View Full Version : Monkeys as Pets

01-14-2004, 12:08 AM
I saw a show on New Years Day called Pet Palaces (it was on HGTV - really cool show!!!!). Anyway one of the houses had some pet monkeys. They look like really fun animals to have, but a TON of work. Does anyone here have a pet monkey? I'd like to know more about them as pets and see pics!

01-14-2004, 12:14 AM
Interesting thread, Aly! I'd love to see some pics if any of you have pet monkeys!

01-14-2004, 12:21 AM
I have a capuachin monkey, he is in my signature.

01-14-2004, 12:23 AM
He's cute! Have any more pics? I'd like to hear more about him!

01-14-2004, 12:25 AM
Great thread Aly!!!
I would love to hear more about your monkey tray--he is adorable!!!
I know nothing about taking care of a monkey--is it a lot of work? Where does he sleep? What does he eat? How old is he?

Sorry to be so nosy, I'm just intrigued!!!!!!

01-14-2004, 12:27 AM
Originally posted by lovemyshiba
Great thread Aly!!!
I would love to hear more about your monkey tray--he is adorable!!!
I know nothing about taking care of a monkey--is it a lot of work? Where does he sleep? What does he eat? How old is he?

Sorry to be so nosy, I'm just intrigued!!!!!!

I am intrigued too and would love to hear more! :)

01-14-2004, 12:36 AM
I always asked my mom when I was alot younger for a pet monkey because Michael Jackson had one, well one day at the zoo, they were holding a monkey for kids and adults to see it and if they were brave enough pet it, well I THOUGHT I was brave, walked up and it pulled MY HAIR!!! I ran off crying lol...:eek: :rolleyes: :p I was like 7 years old anyway, I would love to hear some stories about pet monkeys now that Im older :p :) :D

01-14-2004, 12:48 AM
Well Mario is about 16 years old I think, He came from a lady that lived in Louisiana. He was just about 3 months old when we got him. We also had a female name Bugger, but we lost her last year. I guess I really do need to create a thread about Mario, he is a sweet little fellow but you cannot lock him up. He can open any door. He comes in the house and still food out of the cabinets. He loves cookies, well the fact is he will eat anything that we eat. He even likes coffee.

He has his own little house he sleeps in of night with heat in it. For some reason he prefers to just sleep on the porch or close to the window instead of his house. He has been so lonesome since his mate died, that we do let him come in the house at times.

Monkeys are not modest in the least and have no manners as far as using the bathroom. That can be anywhere. His mate Bugger was the big lover, she used to go to the schools and the kids would just love it. I dressed her in a pink dress, and little premie diapers. The children loved her, but you have to watch, and not show your teeth to a capauchin, because they think you are threatening them. They don't like a stranger to look them in the eyes either.

I will get some pictures and post them really soon.

01-14-2004, 12:52 AM
My grandson sharing a sack of popcorn with Mario

01-14-2004, 12:54 AM
One more:

01-14-2004, 12:55 AM
Oh my!!!
Mario is adorable!!
He has his own house? Wow!!

I'm sorry that his mate is no longer around, poor Mario--you should find him a new one:)

01-14-2004, 12:56 AM
So does he just run around loose outside? What do the dogs and cats think of him?

01-14-2004, 01:10 AM
The dogs and cats know to stay away from him. A capuachin monkey is very strong. You would believe the wrestling matches I a have had with this guy. I have been bitten so many times, my hands and arms have lots of scars.

I would love to be able to afford to get him another mate, but these guys cost up in the thousands of dollars.

He can open our fron door and come in, he twist the doorknob and comes in. He has got very loving to us since Bugger died. He lets us have more to do with him, but people are very scared of him, more so than the Dana the Rottweiler.

Have any questions just ask about him and I will try to answer if I know the answer. Like I said I have been bitten many times by both, Bugger was from one of the famous circuss that travels all over, a very well known, I want mention a name. She was badly treated by them because all they wanted was her mother to perform, and we got her to keep them from just throwing her in a cage all the time. But she was very wild when we got her. I have had the end of my thumb bit off by her. But she did not mean to do that.


01-14-2004, 01:13 AM


01-14-2004, 01:16 AM
What does Mario eat??

What is his lifespan??

What does he do all day long??

01-14-2004, 01:19 AM
does he wear a diper :O

01-14-2004, 01:29 AM
I just wanted to say that he is GORGEOUS! He is also obviously very well cared for! :D He looks so happy and healthy!!

01-14-2004, 01:31 AM
Mario is either climbing the tree next to the house, he has a lot of ways to entertain himself. Just imagine a small child and what they do, that is pretty close to what he does. He does like to take objects and bang the window with it.

He eats a special food made just for him. I think it is a purina brand monkey biscuit. He love to eat anything that we do though, he thinks he is really getting a treat when he gets something like macronni and cheese, creamed potatoes, we do not let him have cabbage, as that is bad for him for some reason. He loves to have his head scratched.

He doesn't wear diapers, but bugger would wear diapers when I took her to school. Before I took her in I alway sent somebody into the room first to warn the children not to laugh at her, and would take raisins and potatoe chips with me so they could feed her. The kids were pretty good about what I ask of them, but one room of kids, started mocking them, and I had to take her out of there. These guys are like us, they don't like to be made fun of.

Mario is a very sweet little guy and it amazes me that he can use tools the way he does.

01-14-2004, 01:33 AM
do you dress him up in clothes?? hahaha. he is so cute :D:D..

01-14-2004, 01:35 AM

I know I have some somewhere of Bugger too, just have to look for them. I have a lot more of Mario too. I think their lifespan is about 30 or 40 years, I am not really sure, can't remember! He is just part of the family, like a child.

01-14-2004, 01:38 AM
I have never tried to dress Mario up in clothes, I don't think he would like it at all. Now Bugger would wear clothes, she also done striptease acts in front of the kids. luckily she didn't remove her diaper.

Their little hand are so much like ours, and their eyes are so beautiful to look into. So human, it is unreal.

01-14-2004, 01:41 AM

01-14-2004, 01:46 AM
Another thing, he is the biggest thief I have ever seen, he comes in and steals cookies, and just objects out of the livingroom such as whatnots and remote controls, glasses, don't ever set a soda down in front of him, he will steal it and run off with it.

My daughter Lindsey, the one in my avatar always brings him a coke home from Mcdonalds or some kind of goodie, and he waits for her to come home from work and bring him a suprise. He loves toys.

01-14-2004, 11:09 AM
Tray isn't it dangerous to let him run around lose? I mean he is a monkey! What happens if he bit someone? He does not have an enclosure of any kind? I see him on top of your house? I just find that extremely dangerous. :eek:

01-14-2004, 11:28 AM
Cass, he is very tame now but people are afraid of him more so than the rottweiler. It is pretty funny, he don't go up to strangers unless he just suddenly likes them. People come out just to feed him candy.

Mario has figured out how to unluck any lock, you would be suprised how smart he is. You seen that picture of him and my grandson? Mario is like a little child, of course I would never take him to a school like I did the other monkey, Bugger. Mario is very different.

And we live down a dirt road that deadends and there are no houses for about a mile. So he pretty much has his freedom.

01-14-2004, 11:34 AM
Ok lol. You scared me there for a sec! Oh now I can't stop sneezing. I think I am getting allergic to the cats. :( Anyways, I think your Rotti girl is very beautiful. I love Rotties! Oh and of course, your monk man is very handsome as well. ;) I love capuchins, and marmosets. although marmosets tend to be a little more agressive, true?

01-14-2004, 11:49 AM
I don't really know that much about the marmosets, I know that 18 year old is wanting one. I know about these capauchins. Bugger was just the sweetest of the two though and she was wilder than him when we got her.

I wished you could have seen those two together. I was vacuming one time, this was when we lived in a house with a greenhouse hooked on to it and we had them on the inside. My cat pyewackett got close to the cage and while I was vacuming the floor I suddenly heard this screeching, I turned off the vacum and look over at them and they both had her by the tail, and was pulling her tail and pinching her, and I swear they were laughing!

01-14-2004, 02:16 PM
Originally posted by trayi52
I have a capuachin monkey, he is in my signature.

I never noticed that you do!!!!! Pictures! Tell me more?!
*edit* Sorry, I got so excited that I didn't scroll down. I'll read. hehe.

01-14-2004, 02:31 PM
Wow! I wanna monkey! So, I guess they have the sense not to run away?

01-14-2004, 02:34 PM
Yeah when we first got our monkeys, everybody accused my husband of trying to kill me with monkey. I stayed bitten, statched. My thumbed was bit off at the end, luckily no bone was affected. I just have to find the picture of my RB capauchin Bugger. Now that was a sweetie, every month she got the hots for my hubby, it was sort of one of those she would look at him and do the raising the eyebrow thing and kiss at him and then crawl into his arms. She loved children.

We do miss her, Mario was kind of mean to her he caused half of her tail to have to be amputated at one time, really broke my heart when that happened she had such a beautiful tail.

Mario has got better toward us and other people since she died. I look around and he will be in the house looking for things to carry on top of the house.

There for awhile we had shingles on the house, and we had somebody go up on our roof and check to see if we need a new roof, come to find out there were shingles missing and guess who took them off? Mario! We have since put tin on top of the house. I told Jimmy that the next thing we will see is Mario coming off the top of the house with tin. Maybe he will build a house to suit what he really wants. That guy is something else.


01-14-2004, 02:39 PM
He stays right around the house, if he isn't in the back yard he is the front yard. Or he is looking in the window, banging on the window with a rock or something. He was so funny when they were putting the new top on our house they would have to go look for their hammers and othe equipment because he would steal them and run off with them! My little theif!! Just need to teach him to go after bigger things. Maybe try his hand at the bank????;)

01-14-2004, 03:08 PM
LOL! I remember hearing Jimbo fussing about your monkeys one time! Now I know why! I seen one grab a coke and run off as fast as it could and it was monkey laughing on the run! My eyes almost poped out! :D

01-14-2004, 03:33 PM
They are thieves! I seen Mario pick up a 2 litter drink that was sitting on the counter and he took off and was going out he petdoor with it, a cat petdoor... he was trying to fit it out sideways. Walking just on his back legs, like a person. He steals Jimmy's cookies too.


Desert Arabian
01-14-2004, 03:50 PM
What an adorable little guy!!!!! SOOOO CUTE!!! MORE PICTURES!!

:confused: :confused: That doesn't look like a Capuchin monkey to me. Is it a "sub-specie" of the Capuchin? All the Caps I have seen look like this:


01-14-2004, 03:59 PM
There are different species. Like I said I just can't remember for the life of me which.;) Its been to long.

01-16-2004, 02:18 PM
More Pictures:

01-16-2004, 02:20 PM

01-16-2004, 02:46 PM
Mario is adorable.Monkeys look like such fun pets.

01-20-2004, 12:29 PM
Originally posted by YellowLabLover

:confused: :confused: That doesn't look like a Capuchin monkey to me. Is it a "sub-specie" of the Capuchin? All the Caps I have seen look like this:


Actually it is a capuchin. What she has is Cebus apella, or a Black capped/Tufted Capuchin or Brown. There, so now you know what kind of monkey you have Willie. ;) :p

01-20-2004, 12:39 PM
Thanks Cass, I could not remember the name! All I knew it was capped something. So it is a Cebus apella? You know back when we first got him and his wife, there was no info on them at all. I went to the library, found nothing but the definition! Is there a lot of information on them now by searching the Internet?

I gave up on it so many years ago, and just learned as I go kind of thing. Guess I need to do a search on it and find out more. Of course Mario thinks he knows eveything. Ummmm I wonder if he is going to show up for Thursdays this week? I think Richard said it was the year of the monkey or something. Think we should bring Mario again?


01-20-2004, 01:07 PM
Of course we should bring him! :D

I LOVE this pic!


01-20-2004, 01:13 PM
If you get there before I do, I'll let him go with you.;) And save me a seat next to the fireplace!

01-20-2004, 06:16 PM
This is such an interesting thread! I always wondered what it would be like to have a monkey. He sounds very similar to my mentally-handicapped cousin, Robert. Really! It sounds like he is very human. Sounds like somebody you would live with and look out for, not like a pet.

So you must live somewhere really warm, huh?

Can they be housetrained? I'd hate to keep a monkey in a cage, but where we live you could never keep one outside. Not that I'm thinking of getting one, I'm just curious.

Does he drink out of cups? Does he use a straw? Does he sleep in a bed?

Does he let you bathe him?

01-20-2004, 06:16 PM
This is such an interesting thread! I always wondered what it would be like to have a monkey. He sounds very similar to my mentally-handicapped cousin, Robert. Really! It sounds like he is very human. Sounds like somebody you would live with and look out for, not like a pet.

So you must live somewhere really warm, huh?

Can they be housetrained? I'd hate to keep a monkey in a cage, but where we live you could never keep one outside. Not that I'm thinking of getting one, I'm just curious.

Does he drink out of cups? Does he use a straw? Does he sleep in a bed?

Does he let you bathe him?

01-20-2004, 06:35 PM
I live in Tennessee, and the weather does get cold. Mario just knows when to go to his house that is kept heated. He drinks out of cups, uses a straw, and will come in the house sometimes. His purpose is to steal when he comes in the house. He can open a door and come in if he wants to. I have seen him use rocks and other tools to as a hammer.

Sometimes he gets at the window and pecks on it with one of his makeshift tools. He loves to wrestle and he loves to be tickled. He does not like to take a bath. At all! If you are eating something and he sees it, you have to share. He loves to eat anything we eat. He love mac and cheese, coffee, potatoes, baked or creamed.

When he comes in the house and we are just sitting on the couch he will go through our hair like he is grooming us. He is like a little person.

When he was younger we kept him and his mate in a cage, but the can unlock any lock we have tried, except of course a regular lock and key. They watch everything and will learn to open a door. Mario can get out of any pen. He loves his freedom, and we let him have it. We live about a mile off the road so we don't worry about him going into other peoples yards, because there are none, and he likes to stay close to the house.

He is like a little kid, I think I posted the picture of him and my grandson, didn't I? They were eating popcorn together.

Anyway, he is like having an 18 year old around, a teenager that thinks he is supposed to be able to do what he wants to. Pretty much does too.


01-20-2004, 06:55 PM
What kind of house? Does he remember to shut the door? hehe

01-20-2004, 07:20 PM
:D:D OMG :D:D HE IS ONE OF THE CUTEST THINGS I HAVE EVER SEEN! :D He must be one of the neatest pets!

01-20-2004, 08:46 PM
Tray! I never knew you had a monkey! He's so cute! I want a monkey now............They are so cute.........and love grabbing EVERYTHING! :rolleyes:

01-20-2004, 09:11 PM
Believe me Poppy, Mario is the biggest theif you have ever seen. He really loves to come in and take food out of the cabinets and steal hubbys cookies.

stacwase, he has his own little house, but he just will not close his door. He likes a blanket to snuggle up in. He doesn't mind wasting heat, LOL.

As I said before he likes to be tickled, and he loves wrestling. The cats are all afraid of him though. Did I post this picture already?
Anyway this is him being tickled.

01-20-2004, 09:21 PM
he's so adorable! :D from all the pictures you posted and stuff you have said about him he sounds like Mr. Personality! awww he's just sooooo cute!

02-26-2004, 10:05 AM

02-26-2004, 10:26 AM
Mario is so cute! :D Do you have to have a licence to have a pet monkey?

02-26-2004, 10:41 AM
There are only certain animals here in the state of Tn that have to have a licence. Tn is a very strange state as far as that goes.

But yes we have a pemit from the state of TN.

02-26-2004, 11:15 AM
I also have a monkey, well kind of. Her name is Abby and she is a squirrel monkey. She actually belongs to my boss, but lives at my work and I've been her "aunt" and 1 of her 2 care-givers for the last 4 years (she is 21 years old, my boss has had her for 19). She has a large gazebo that she lives in, that is part screened and part solid walls. She also has a Macaw cage that she stays in when its too cool to be outside. She wears a diaper and has a harness and leash she is on when out of her cage. Squirrel monkies are the 2nd smallest breed, marmosets are the smallest. She is a ton of work, but a lot of fun (most of the time). Our biggest challenge is feeding her, she is so picky. Her favorite foods are bugs and eggs. We give her a lot of fruits and vegtables. We supplement her with vitamins daily, which we give her in a syringe (she takes it well). I don't recomend them as a pet. I have 2 pics I'll try to get up, but I'm having a hard time with it.

03-01-2004, 09:15 PM
I am going bump this up for *LabLoverKEB*.

I got to thinking but I don't think we have to have a permit for Mario at all. I think I was thinking of when she arrived to us she had to have all these health certificates and different things. Man it has been so long, and my memory just isn't what it used to be.

My advice don't age!!!

03-04-2004, 12:13 AM
This is a very interesting thread.. I've learned a lot. :D Very cute monkey you have there!

You said he sometimes comes inside the house? So I'm assuming he lives outside? Where does he sleep at night? What does he do if there's a storm or something? Does he come inside then? LOL Sorry if I'm being annoying.. I'm just curious :p

03-04-2004, 01:04 AM
Mario has his own little house that is heated. When it get cold he goes to his little house. He don't like to be out in the snow at all. When we finally got a snow here, he did not leave his house.

Yes he does come in the house sometimes, as a matter of fact he was in the house today. Go to Pet general and look for a thread called ''New Pictures of Mario!'', I took some pictures of him in the house today. He sometimes sneaks into the kitchen and steal food out of the cabinets, he steals my husbands cookie, he is a regular little cookie monster!

But he likes to eat and drink anything that us hoomans eat or drink. Even Coffee.

He is like a small child, my daughter Lindsey brings him something from McDonalds everynight. She works the night shift over there, so she always brings him some fries, or chicken nuggets, a coke. Something like that. He stays up and waits for her. He got aggravated with her tonight because she forgot to bring him his usual treat, so he opened the front door and came in and stole some of her belongings and left with them. LOL, probably end up on top of the house.

But the pictures in the thread I mentioned above, they are just so cute! He out did himself today.


07-08-2004, 02:34 PM
Willie, hope you don't mind, but let's see some more pictures of the adorable amazing Mario!! :D

07-08-2004, 03:45 PM
I have been trying to get the boy to let me take pictures for the past week. Sometimes he will pose and sometimes he just gets a stubborn streak in him! But I will try my best to get some of our boy.


07-08-2004, 04:59 PM
Here are a couple pictures of Abby, my bosses monkey.


Sorry the pictures are really bad, they are the only ones I have.

07-08-2004, 05:12 PM
OMG, Kari, Abby is so cute!! Just look at those sweet little fingers! Oh, please try for some more pics. I would love to see more of that little cutie!

Abby, what a sweetheart you are! Looks like you are playing peek-a-boo with us!


07-08-2004, 07:33 PM
I have always wanted a monkey! Every year until I was about 8 I asked for one for Christmas, my birthday, or any other holiday. My mom told me monkeys weren't pets. Then just last year I saw a monkey as a pet on Animal Planet.

Gosh, both of your monkeys are so cute!

-Chrissy, Snowy, and Taffy

07-08-2004, 09:44 PM
Originally posted by trayi52

http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid99/p55d5d72d1e3ec3e9852525d6b8e260ef/f9ed6fd8.jpg Willie, I adore this picture! Mario looks like a little child who's been scolded in this shot. Almost a "I promise I'll be a good boy" expression on his sweet face! I don't dare say give him a kiss....but tickle his little armpits for me OK? ;) :) :D