View Full Version : Fish are special too

01-14-2004, 10:03 AM
I had a beta named Sushi *ok ok that might have been cruel* He got along well with my community tank...until I brought in the most obnoxious fish I have EVER had. I introduced a Pictus catfish *stupid move* Not only did he kill sushi :( :( :( *a very beautiful almost violet fishy I might add* he killed two of my bala sharks and another one of my cory catfish. I was sad...*sad is an understatement*
Am I the only one that gets attached to fish? I greve even for goldfish...

01-14-2004, 05:27 PM
AWWWWWW so sorry for your loss. Whether your pet has fins, feathers, scales for fur they are all part of the family and you have a right to grieve.

RIP Sushi. Swim happily at the RB fishie.