View Full Version : Sweep

10-24-2001, 05:47 AM
Oh Sweep, what a handsome kitty you are and how wonderfully quick and smart of you to learn how to get your Mommmie "up and at em'" each morning! Ouch - the ear plug event sounds painful! You seem to be the light of your Mommie's life! And so, to you sweet Sweep, congratulations for being the cat of the day. You surely deserve the honor! :D

10-24-2001, 07:01 AM
Sweep - you're such a pal and what a purrsonality - Congrats on being a cute, loving, meowing baby COTD :)

Edwina's Secretary
10-24-2001, 08:51 AM
What a doll. I can't help but wonder if he is named "Sweep" because that majestic tail would sweep anything in its way!

10-24-2001, 09:31 AM
Sweep, you sure are one handsome kitty! My Elvis (also orange) likes to have his eyes rubbed, too.
Congratulations on being COTD! :) :)

10-24-2001, 09:50 AM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary:
<STRONG>What a doll. I can't help but wonder if he is named "Sweep" because that majestic tail would sweep anything in its way!</STRONG>

Either that or b/c one look and you're *swept* away!

Congrats Sweetie Sweep!

10-24-2001, 10:05 AM
Sweep!! You are such a cutie, I just love you!! What a sweetie you are to sleep with your human and give him/her kisses when they want them! You are just too cute!!

Congrats on your very special day!!

10-24-2001, 10:31 AM
I'm "swept" away by Sweep!!! :rolleyes: How gorgeous!!! Congratulations, sweet Sweep, on being the Cat of the Day!! :D

10-24-2001, 12:42 PM

What a wonder boy you are! So good looking, so refined... (Sorry, went off on a song tangent there, but it applies to you, sweetie!) And you give your mommy kisses on request! Such a clever boy. It's a treat to meet you and celebrate you as our sweet COTD. May you get lots of wanton indulgence you sweet wonder boy!

10-24-2001, 12:58 PM
Hi Sweep! Like my "kids," you're an early riser who "will not be denied!!" Maybe, intead of earplugs, your momma could use some protective eyeshades :D And Sweep, we have a fellow Brit Pet Talk member here who had to be enlightened on the redeeming value and tastiness of 'Fritos,' a favorite American chip. Now it's my turn...WHAT, pray tell, is taramasalata...A salad of sorts??? Salsa??? Well, since today is your MOST SPECIAL day of honor as we name you Cat of the Day, I say, "pass the bowl!" :) Congratulations to you Sweep, a beautiful "best friend" with a great name. Conjures up visions of Dick VanDyke as the chimmney "sweep" in Mary Poppins!! :)

[ October 24, 2001: Message edited by: tatsxxx11 ]

10-24-2001, 04:20 PM
What an adorable,cuddly fluffball you are!!!
There is something about you redheads that
just makes me want to give ya a big ole hug.
Congratulations Sweetie-pie Sweep for being
chosen today's CAT OF THE DAY!!!!

10-24-2001, 06:07 PM
Sweep, I love your name AND your looks! I agree that you look as if there is some M. Coon or N. Forest Cat in you- you look a lot like my M. Coon kitten, who is 13 lbs. and growing. Congrats on being our beautiful COTD!

10-24-2001, 09:00 PM
Is the picture you posted your foster cat
Chewie? If so, could you please post some
stats on this kitty? Why do you say it's hyper? Love the expression on this kitty's