View Full Version : Just thought I'd tell you...

01-13-2004, 03:50 PM
...why I haven't been around much lately. I was having a few doubts about whether or not I wanted to stay here [nothing personal, please don't be offended....I have a lot of stuff going on, once again :(].

Anyway, I have not been here for the last few days based mainly on the fact that I was in a pretty bad car accident the other night and am still "recovering" from it. My arm has been in a sling for the past few days and I have been having a lot of pains in my neck and back. I've been on the computer off-and-on and honestly didn't have the energy or patience to read any threads and/or respond. :o

I have been somewhat depressed since the accident and really just don't want to deal with anything that's going on. I've had nothing but bad news since. I'm sorry to sound like such a downer, I honestly don't act like this very often...I've never truly been "depressed" before. :o It's just that my good friend that was driving the car ended up having some pretty serious problems after the fact, and he is not in the best shape right now. It's just a little shocking since he seemed to be feeling better than me the day after the accident.

I just wanted to explain this for those of you who were wondering where I was [if anyone]. If you didn't notice or really don't care, just disregard this whole thread.

01-13-2004, 03:53 PM
Sorry to hear about you and your riend. Take care and let moose cuddle you and make you better. we all understand here.

01-13-2004, 04:00 PM
Sorry to hear about that:( I hope you have a speedy recovery!:)
Come back soon!
and take care of yourself:)

01-13-2004, 04:02 PM
Thanks guys. :)

01-13-2004, 04:21 PM
Take care of yourself and take the time to recover physically and emotionally. It's not unexpected to feel some depression after such a scary, life threatening event. I hope you'll be back with us soon!:) {{{HUGS}}}

01-13-2004, 04:25 PM
Oh Brooke! I'm so sorry :( :( :(

Please just take care of yourself and try not to worry about being a downer or anything like that! Here's *hugs* from me, and sloppy pup smooches from Tasha and Tommy *smaller delicate smooth (Tash)* *Bigger sloppier smooch (Tommy)*

Sure hope you and your friend get to feeling better. Don't be a stranger! Feel free to PM me if you ever need to just chat one on one with someone.

01-13-2004, 07:43 PM
Im sorry you have so much to deal with.That must have been pretty scary.I hope things get better for you soon.

01-13-2004, 09:25 PM
Thank you so much, you guys.

K9Soul, tell Tasha and Tommy thanks for the kisses. :p

01-13-2004, 09:41 PM
Very sorry to hear about your car accident.
I hope hour friend will be ok.
Wishing you both a speedy recovery.



01-13-2004, 09:44 PM
Hi, Moose. I'm sorry to hear about the accident. Thank God that no one was killed. I hope things cheer up for you soon. We miss you!

01-14-2004, 02:15 AM
Brooke take a little time off and heal yourself, I think Moose can help you with that. Like somebody said, it is so good that there was no loss of life.

Just don't stay away too long, you are missed so much! We have already lost members here that we did not want to loose. So don't you dare leave us too. You know we are all with you, and if you are feeling depressed or angry then we are here for you.

See you SOON!


01-14-2004, 08:46 AM
I'm sorry to hear about your friend (and you):( i hope you both feel better soon

01-14-2004, 09:55 AM
Sorry to hear about the accident. That must have been pretty scary, and painful, for the both of you. Sometimes, once the initial shock of the accident has worn off, people can be kind of more upset. See, your body naturally responds to shock..think of a big fat cottonball surrounding you right afterwards. Everything is kind of muffled. Then, that cottonball goes away, and you are left with just your raw feelings about the accident, the 'what ifs', the injuries.

Take some time to baby yourself. Eat better than ever, take lots and lots of naps, get to bed at a good time, and go slow. Give your mind and body a chance to fully recover (and that might take weeks). Only do those things you 'have' to do...get up, go to school, work, take care of your pets. Try to avoid all the stressful things that you can. If that means sitting around listening to music, reading a book, watching TV, do it! Listen to what your body is telling you.

Take care of yourself.

01-14-2004, 11:20 AM
Originally posted by Cataholic

Take some time to baby yourself. Eat better than ever, take lots and lots of naps, get to bed at a good time, and go slow. Give your mind and body a chance to fully recover (and that might take weeks). Only do those things you 'have' to do...get up, go to school, work, take care of your pets. Try to avoid all the stressful things that you can. If that means sitting around listening to music, reading a book, watching TV, do it! Listen to what your body is telling you.

Take care of yourself.
This is really good advise, I couldn't have said it better!

Moose, I had a bad acccident once and ended up in hospital for 5 weeks, but trust me - you'll be feeling better in a couple of months. :) For me it took about 3 months to get back to normal.

Take care and relax! ;)

01-14-2004, 02:15 PM
I'm sorry moose:( I hope you and your friend recover soon. You know, I would miss you, if I did not see your very gifted writing. Get some rest. I hope your friend gets better soon.

01-14-2004, 02:24 PM
I am sorry that you got into an accident and both you and your friend were injured. I hope you start to feel better soon, and your friend as well. Just get a lot of TLC for now, and i am sure you will be back to normal soon, both physically and mentally. You always seem to be such an upbeat and happy person, i am sure it wont be hard for you to recover quickly!! :)

Feel better.


01-14-2004, 03:06 PM
I'm sorry about the accident and that you've been down lately. :( I totally understand why you would not be around. Just come back, ok? ;)

I'll be keeping you in my thoughts. Hopefully you and your friend will recover quickly. :)

01-14-2004, 10:34 PM
Thank you guys. I won't exactly be completely gone, but I just won't be around as often as I was and would like to be. Hopefully, I'll be back to my annoying self soon....;):p

01-14-2004, 10:38 PM
As everyone else said, take care of yourself right no, don't worry about us. We are all glad you survived the accident, and that you stopped by to tell us.

Big hugs to you- but gingerly, we don't want to hurt you!