
Your sig has a very adorable picture of Allen on it, I'll have Grover take a look.;) She has been upstairs all morning stealing clothes off my dolls!


01-20-2004, 12:45 PM
Grover was wondering if this would be a good shot for her passport?

01-20-2004, 12:49 PM
Nellie has finished packing and now waits for Filou, Tigris, Juni and Pichu's arrival...would it be possible to fetch her at Dortmund airport?!
Will the plane then go to Miami or does it stop in Heathrow and Glasgow to fetch PIFs and Killearn Kitties Crew?!
What about Fister...is he already in Miami?!

Are there any snacks served on board?!
:) :) :)
This is getting so exiting...

01-20-2004, 02:22 PM
Originally posted by trayi52
You should not have shown the picture of Pouncer, Grover is now in love! She is insisting on going on the cruise now for certain! Now what do I do?

She says this picture is really sexy of Pouncer:


Lily has just seen this and now she is almost heartbroken...
Well, it's the first time the little girl is in love! :)


01-20-2004, 02:25 PM
Lily shouldn't worry. If I understand Pouncer's mom right his heart beats only for her:)

01-20-2004, 02:31 PM
Oh, but you know how these little teenage girls are... :) Very jealous, and she cannot stand the thought of all these beautiful girls being on the cruise with Pouncer! :)


01-20-2004, 02:53 PM
Remember Grover is a teenager too! She says she thinks Allen is a real fox. I just showed her the pic of Allen and she was trying to pick up the comb. So I think she is looking for somebody to spend time with on the cruise, she has been thinking a lot about Sunny!


01-20-2004, 03:11 PM
Ladies, Please! All this fighting over him is going to Pouncer's head! He wants to let Lily kow that she is still #1 in his heart and that she should NOT worry about another girl stealing him away!

He is rather upset that Lily was heartbroken... he would like to send her a bouquet of catnip as a measure of his affection to her!

01-20-2004, 05:02 PM
Originally posted by Randi

We are still hoping that Koxka's gang will join. ;)

Yep! Koxka's Gang here! :)

I asked the kitties if they wanted to join...they all want to, but Koxka. She rather prefer to stay home with meowme, get ride of all that nasty brothers&sister for awhile and be the spoiled rotten one child "once upon a time" was.

From eldest to youngest:
Iuri, Paloo, Ginjol, Little Pericot and Piula. Pics for ID coming via e-mail.

Is Winter coming? Then Siseta Bum-Bum could keep him company and have some parsely feast together :).

Little Pericot can't wait to meet Fister in person! His hero!

01-21-2004, 03:08 AM
Why aren't Luna and Lily on the cruise. Quickly, send them to Dortmund airport from where the central European part of the expedition starts!

Nellie will take care and make sure that the youngsters don't do too many silly things. (Tigris will be no good because together with Pichu he behaves as if he was 7 months instead of 7 years;) )

Killearn Kitties
01-21-2004, 04:17 AM
No need for Nellie, Filou, Tigris, Juni and Pichu to come make two stops in the UK. The girls are already in London and will meet everyone in Heathrow.


I received this postcard of Big Ben this morning and they say they are having a fabulous time visiting museums and seeing the sights. They even had time to see The Lion King on stage last night! They are SO looking forward to meeting up with everyone on Fister's cruise.

01-21-2004, 04:20 AM
Yes, Luna and Lily it's still time to sign in for this grand cruise ship trip...
It will already be a great show at Dortmund Airport...it is a small airport, but imagine the fun with all the kitties demanding the best seats in the first class section...(and sending all the other passengers to the cat carriers in the cargo space!)

Aaaawww Tigris and Pichu, you're such rascals...heeheehee...:D :D :D

01-21-2004, 04:23 AM
Originally posted by Killearn Kitties

I received this postcard of Big Ben this morning and they say they are having a fabulous time visiting museums and seeing the sights. They even had time to see The Lion King on stage last night!

Wow this sounds like a great day in London!!!
Nellie is looking forward to seeing Samantha, Daisy and Jessica in Heathrow!!!
Have they been shopping for the latest fashion, too?!

01-21-2004, 05:00 AM
Originally posted by Barbara
Nellie will take care and make sure that the youngsters don't do too many silly things. (Tigris will be no good because together with Pichu he behaves as if he was 7 months instead of 7 years;) )
I was actually hoping Tigris (the well behaved cat I knew :) ) will teach Pichu some good things, and here he is not resisting to Pichu's charms. I just hope they will behave on the ship and fish lots of fishies. Pichu looooooves fish!

01-21-2004, 05:36 AM
I caught my two older girl cats fighting over the new black boa I bought for Miley for the cruise. I thought it might be too "grown up" for Juni Rose! We shall see which kitty ends up wearing it. I put my money on JR!

The house is a mess right now. They have all of their toys and personal items scattered about, trying to decide which ones to pack.

I have JR on a diet right now as she needs to drop a couple of inches before she squeezes into her bathing suit!

Such a busy time for all of us!


01-21-2004, 06:06 AM
Honestly I was looking at beautiful Juni Rose and thought about that.

Miley or Filou will never have a weight problem but JR seems to love life a lot.

Who knows. If Tigris isn't too much into playing, fishing and other boy stuff, pretty JR might open his eyes:)

01-21-2004, 08:58 AM
No, Fister haesn't left yet, BUT he's racing around packing. I've been wondering what he was chatting so eagerly about the last few days while he sat in the kitchen window, but now I understand. He has invited Pjevs in the yard to come along - sweet isn't he! :) I've told him to take very good care of him, he's an old guy, but he's also hoping to get a bit of support from Koxka's gang. ;)

Grover, when Fister sees you, he may get very surprized - you look SO much like his RB mom.

Juni Rose and Miley, no need to fight over the boa, we all know that if Juni Rose wants it she gets it. Careful with excess luggage, you know each extra pound is expensive!!

Luna and Lily - or at least one of you!! You must make up your mind soon! Please come! And be sure to e-mail us a picture for the ID. ;)

Fister and Pjevs had decided to meet the rest of the Europeans in Dortmund - you'll surely recognise them! :D

To all you kitties in London! Don't get stuck in Harrods!! :rolleyes:

Till later .....

Edwina's Secretary
01-21-2004, 09:11 AM
Harrod's! Did someone Harrod's??????


01-21-2004, 09:44 AM
Oh Edwina!!!!!
Never to be outdone,Kitty!!!!
Just Precious!!!!!!
Maggie & Joey will meet you in Miami...Will you be on Kitty Atlantic????
Maggie is All Packed & Ready to go!!!!

Maggies'Toe Tapping waiting for Joey!!!

01-21-2004, 10:49 AM
Maggie..Ranting & Raving!!!!

01-21-2004, 10:51 AM
Now Joey!!!!

01-21-2004, 10:52 AM
Maggie...Can I play Tennis on Board?????

01-21-2004, 10:55 AM
OOPS,I almost Forgot my passport Pic!!!!

Is This my Best Sidde???

Edwina's Secretary
01-21-2004, 11:46 AM
These two are about to drive me crazy!

First they both took the longest showers on record (guys...the water bill!?!?!?!)
Edwina...waiting for me to scrub her back.....

And Eddie...singing and rolling around in there!

Then, while Eddie waits impatiently, Edwina paws around in my drawers!

Hey! Edwina! Get out of my jewelry!!!!!!!

01-21-2004, 01:49 PM

Quick Mom, check my nails - do I need a last minute manicure?

And how will I know Fister?

Rascal, he looks just like you - just look for another very handsome orange guy!

Edwina's Secretary
01-21-2004, 02:36 PM
The Es have arrived in Miami. They are on the balcony of our friends' condo on the bay....Some of the cats have arrived and are soaking up a little local color on the pier! Look at the photo they sent me....


01-21-2004, 03:57 PM
The story continues:

The cruise (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=42305)

Cinder & Smoke
01-21-2004, 04:00 PM
HURRIE UP - Katz!!

Da Big Boat iz in Miami (we think) an da
Furst Klass Katz are Boarding - NOW!!

Don't :eek: Miss Da Boat!!

Check it out at >>

The Cruise Of The Good Ship "Feline Princess" (http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=42305)


01-21-2004, 05:18 PM
It is a Must Read!!!