View Full Version : Some updates on Gigi

01-14-2004, 10:38 PM
Me and Gigi went out for a walk the first time for real. :) We practiced a little in the house, then on the hallway and off we go on the street. It was quite dark outside and I tried to make sure she is more on the inside of the road... kind of hard. Plus it was raining outside. Anyway, we only walked for a very short period of time plus she was whining. I didn't console her by picking her up, petting him; all I did was speak to her and gave her a little treat. When we came home, her belly and her feet are all wet!!! Don't forget she has short legs, so her belly is close to the ground. Then I cleaned her. Oh and there were these 2 nasty kids barks at her, but we were outside the door, so we didn't care.

Not to mention today is day 2 for the play pan. When I got home she peed on the paper! (yay) and somehow she closed the door of the crate, so she can't get in there and the crate was moved. It's still not too bad, I am quite happy... though I wish I could spend more time with her. There are so many things I want to teach her (and myself) and I have been reading a lot of stuff on how to train her and all that... it's quite overwhelming.

And tomorrow morning she will be staying at my coworker's home (she is home sick with sinus infection) along with her 3 cats. :) And in the evening we will go to my other friend's house for dinner, she has a schnauzer (sp????????), so more play for her & dinner for me. :)

Now I am listening to the tape that I taped on her (only audio, wish i had a camcorder). Actually she did not cry as much as I thought. After I closed my door she cried for like 15 seconds then stopped and a few more seconds of cries... and I heard the cling cling of her little cat bell, though there are some louder cries somewhere in between.

I love this girl, I truly wish I have more time to spend with her, but I have to work to earn money for her.:o

01-14-2004, 10:46 PM
Jen – one of my top priorities was to spend most of my free time with Chester. It still is. If you work like I do, you obviously can’t spend all your time with her. I’m not sure that would be really healthy for either of you anyway.

Sounds like she’s actually doing better than you thought. ;) I think she just loves you, and puppies whine and cry to get their way. That’s only normal. Human babies do the same thing.

I agree, it’s very overwhelming, and I don’t think I’d ever get a puppy again. That being said, I’d never trade Chester or his puppyhood for anything.

You’re doing great. Hang in there, friend!

01-14-2004, 10:52 PM
Sounds like she is doing wonderfully, and you are having fun with her. I think that is fun when you start reading about a breed of dog you love, and you find out just how special they really are.

It just sounds like Gigi is doing so well, it is a shame to have to work and leave the baby, but as you said got to make money for your little girl.

Have fun Jenfer

Whoa Micki, so glad to see you hon, how are you doing? Sure have missed you!


01-14-2004, 11:01 PM
Hello Micki,

Thank you for your kind words and encouragement.
You won't know HOW worry I am. I am stressed constantly worry about EVERYTHING. LOL.

01-14-2004, 11:04 PM
Thanks Willie,

Yes, how I wish I was a millionaire, so I don't have to work and spend tons of time with Gigi and I can have a house, so she can have more room to play...Sigh...

Anyway, she is still a baby and both of us have tons to learn. :)

01-14-2004, 11:10 PM
Originally posted by jenfer
Hello Micki,

Thank you for your kind words and encouragement.
You won't know HOW worry I am. I am stressed constantly worry about EVERYTHING. LOL.

Oh, I think I have an idea how worried you are. I've been there. We got Chester in February and it was one of the coldest. Our apartment was old and so the kitchen was a completely separate room. We had to pin him up in there right next to the doggie door. I was always worried that he would freeze! It was really cold in there some days, and he's never taken even cool weather well, much less the cold.

If you weren't worried and stressed then you wouldn't care, and most of us here have been stressed to the breaking point by a puppy at some point. :) I don't know how people who've had a puppy can possibly have children! :eek:

Remember, she actually sleeps a lot of the time. They sleep more and more as they get older, too. Sometimes Millie looks up at me as if to say, "Shush, Mom! I'm trying to sleep!"

I promise it will get better. Try to relax and enjoy it. :) (I know, easier said than done)

01-14-2004, 11:38 PM
I just put her in her bed... and I am continuing to listen to the tape. She has been crying like for 5 minutes straight now... quite loud too.
I know crying is normal for puppies, but when is too much, right?

And I will try to relax. haha...:)

**edit: she's been crying on and off for 10 minutes now. :(
***edit 2: stilllllllllllllll crying..................... i can't take it, i am not listening to it anymore. :(

01-15-2004, 12:14 PM
You're doing a great job and we all understand how overwhelming and stressful it can be! I had had dogs before, but Star was my first puppy. I was a complete wreck!!!!! I was convinced I was going to screw up her puppyhood and make a mess of her little brain. That first night, when I felt I could leave her for an hour or so, I heard her crying in her crate from the driveway and I just couldn't leave! I ran back in the house and held her! Ugh! But, after that first slip, I stuck to my guns and folllowed all the advice given to me by my vet, other doggie parents, puppy training books, etc. Don't be so hard on yourself; you and Gigi are doing great! It's hard to hear them cry but as long as you know she's physically ok, just try to bite the bullet and not let it upset you. She will be ok and at some point she will come to realize that you WILL be coming back:) And we all would love to spend more time with them, but as you say, you're doing what you have to provide a comforable home for you two and I'm sure you make up for your absence when you get home! Let us know how the dinner date with the Schnauzer pup goes!:) Hang in there, Mom! Sandra

01-15-2004, 12:23 PM
Ditto on what Sandra said - you are doing great! The fact that you are trying to do everything right is a testiment to that.

I would say one thing - RELAX - Gigi may be feeling your anxiety and that is making her even more anxious. :)

Miss Meow
01-15-2004, 03:06 PM
Jen, you're doing fine. Everything will be OK :)

01-15-2004, 04:21 PM
Hi everyone,
Thanks for all your support and kind words. They mean a lot to me. {{{HUGS}}} :) :) :)