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View Full Version : shiba inu puppies!!!!

01-14-2004, 06:37 PM
lol my dance teacher got herself a shiba inu puppy for christmas, she got her brother one to! she got them from a one of her students who bred there shiba. anyway there names are nisha, and guiness! her brother lives with her parents and she lives in an apartment so both are staying with her mom for now, but she has been house hunting so nisha can stay with her! and she broght pictures to dance class on monday of the puppys and they are ADORABLE! I wish I had pics to show you guys! they are both solid fawn very little white, and sooooooo cute! :D lol on girl in my class got to meet the puppys, I wanna see em toooo!!!!:p and when and if I do, amd am definatly bringing my camera!:D

01-14-2004, 06:57 PM

How exciting!!!!!

Shibas are wonderful dogs!!! Make sure she has a sense of humor when trying to train her little one!!!!

I can't believe you would even post this without pictures:p

I can't wait to see them!!!

You'll love them if you go to visit!!!!

One more thing--what color do you mean by fawn? Are they black and tan? Or red like Kito?

01-14-2004, 07:20 PM
Fawn is like tan, I guess like kito? Jasper is fawn, but he's turning red fawn

01-14-2004, 07:44 PM
red like kito :p lol she has a sence of humor with everything! :D