View Full Version : New Rex Pictures!

01-15-2004, 06:01 PM
Heres some new pictures of Rex!:D He's getting BIG!

here's the pictures :D




Hope you like them! :D;)

Heather Wallace
01-15-2004, 06:43 PM
Lovely pics!

01-15-2004, 07:15 PM
Well it's about time. Geez. :rolleyes:;)
Great pictures! I love seeing Rex! He's so interesting. (and cute too, of course. :D)

01-15-2004, 07:32 PM
Rex is so handsome!:D His markings are absolutly gorgeous;)

01-15-2004, 09:56 PM
wow he is huge!!!

01-15-2004, 10:12 PM
Yay! Rex is so neat looking, I love those markings.

It's aobut time you posted new pictures -- now where the pup's pictures?:p

01-15-2004, 10:14 PM
Rex, you are soooo handsome and I just love your colouring!!!! How I'd love to pick you up.......

01-15-2004, 10:18 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
Yay! Rex is so neat looking, I love those markings.

It's aobut time you posted new pictures -- now where the pup's pictures?:p

My dad took the camera away for a bit because I was "taking to many pictures" lol I will sneak some don't worry! :p ;) :D

01-15-2004, 11:16 PM
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!There he is!!!!!yay!!!!!!:D :D :D

01-15-2004, 11:17 PM
i'm going to put him on as my wallpaper!!;)

01-16-2004, 01:31 AM
He looks GREAT! Such nice color in the first pic....he looks really happy!

01-16-2004, 01:41 AM
He has really done some growing Heather, and what some great pictures! I think those pictures would make a great wallpaper.

His coloring did show up really well, and like Wolfchan said, he is so healthy looking. More pictures!


Aspen and Misty
01-16-2004, 08:31 AM
Peaches is turning red! Boy does she love her lil rex boy! And what, with him looking so handsom!!! :eek: Wonderful color! Peaches doesn't have as many spots, she has ALOT of strips though!! Rex has gotten HUGE, a good sign of a very good mommy!

I will post some pictures of peaches fro Rex in a bit. I'm gonna print out his pics and put them by her cage.

By the way, are you still keeping him in a tank? Thats a huge no no! You need to get him a wire cage with ventalation on all sides. JUst a question, where do you keep his lamps? I can't deced where to keep peache's lamp, like on the right side of the cage or the left side. I had it right over her large tree but she deson't seem to like it so I moved it to the left side. Which bumped her day lamp over to the right side and her heat lamp to the back. She seems to like his arrangment but I'm always interested in learning where others have theres. O, and what kind of plants do you keep in Rex's tank? At the moment Peaches only has a Jada, the rest of her plants died! We are getting more plants tonight and planting them over the weekend.


01-16-2004, 08:48 AM
Originally posted by green_chameleon_girl


Hope you like them! :D;)
this one is on my wallpaper!!!!!!he's so cute!!!!:D :D :D

01-16-2004, 09:33 AM
He has an open top aquarium and his lights clip on to the side dont worry Im getting him a wire cage in about a week:D you dont have to worry he is healthy and well taken care of YAY peaches:D red??? AWESOME

01-16-2004, 01:50 PM
Oh, my, he is so handsome!!:)

Great pictures, thanks for sharing.:D

Aspen and Misty
01-16-2004, 02:13 PM
Originally posted by green_chameleon_girl
He has an open top aquarium and his lights clip on to the side dont worry Im getting him a wire cage in about a week:D you dont have to worry he is healthy and well taken care of YAY peaches:D red??? AWESOME

SHe was blushing. Every time she sees her man she blushes! Hey, do you know how to tell the sex of your chameleon? Look for spurs on the back of his feet. Tell me if he has them or not! I cna't wait to hear :D

I was wondering if you centered his lights, or where you put his lights. I'm not sure in what part of the cage, left or right, where I want to keep Peaches. I never worried about Rex, I just wanted to make sure he was going to get a wire cage. Post pics when you get it!!


01-16-2004, 04:55 PM
REX!!!!! :D :rolleyes:

01-16-2004, 09:21 PM
In the pictures I turned one of the lights off because the camera has a flash(its light) well we have a long heat lamp that stretches from one corner to the other that is clipped on it lights up the whole aquarium and then we have a basking light that clips on the other side. Yes rex is getting spurs of the back of his feet but they arent big at all but I touched the back and I definitly felt a bump:D Im wanna bring him to the vet so I can get see what his gender is for sure:) I just read about Peaches Im am soo so so sorry she is in my thoughts 100% :(

01-17-2004, 02:50 AM
Sexing veiled chameleons is pretty easy. When he walks, look at the back of his back feet. Males have a spur on their "heel", and females don't. :)

01-18-2004, 10:45 PM
He has got some spurs!:D

01-19-2004, 01:43 AM
Yay! What a handsome little boy!! :D

01-19-2004, 08:20 PM

01-22-2004, 10:57 PM
Rex is soo cute!! i keep coming back to this thread to look at him:D