View Full Version : Need your advice! :)

01-14-2004, 08:53 AM
Ok, only Pet Talkers can give me the advice that I need. :) I miss you all so much!

At the end of February I’m going to San Antonio on business. I don’t know if I should take Chester or not. I’m leaving on Thursday AM and will return on Sunday, mid day.

He has pancreatitis and stress can bring it on. If it gets very bad, he has to be hospitalized. Being in the hotel alone will stress him out totally, and I’ll be pretty busy so I won’t have a lot of time to spend with him. He also barks at virtually every noise he hears, but I can leave the TV on and cover his crate and that will cut down on the barking. If I do this Millie and Aneko will be boarded at my vets office.

I also have the option (since I have a secure backyard and a pet door) to leave them all home in the house and have my sister in law come over once a day to feed, water, medicate, and visit with them for a bit. She’s very good with Chester, although Millie’s terrified of just about everyone. :( She does the best with my SIL though, out of all of our family and friends.

My question is this, is it better to take Chester with me and board the girls, or leave them all there? My SIL won’t really be able tell if he is starting to get pancreatitis, but I think the amount of stress will be lower so it’s less likely to happen than in the hotel. My only fear is that it will happen, she won’t realize it, and something bad will happen. Also, is that too long to leave them alone at home?

HELP! I need advice! What do I do?

01-14-2004, 09:04 AM
Gee, it really does sound as though Chester would be too stressed out if he takes the trip, especially as he becomes agitated if left alone and you won't be able to spend muc time with him. And as Millie doesn't take kindly to strangers and your sister in law might not be able to detect the signs and symptoms of pancreatitis in Chester, I'd have to vote for boarding them all at the vets. Would Chester be stressed out if boarded there? I think you'd feel much better knowing that Chester is being carefully monitored by his vet where he would receive medical attention if needed. Perhaps Chester would be more comfortable at home with your SIL (and Millie and Aneko at the vet's) but I fear that if Chester did have an acute attack and your SIL did not pick it up, she would be devastated. This is a tough one!

01-14-2004, 09:07 AM
Eek! Tough choice. Is there any way you SIL could stay at your house?

If you know staying in a hotel alone will stress Chester out, he'll probably be less stressed if he's in an enviroment he's familier with.

Though, I'd be worried that the dogs are getting into stuff and escaping if they were left home alone and only checked on once a day by a family member.... urgh.

I don't know! Have you ever been gone for that length of time before?

01-14-2004, 09:18 AM
Sandra, I’m afraid if I leave Chester at the vets he’ll definitely be completely stressed out. I know he’ll have a bout of pancreatitis and I really need to avoid that, he’s had so many and it’s already done so much damage.

Kim, I wish she could come and stay at my house, but she has two 5 year olds so that isn’t possible. :( There’s really no one else that I trust enough with my furkids other than my own sister, but she can’t do it for a lot of reasons.

There’s really no worry about them getting into things they shouldn’t. We’ve got our house very god proofed since they’re always allowed freedom in the house. Occasionally we forget and leave something out and Millie gets it, but they never chew furniture or anything like that. Our yard is pretty escape proof; we have chicken wire attached to the fence, and it’s underground about 1 foot. We also have large landscaping bricks around the perimeter of the fence.

I’m just worried about them being alone for so long.

01-14-2004, 10:03 AM
I agree w/ the above, maybe your sil can stay at your house or at least stop by a few times a day, could you give her some signs of pancriatis so she can detect it earlier?

I think chester would be more stressed at the vets & the hotle not only that but most hotels do not let you leave your pet there while you are not there, especially if hes a barker.

01-14-2004, 10:11 AM
It sounds like Chester should definitely remain at home and if your SIL can stay there, all the better; or at least perhaps stop by a few times a day? I'd write down all the things to look for re: Chester's pancreatitis and the vet's info. should she need to contact her/him. And I'm sure you'll be checking in often, too!;) As for Millie and Aneko, I'm not sure if Chester wouldn't be more stressed with them at the vet's???...but then you have Millie's aversion to strangers to consider, too!:confused: Maybe you could have your SIL drop by frequently, a few times a week, (maybe feeding them) prior to your trip to get Millie more used to her being in the house?

01-14-2004, 10:15 AM
Can't your sister in law bring her kids and stay at your house while you are gone? Or if the kids have to go to school, etc.. can the dogs go over to her house? If she can't take all the dogs, perhaps board the other two and let her take Chester home with her.

I think Chester accompanying you on your trip may be out of the question if there are chances he will get so stressed out, etc... But I also think that the dogs getting checked on once a day is not a great idea. And leaving them to go in and out of the house as they want is a terrible idea IMO. What if something gets into your yard? What if the weather goes bad and they are stuck out there if something went wrong with the pet door. There is just too much that could go wrong with that idea.

If your sister in law is unable to help you except for coming and checking on the dogs once a day, you still have time to find someone else. The trip isn't until the end of February. Contact your vet, see if they have a list of pet sitters. Ask the pet sitter to come and visit Chester a few times a week or you take him there to get to know her/him better. Probably by the end of Feb, the petsitter and the dogs would have gotten to know each other better.

Just a few suggestions...

01-14-2004, 10:19 AM
I vote for your SIL, or a petsitter (if you have time to find one), and let them all stay at home. I have similar issues with my Honey and since I have used the petsitter and they have gotten used to her, it is much better for everyone. You have time, between now and then, to get the animals accustomed to a petsitter, who I would assume would come by a couple of times for "introductions". Truly, it is the best thing I ever did on Honey's behalf. Now they all love her. I found her through www.petsit.com. You can put in your zip code, and then interview as many as you like. I think I had a choice of 4, but the first one who responded, and eventually came to my house and sat on the ground and let Honey and Lilly love her, was my choice! She has been "sitting" for me for almost 3 years now. It sure makes going away easier. I have 8 pets, and it is impossible to board all of them, plus the fact that I know they are safe and happy in their own environment. She comes 3 times / day because Murphy can't stand to be outside due to her age and her loud voice. The dogs all stay indoors at night, and then the three that can are outdoors during the day. Cats come and go as they please. The biridies have to stay in their cage the entire time, though, due to liability issues for the pet sitter.

Good luck. I know this is a stressful decision!


01-14-2004, 11:28 AM
This sure is a tough predicament Micki. One option you forgot to mention ---stay home!! (just kidding).

I don't think it would be good for Chester to go with you, if he will be alone, and may get stressed out, it will be no fun for him. He would probably be best in his own environment.

I too was wondering if you could find a petsitter. The boy I have is great--he can care for all 4 dogs for me, and he stays at the house when we go somewhere, and they all love him. I like him, because he is a good kid--15 years old, and walking around the neighborhood with his business cards he made on his computer, and stopping everyone he sees with a pet to offer his services. His family doesn't make much money, so he was saving up to by a very expensive bike, and he's very responsible.

Anyway, me going on about my sitter doesn't help you.
I really think Chester would do better staying home, with someone looking after him, if that's possible.
Otherwise, with a chance of pancreatitis, I would leave him with the vet, just to be sure.

01-14-2004, 11:53 AM
Hey Micki - Why don't you leave your girls at home for your SIL to take care of and bring Chester along. SA is an hour away from me so if you want me to, I could go hang out with him during the day. I would offer to let him stay here with me, but I know my cats would stress him out. Anyway, I don't have school on Fridays so I'd be free that day. I'm not sure about the Thursdsay yet, but I'd know soon. Just a suggestion!

01-14-2004, 01:36 PM
That's a hard decision. I don't know how bad Chester's health is. If it is a good chance of him getting sick, I vote that you board him at the vets. If it isn't likely, I'd let the SIL watch him. I wouldn't take him traveling with you no matter what.

01-14-2004, 10:38 PM
Originally posted by tatsxxx11
It sounds like Chester should definitely remain at home and if your SIL can stay there, all the better; or at least perhaps stop by a few times a day? I'd write down all the things to look for re: Chester's pancreatitis and the vet's info. should she need to contact her/him. And I'm sure you'll be checking in often, too!;) As for Millie and Aneko, I'm not sure if Chester wouldn't be more stressed with them at the vet's???...but then you have Millie's aversion to strangers to consider, too!:confused: Maybe you could have your SIL drop by frequently, a few times a week, (maybe feeding them) prior to your trip to get Millie more used to her being in the house?

All excellent suggestions, Sandra! I think I’ll have Kristi stop by few times in the next week or two, then have her drop by during the day when I’m not home and see how Millie does. :) I’d like to leave then all at home to try to keep it as normal as possible. Plus, Millie and Chester have become inseparable. :D

Souraya- I’m afraid that Millie may fear bite her children. She certainly scares the kids half to death. She even scares me around children.

There’s really nothing that could go wrong with the pet door; it’s just a clear rubber flap. Our yard is about as goof proof as you can get. Cats could of course, climb the fence, but skunks and stuff can’t get in. We have chicken wire attached to the fence and buried about a foot. Also the perimeter of the fence is lined with landscaping cement bricks.

Chester is an excellent escape artist so we’ve made it virtually impossible for anything to get in or out. Because of his escaping capabilities, staying at my SIL’s house is not even an option. He’s also a leg lifter. :rolleyes:

Aly, you are just an awesome friend! Thank you so much! I think I’ll try to get everyone adjusted to Kristi and see how the pop-in visits go. If things change and I bring him, I may take you up on that. Plus, that way I’d get to see you again! :D

If I do end up leaving them here, I'll get Kristi to come by at least twice a day and give her all the signs of pancreatitis. Hopefully the weather will be good and they'll be ok. :/

01-14-2004, 10:40 PM
Hi Micki,

I agree that you should leave Chester at home too. He will probably feel more secure that way. :)

01-14-2004, 10:40 PM
I think I would board Chester at the vet so you could make sure he would be alright. Then, let your SIL take care of the other ones. Sound good? Good to hear from you, by the way.