View Full Version : Has your dogs coat changed?

01-15-2004, 10:13 PM
Does your dog's coat change color/thickness for different seasons?

I was looking at some pics from last summer earlier. It's amazing to me how different Nebo's coat looks now! His coat seems to get more orange coloration in the summer (from more sunlight I'm assuming), and, of course, it's much thinner (less undercoat). He's also gained about 5 lbs since then....guess he's building up winter fat. ;)

Check out these pics, and post some of your dogs' "new coats" if theirs are different for winter!

01-15-2004, 10:15 PM
Wow, I was just talking about this with Dayna. Ironic. :eek:

Daisy's coat seems to have gotten much darker, that I've noticed. It's becoming more "reddish". I want her to stay light! :p Oh well, she's perfect no matter what. :)

01-15-2004, 10:15 PM
This was taken in Findlay, Ohio...that's KayAnn "watering" Nebo lol...

Look at how funny he looks! He's all splotchy!

01-15-2004, 10:15 PM
:eek: wow, thats a big difference, my neighbor has a husky, whos fur also changes like that, darker in winter--lighter in summer, my dogs fur doesnt change, Jasper's might, he hasnt seen summer yet lol

01-15-2004, 10:16 PM
And here's a very recent photo that really shows how much thicker and darker his fur is. :)

01-15-2004, 10:27 PM
Chester’s coat doesn’t get thicker in the winter. About the only difference is that in the summer he gets these tufts of hair behind his ears where his neck hair swirls up that’s really blonde. I mean like Brad Pitt blonde. :D

I’ll go see if I have any pics of it... Nope. I’ll have to get some this summer.

01-16-2004, 02:19 AM
Foxy's coat does get a lot thicker in winter then in summer, but i don't think it changes colour. When we first got him as a pup his coat use to be gray/black and as he was growing up it slowly changed to the colour that it is now.

01-16-2004, 02:34 AM
I think your dog just does that because of the shedding season. During the summer the fur is light and thin, and during the winter it gets thicker, darker, (and softer too, right?) so the dog can stay warm during the winter. My cousin's Aussie/Pyr mix used to do this too, but he was a mostly white dog so you couldn't see much of a color difference. ;) I know that Huskies (as well as some other long-haired dog breeds) have two types of fur - the longer, rougher top coat which you see during the summer, and the shorter, thicker undercoat of the winter that grows in during the winter season.

01-16-2004, 02:56 AM
Kaedyn's coat has changed a bit since we got him. I don't think it has to do with seasons or anything though..I think it it's just cause we've been feeding him better food. His coat's gotten a tad bit thicker and alot richer in color.

01-16-2004, 07:47 AM
I think evalotion has a key role in this question. I have done some research and have found many sites saying that in the summer the reason a dogs coat becomes lighter and thinner in color and texture is so it does not absorb the sun light hence making the dog cooler and of course the opposite for the winter the thicker coat keeps them warmer and the darker color absorbes the heat from the sun.

Since I am a mommy to a Bichon I do not have the shedding problem :D so his coat never changes:D :D

01-16-2004, 09:10 AM
WOW, Amy there are big differences on Nebo´s coat color in winter un summer ;) :D