View Full Version : Like a Scene from a Movie....

01-13-2004, 05:51 PM
Yep, thats what it was like...A Scene from a Movie! I was home alone today and I went to the bathroom and when I went to leave the doorknob broke and there I was stuck in the bathroom!! Argh!!!!! Can you believe that!!!! I was there for an hour! I thought about just hopping in the tub for a bubble bath but then I thought maybe someone would stop by and I could holler at them to come on in and help me out.....lol. Then I was worried to death about Katie because she was out there doing who knows what. I finally just used a towel as a pillow and snoozed a little bit. I could get my fingers under the door a bit and Katie would come and lick them and whine a little and then start scratching at the door. Then I had to lay there and listen to her start chewing on something and I had no idea what it was. That was the worse! I kept yelling...Katie, Leave it! I would here her stop for a bit but then she would start right back up again. Finally she left it and curled up on the other side of the door with me. I'm actually laying there thinking..Oh My God, this is too funny, this is like something you would see in a movie. I was praying my husband wouldn't have to work over. So, one hour later my husband arrived home and freed me from the bathroom. He got a kick out of it until I blasted him with all my pent up frustration ( I had really been having a bad day and this was the kicker). Poor guy didn't deserve that so then I had to apologize like crazy. Aww, what a day! Let me go ahead and tell you about my tv while I'm venting. Just bought a new and expensive 50" dlp hdtv television. We've had it for about 12 days now and yesterday we had the new cable box hooked up to it and now all our tv picture does is roll. I had to spend most of the day on the phone trying to get the cable guy and the tv people to come and look at it. We bought the thing on a 2 year no interest deal and I haven't paid a dime yet so I think I'm just going to pack it back up and send it back.

Well, anyway, there you go that is my bathroom story. My scene from a movie story....lol

Robin :)

P.S...The object that Katie was chewing on was an ink pen. There was no ink anywhere and looks like it is all there just chewed on. So hopefully she didn't swallow anything.

01-13-2004, 05:58 PM
Maybe Katie was trying to write a note to someone to come get you :D :D :D

I'm sure it wasn't too funny at the time, but hopefully you'll look back and smile at your day.

01-13-2004, 06:03 PM
hehehe, u poor thing :)

I've never been locked in a small room before but last month I was locked out of the house & it was -10C & at night.. I was stuck there for almost 2 hrs (I think it was that long, kinda forget). I found a lawnchair & a box in the garage. & then I remembered mom had gotten me a candle. & what was I sitting beside? my fishing box & I always carried lighters in it to cut lines.

I was laughed at all night when Rob's parents came home & found me wearing almost nothing cuddled up to a candle in their garage hehehe :)

Cinder & Smoke
01-13-2004, 06:47 PM
Originally posted by RobiLee
... and listen to her start chewing on something
and I had no idea what it was.

WHY?? do they ALWAYS wait till those moments when you CAN'T
check on them to get into "mischief"??? :mad:

Like when you're ~
ON the poddy and not *quite* done :eek: ...
Or Standing in the SHOWER, drippin soap ...
Or talking on the phone ...
Or ... you get the idea! :rolleyes:

Found this Oldie but Goodie... :D

Old *Locked Out* Tails (http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=24511)

01-13-2004, 07:04 PM
Oh my gosh!! Is there a full moon or something? I had a little scare just a little while ago tonight myself! (Posted under Dog General "What a Scare - Still Shaky")

About 2 weeks before Christmas a similar thing happened to me. I quickly ran outside to get the trashcans because I noticed they were blowing down the street :rolleyes: and let the storm door close behind me (the big main door was still open). When I came back to go inside the handle on the storm door had come off! I had no way to get back inside and it was COLD and I was in my work scrubs (little cotton things! LOL!) The dogs were looking at me like "why don't you come in?" LOL! Thankfully my neighbor was home and I ran over there and called hubby and he came home and let me in. I am telling you these kinds of things can add gray hairs! I think we probably each got a few today! Glad you are OK and that Katie didn't eat anything! :) Whew!

01-13-2004, 07:37 PM
Last week I got locked IN my apartment! I couldn't turn the deadbolt, thankfully it wasn't my bathroom like you so I was able to get to the phone and have maintnance get me out. LOL they seemed to confused at first "What do you mean you're locked in your apartment!"

01-13-2004, 07:38 PM
That sounds pretty scary.I would have been freaked out too.Ive been locked out of the house, but i dont think ive been locked in a room before.

01-13-2004, 08:19 PM
but I just couldn't help myself:o

You were lucky (ok, maybe lucky isn't the right word;)) that you only had to wait an hour, could you imagine it happening earlier in the day & having to be there all day:eek:

Well I hope tomorrow is a better day for you!

01-13-2004, 08:47 PM
Wow, good thing it wasn't more than an hour!!

Yes, as Cinder and Smoke posted...Christian locked me out of the house last year...i freaked at first...b/c he was only 1 1/2...but i could at least see him, b/c the big door, behind the storm door was open...thank goodness!! He could have gotten into a lot of trouble by himslef at that age!!

One thing it taught me, is to be more cautious, and to not allow any chance of it happening again!!

Anyway, glad you got a snooze out of it , bubble bath would have been nice too:)

Katie was prolly in her glory...thinking..."mom can't get me, i can do whatever i want!! heheheh" :)

01-13-2004, 08:50 PM
Oh my, what a story! You told it so well, I was laughing and could totally envision the whole thing! Katie must have wondered what in the world was Mom's problem. Why's she yelling in that little room and not coming out? I can only imagine the puzzled look on Katie's face! Thankfully she didn't get into anything much and you didn't have to wait TOO long. What a predicament!

01-13-2004, 09:20 PM
By the way you described it, I couldn't help but laugh. Poor Katie couldn't figure out how to get you out. When I was in Tx, Duke would sit on the other side of the bathroom door while I took a bath. At least it didn't take too long for you to get free. Don't give up on your tv yet. Wait and see what the cable people can do first. It's probably something very simple.

01-13-2004, 09:22 PM
I'm sorry, but I had to chuckle a little. I was totally picturing myself in the same predicament, but only with 4 of them running loose in the house. I can see it now: Abbey would have all of the covers and sheets and pillows off of my bed, Kito would have all of the pillows off the couch, and will have torn any magazines to shreds (he has a real issue with magazines,lol), Riley would have the cupboards open and be helping himself to a snack, and Jada would be running around knocking tables over!!!!!

I'm glad you weren't stuck in there too long--and Katie was such a good girl!!!

01-13-2004, 09:38 PM
posted by aly:Maybe Katie was trying to write a note to someone to come get you :D >>>>>>>>>>>

LOL! that was a good one. hehehe
I new Katie was smart.

I really feel for you, I know it is funny now,
but I would hate being locked in the bathroom
and than worring what is my Katie up to.

Well better make sure that knob gets fixed real

Robin, I think you should start a thread
on funny or embarrasing moments. lol

01-13-2004, 09:38 PM
Originally posted by lovemyshiba
I can see it now: Abbey would have all of the covers and sheets and pillows off of my bed, Kito would have all of the pillows off the couch, and will have torn any magazines to shreds (he has a real issue with magazines,lol), Riley would have the cupboards open and be helping himself to a snack, and Jada would be running around knocking tables over!!!!!

:D :D :D ROTFLOL! What a mental image! :D :D :D

01-13-2004, 09:49 PM
OH, Robilee! I'm glad you have such a good attitude about that! I'm clautrophobic, so I would have clawed my eyes out.

Actually my house is cheap...let me tell you how I know. One night, I forgot to feed Ron. Next morning, I'm going to the bathroom and the door is closed. Ron's meowing. All of a sudden, I start hearing thumps and bangs on the door. I yell "Mike, knock it off, you are going to break the door!" Then I hear "thadump, thadump, thadump, thaTHUD!" Here comes Ron crashing through the door. "MEOOOOOW!" So, as you can see, I can get out of my bathroom anytime. If a 20lb cat can knock my locked door open, I think I can.

01-14-2004, 04:41 AM
Now...you all are laughing with me, not at me...right?...hehehe

Trust me we laughed all night about it. Talked to my sister and my mom on the phone and had them laughing like crazy and then you should have heard my son and his girlfriend carry on. Although the girlfriends laugh did sound just a wee bit evil....lol. I told her she better hush!

The knob has been removed and there is now a dish towel hanging out the hole...very stylish. I am off to work now and will be picking up a new knob on the way home.

Thanks for letting me share an embarrassing moment...hehehe!

Robin :)

01-14-2004, 07:04 AM
um, better to be locked IN the bathroom than OUT of it when you need it :o Good kitty.. if a bit confused!

01-14-2004, 07:41 AM
And at least you were dressed, Robilee! Imagine if you weren't! lol.

01-14-2004, 07:55 AM
Oh gracious! That reminds me of the time when my sister got stuck in the shower room at a campground we were at. We finally had to get maintanence to take the lock off so she could get out. :D

I'm glad Katie didn't get into too much trouble. :)