View Full Version : My walk with the dogs...

01-14-2004, 07:37 AM
Talking about squirrels and birds in the other post prompted me to tell a little story about the other day. I don't walk my dogs much anymore because of my shoulder, but I took them on a walk the other day. I'm just going to ramble about all the events...sorry. lol.

About five houses down from ours, there used to be two dogs. Digger, a pharoah hound and Chubby, a little mix. They were kind of funny because they'd get so worked up when we walked by that they'd start barking and growling at eachother. They'd get confused on who the "intruders" were. Well, this time, things were quiet when we walked by. So, I stopped to find out that they had to put Chubby down. Digger's personality is so different without Chubby. He's all quiet and sad. :( I think I actually liked it better when he barked and growled. He's an outside dog only and he doesn't get much attention. I asked if he could come over for a playdate. They said "Maybe." I'm going to bug them this weekend.

Then, we walked under this tree that was sooooooo full of birds. You couldn't even hear yourself they were so loud. (And boy was I afraid of a present on my head.) I was working with the dogs, so I made them keep going aside from the distraction. My dogs literally walked on their hind legs like people the whole time under the tree. LMAO. They wanted the birds so bad!

Lastly, we walked by this house where this OLD black lab lays on the porch and chills everyday. I don't like Dusty and Roxy to bother him because he's so old. I snapped Dusty's chain because he got nuts. I swear, I barely snapped it, I KNOW I didn't hurt him. It must have surprised him because he started screaming and yelping like I'd beaten him. The old man came running out (probably thinking it was his dog). I was like "I swear I didn't beat him!" He just laughed and said he was glad to see me back out and about. He likes my dogs, and he knows Dusty is my problem child. -Actually was...he is getting SO much better!

If you read all of this, you are really bored. ;) Have a good day!

01-14-2004, 10:39 AM

I kind of liked your story. It was almost like walking along
with you & the dogs through the neighborhood. Anyhoo, I just
wanted to say I read your ramblings & I wasn't bored at all.
So there...... :p Sorry to head about Chubby.:(

01-14-2004, 11:28 AM
Isn't it the funniest thing when the dog jump on their hing legs trying to jump at something? Drake does that. If he spots a dog on the other side of the road and we are walking in the median (they have a sidewalk between the lanes with shrubs, etc...), he starts jumping up and down so that he can see them again over the median. It is hilarious.

I am sorry to hear about your neighbors having to put the dog the lil mix. I am sure the pharoah hound misses his buddy.

Also glad that you got out. A good walk can do wonders when you are having some rough times in your life. I especially love night walks. Best time to think and enjoy the quiet!

01-14-2004, 11:52 AM
These are the kinds of posts that make Pet Talk even more unique and special! Stories of various happenings with our dogs is something we can all appreciate and relate to I think. I know I enjoyed reading about your walk :D