View Full Version : Dumb luck?

01-13-2004, 10:17 PM
The other day I went into work, and my mom tells me her friend won 100 and some bucks on the loto machine for only using a couple bucks. They have this 'thing' where they split whatever they win in loto machines or tickets. My mom doesn't use the machines much, only a couple dollars, but they buy a lot of lotto tickets and that stuff. So she gives 50 to my mom, and joking around I ask my mom friend "Wheres my fifty?" I know her well enough that she knows I was joking, but said "If I win again, I'll give you 50' so my mom gave her a buck or 2 to play with (mom was also working) and her friend comes out a min later saying 'Look at this' turns out she won another 250 -_- So she actually gave me that 50 :X I was suprised she did cause we were joking around, but it was really nice of her to do so. Anyway, she went to her work later and won =another- 100......is that dumb luck or what?? She bought a lottery ticket that night ;) lmao Anyone else have that happen to them?

01-13-2004, 10:32 PM

Last year...Not this trip to Vegas, but December 2002...I had serious dumb luck! I brought $200 to gamble with...I was winning left and right, hundred here, hundred there...But I kept losing my winnings...

On the last night, last two quarters, we were LEAVING, and I said "I'm going to drop these quarters in, hold on." My friends said "NOOOO, you already lost everything you won, if you would have quit..." I wouldn't listen and I dropped the quarters in. The machine started chinging like crazy...people were running over to watch! I called Mike at home at 4 am to have him listen to the chinging on the phone. Then, the machine ran out of chings...we had to call staff to refill the machine! While I was waiting, I dropped a dollar in the machine next to me and won big there! All in all, I won $2600 right on those two machines. The bad news is I'd been drinking for three days straight, so my judgement was bad. I paid for everyone's (3 rooms) hotel rooms for the trip (4 days). I also bought the entire bar a round. I came home with like $300. But still, that was after the trip was paid for, free and clear!

We won't talk about my gambling luck this year. :rolleyes:

01-14-2004, 02:44 PM
my GF and I would go to the liquor store and pick up tickets
every now and then....

we bought a few, won a few dollars and she HAD to go back in and buy some more.......

we won 2,100 that time....

On the way back from Vegas we stopped at the stateline to play.

As we were ready to leave she handed me a ten and dollar bill and asked me to get some dollars to play.....I felt stupid because people are handing the cashier 20, 50 and hundred dollar bills.....

I got change and she turned those 11 dollars into about 950....


I had to drag her out of the casino by the hair....;)

01-14-2004, 03:36 PM
I came home with like $300

Hey..It beats a poke in the eye with a sharp stick!!!

You have to spend money to make money.


01-14-2004, 03:49 PM
one time my friends mom won 5 grand in the lotto and she decided to take them all to dysney land! and when they got there, they went to look for their bagage with all their new cams and stuff, and it had been stolen, everything !! all their cash and new stuff, gone! . :eek:
well you can loose stuff as fast as you gain it eh ? ;)

01-14-2004, 03:51 PM
I wish I had that kind of 'dumb luck'!!

I don't even think we have 'Lotto Machines' down here. Are they scratch off cards or something?

01-14-2004, 06:43 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
I don't even think we have 'Lotto Machines' down here. Are they scratch off cards or something?

Really? :eek:
Not really scratch cards, they're little cards with numbers on them that you can either pick yourself, or have the computer chose. Then, you watch TV or look at it in the newspaper and if all of your numbers come up, you win A LOT of money. Of course, about half of it is taken away after taxes! :p

01-14-2004, 10:15 PM
No, we have a lotto like that, but it's only ever like Saturday and Wednesday. The Lotto she's talking about sounds like she walks in the store and wins automatically.

01-14-2004, 11:00 PM
No, I ment the ones she was talking about..the super 7 or something and something else..they sometimes get the scratch ones too though

01-14-2004, 11:20 PM
Do you guys have it everyday?

01-14-2004, 11:21 PM
No, but you can buy them any day..they have set draw dates..not sure when though

01-15-2004, 08:22 AM
Congrats to you and your mom! :) I don't gamble much. But I came out about $300 ahead at this casino in AZ. I lose my money quickly at the MI casinos, so I don't go to them anymore.