View Full Version : do degus and hamsters mix?

01-13-2004, 05:32 PM
Hi can I put a hamster in a cage with 2 degus?

01-13-2004, 06:20 PM
I wouldnt try it

01-13-2004, 07:28 PM
It's never a good idea to mix different kinds of animals. Though i think they are both from teh desert, Degu's are much more active and can be more aggressive, and are normally bigger I think... They could hurt a hamster.

01-13-2004, 08:00 PM
Degus are rat sized animals, and so much larger than a hamster. They could and will attack a hamster if given the chance. If you are looking for something that would get along with a degu several people keep their chinchillas with them, but I still wouldn't recommend this. It's just not safe. The only thing I know that gets along with pretty much anything are guinea pigs, as they just really don't care about other animals. My rats would actually escape their cage to go "sleep" with the piggies and they were unseperable. They would groom the piggies and the pigs would grunt with joy. After I lost the pigs the rats were very depressed, but they got over it. :)

I imagine too that your degu cage is wire and I am sure the hamster could damage his feet from the bar spacing being too big, or could possibly squeeze though the bars.

01-13-2004, 08:09 PM
Once when I was watching my friends piggie (who had free run of my room) the rat pack broke loose, and they did NOT get along with that pig! I came in and saw Ms. Choppy (Probebly a fourth of the pigs weight) Trying to kill him! Luckely, I got there before there were any injuries.