View Full Version : I need help with Gigi.

01-12-2004, 12:09 PM
(Karen: If this should be in the Behavior forum, please move it there for me, thanks. )

This is gonna be lengthy. Please excuse me if my English is not perfect. :( Right now I am very stressed. [Here when I said "whine", it means soft little cries and when I said "cry" that means louder cry/yell)
I should start off with my routine: I woke up every morning and went to shower and by the time I am done with my shower Gigi will be crying and whining out in the living room. I will let her out of the crate when I am done and I make sure she pee before she gets her breakfast. When she is eating usually I will prepare her kong or clean up her pee. When she is done eating we will play a little (eg: chasing her toy, I tried playing fetch, but she is not good at retreiving it and bring it back). I will hang out with her for about an hour before I have to leave for work. Around 10 minutes before I leave I will show her the kong and put it in her crate and when she gets in there I will close the door and usually I will tell her I will be back later. Then I will go to my room and get ready...lately (since like last week) she will start crying (not tiny whining, but loud(er) cries) like 1 minute later. I ignored her, BUT I FEEL TERRIBLE! When I get home from work I will let her out so she can do her business and give her her dinner, then we will play some and in between that time and her sleep time I may go into my room to do things or what not, she whines a little and I ignore her and will come out of my room ASAP. Then usually around 8ish and 9ish she will be sleeping on my lap and that's when I put her in her crate and that's it for the night and usually she sleeps through it and it starts all over again.

Here are the problems. When I have dinner she wants to jump up (I had dinner in the living on the futon and the little coffee table). I have been using the squirt bottle (not necessarily spraying at her, but just showing) and tell her "no jumping", the same goes for when she is biting me. Then I will give a toy after that. Sometimes that works, but sometimes she will come back and do it again. I will repeat it again. And since yesterday I have been leaving the living room and hide in my bed room for a short period of times. And last nite she cried in her crate around 11, I was debating whether I should check on her and see if there is something wrong with her or it's just that she is awake and wants to come out. I finally went out and looks like she just want to come out. And she pee and poo and wants to play. :( I was so frustrated because I think I am doing such a bad job raising her and I have been short with her at times for the past few days. Is she just being a puppy? Does she has separation anxiety? She came home with me when she is 8 weeks old. Am I just a nasty mother? I am so confused. I am now stressed when she cries in her crate. I do have to work everyday and she is in her crate for a long period of time, but I do give her a kong (but lately I found that she does not really like the kong like she used to in the beginning, does she associate it with kong=alone in the crate?) in there and starting today I turn on the radio, and if my sis comes home before I do she can leave the crate earlier. I cried last nite when she was out in the crate running around like she wants to play. I don't know what I should do, I tried... but... I have just started puppy class, so I am hoping it will get better. Thanks for listening.

My Peanuts
01-12-2004, 01:34 PM
I am no puppy expert, but I have been raising Sylvia since June when she was 3 1/2 months old. Gigi seems to act similar to Sylvia. We never crated Sylvia (I know we were supposed to, but my parents never did with other dogs so we raised Sylvia the same), but we did keep her gated in the kitchen. She would cry so badly. I have never heard a puppy cry like that. It sounded like she was in pain, even though she wasn't. When I would leave for work I could hear her crying from outside, it was terrible. I'm afraid that the only thing that helped my poor Sylvia was when we got Harley. I'm not telling you to get another dog. Gigi is in her needy puppy stage and having two would send you over the edge! It worked for us because Harley is an adult and already trained. Gigi's crying doesn't mean you are raising her wrong. Puppies are like babies. She is testing you. If you give her what she wants every time she cries, then she will always cry. I think you are doing the right thing with Gigi. As far as the jumping up when you are eating I can't help! We are still battling this problem with Sylvia ;) Hope I helped a little.

01-12-2004, 01:35 PM
Can you let Gigi out before you take a shower, and make sure she pee's/poop's then? Then feed her and take your shower as she eats.

I think the crying thing is just being a puppy. That's how Nala was, and still is sort of.

Do you have a neighbor or someone that would be able to let her out once or twice while you're away during the day?

As for jumping when you're eating --

Nala used to be HORRIBLE about this. She'd put her whole upper body on your lap.
Teach Gigi the "sit" and "stay" command VERY well. When she goes to jump, correct her by telling her to sit. If she sits, and stays -- reward her. I normally always have a few milkbones with me, ALWAYS. I often find them in my pants pocket, lol. After a while, she'll realize she won't get anything without sitting. I've done this with Nala and she always sits when i'm eating.

Either try it that way, or have her "Go lay down" while you're eating.

01-12-2004, 03:06 PM
Nicki was terrible about whining and crying when she was a puppy... thats why she lasted only a few weeks in the crate - I couldn't take the crying. Lucky for me, she was FABULOUS about not doing any business in the house. We left her contained to one puppy-proof room (as puppy proof as possible, no wire to chew, etc.) when we weren't home so that she felt as if she had some freedom.

Puppies have a lot of energy (gee, surprise surprise) and need to run around a lot. Have you tried walking her in the mornings to use up some of that energy? Nicki became such a great dog once I started walking her 5 or 6 miles a day (and I became skinny) She knew the walk schedule and it gave me a reason not to be lazy and lull around in bed. It sounds as if you get up nice and early and dedicate a great deal of time to her - how about spending that time outside (unless the weather is too bad.) I would walk her first thing in the morning, as soon as i got home at night and again before bed. She knew the schedule and I think this helped in her not making any messes in the house. PoorNicki's too old now to walk that far and that often but she still loves our walks.

I know I rambled, but I hope maybe this might help... I know it helped us A LOT as Nicki was especially active and hyper. People hated her because hse was so big and boisterous. Oh, one more thing I found that was a god-send - the dog park. I drove 30 minutes each way, but it was the best thing for her... it taught her to come upon command and to stay nearby without a leash. Also the socializing was great.

01-12-2004, 03:58 PM
bump. :o

Miss Meow
01-12-2004, 09:25 PM
Jen, like Miss Buffy, I think Gigi is testing your limits to see what she can get away with. Keep ignoring her whining as she'll possibly get worse before she gets better (we are up to half an hour with Buffy, but I'm sure she'll have to give it up soon!).

I like Catnapper's suggestion to walk her in the mornings. Are you able to do that instead of playing inside for the hour? I'd love to do that with our two, but we get up at 5.15am as it is, so we play in the mornings and walk after work.

For the jumping, try turning your back and ignoring her when she does it and face her again when she behaves. Might help??? Ours hate having the attention taken away from them ... last night Buffy didn't feel she was getting enough attention, so she jumped into the cats' bed. She knows not to do that! I asked her to jump out, which she did, and returned to what I was doing. It wasn't enough for her, so she turned around and jumped right back in again and stared at me in defiance. I cracked up laughing! I got her out again and 20 seconds later she jumped back in just to test me! She got a stern command to move her little rear end, and she cracked the sads and went to her bed ;)

01-12-2004, 11:45 PM
Thank you for all your inputs. I have posted my questions in many different places, cuz I want to get as many input as possible. And what I have done today is: I feed her her late nite snack in her crate (so she will think crate=good; idea from Ash) and I ignored her when she was jumping on me while I have dinner. I went to PetsMart and bought a play pan and I will "give" part of the living room to Gigi while I am at work. I will leave her newspaper (toilet), her crate and water and oh toys too in there, so she will have "more freedom". And we shall see what it will happen. Cuz I have a feeling she does have some separation anxiety. As for walks, I'd love to try, but darn it was raining this evening when I wanted to start, so instead we "practice" walking in the hallway outside my apartment unit and in the garage while I was warming up my car going to PetsMart. And Gigi walk first time in PetsMart, she was busy looking at things and seeing all the bigger doggies and she cried a little probably she is a bit scared. I can't wait to go to puppy class soon, so she can meet more friends and can learn more commands. I just hope this "dark age" will be over soon...:rolleyes: :o :) :D

haha... Nicole, you cracked me up w/what Buffy did. ;) How about her brother? Sounds like it's only she who is naughty. ;)

01-13-2004, 12:37 AM
You may want to put her 'paypen' on a tiled area -- incase of accidents and if she feels the need to "dig" at the carpet.

As well as toys that aren't easily destructable. A ceramic/metal water bowl might be best.

01-13-2004, 06:30 AM
Welcome to parenthood. I always thought that all young men and women should raise a puppy before they have children, because they get a good lesson on what it takes to care for a baby. :D

First of all a couple of calming things you can try that might help. Try covering the crate completely with a blanket or a towel when you want Gigi to be quiet. Sometimes the outside stimuli is too much for a small puppy.

Second - I think you need to put Gigi on a little more structured schedule. When you wake up in the morning, the FIRST thing you need to do is take Gigi out of her crate and take her outside (or to her papers) to relieve herself. Once she has done what you want her to do (GOOD DOG - GREAT DOG - PRAISE, PRAISE, PRAISE), then you can feed her and give her some water. Play with her a little while, then put her back in her crate while you take your shower, get ready for work, etc. (or even better, can you take her in the bathroom with you while you are getting ready with a chew toy to keep her occupied?)

Even though my dogs are 3 and 6, I always take care of their needs first before I get ready in the morning.

Right before you leave, you should take her out (or to her papers) again to relieve herself - again if she goes (GOOD DOG - GREAT DOG - PRAISE, PRAISE, PRAISE), then recrate her with a chew toy. I would also cover the crate to keep her quiet.

Now, I have to say that at her young age and size she should not be in the crate for long periods of time. She should be able to get out of her crate every 3 hours or so. If you can't do that due to work, you might want to baby gate a small room and have the papers on one side. I think you are also going to have to resign yourself to waking up every night and make sure she has the opportunity to relieve herself in the middle of the night. She should also have a chance to relieve herself right before you go to bed as well - so a sample schedule could be

5am - Papers, Food, Play

7am - Papers, Play

10am - Papers, Food, Play

1pm - Papers,Play

5pm - Papers, Food, Play

8pm - Papers, Play

11pm - Papers, Play

2am - Papers

The schedule will help the whining and crying once she learns her schedule. Whatever you do, do not give her any attention when she demands it. Ignore her completely when she is whining and crying. Only give her attention when she is quiet. You could also try putting classical music on a radio when you are gone, and putting a article of clothing in her crate (the smellier the better)

Most of all - be patient, it is going to take time, committment, and a really good sense of humor to get through the puppy stage.:D

01-13-2004, 12:24 PM
I am 90% sure Gigi has separation anxiety, she has all the signs: she is a velcro dog, has to be with me or my sis all the time; wants to be touched constantly; fear-stressed barking--cycle s between quiet and high-pitched bark etc etc. I am feeling very sad about this. This morning I am trying to set up the new play pan for her. I have to cover the floor with plastic drop cloth (or whatever it's called), because I do not trust her. She knows where to pee, but there are times she still do it else where. I woke up and feed her and while she was eating, I was very busy setting up the area, of course she got distracted. And when I am done I move her to the new area (so that she can get familiar with before I leave for work) and I went to take a shower and of course she cried and whine and yell and everything and then I came out when I am done and let her out and play with her a little, she was feeling anxious (I can just feel it) and then I put her in her new area 10 minutes before I have to leave so I can get ready to work and again she cried and yell and whine. I came out and tell her I am going to work and she better be a good girl (in normal voice). Then I left. In her play plan I have: water, toys, crate and her toilet. I hope it will work.

Originally posted by Kfamr
You may want to put her 'paypen' on a tiled area -- incase of accidents and if she feels the need to "dig" at the carpet.

I covered the floor with plastic drop cloth, cuz my kitchen is too small. I do not like carpet at all, how I wish I can remove them all!

Originally posted by Kfamr
As well as toys that aren't easily destructable. A ceramic/metal water bowl might be best.
I have a kong, a plastic toy and her soft spider. But probably she is too stressed that she won't want to play with them?
And the water bowl is metal. :)

01-13-2004, 12:29 PM
Originally posted by clara4457
Welcome to parenthood. I always thought that all young men and women should raise a puppy before they have children, because they get a good lesson on what it takes to care for a baby. :D
heehee... I can't agree more.

Originally posted by clara4457

First of all a couple of calming things you can try that might help. Try covering the crate completely with a blanket or a towel when you want Gigi to be quiet.
I have been doing this. :)

I will have to think and decide what I am gonna do, I probably will try your idea, take care of her first and then I will recrate her and do my stuff and then put her in the play pan.

I am so stressed with all these. But hopefully I can find a solution soon.

01-13-2004, 12:39 PM
I wish I had some advice for you, but I haven't had any experience with doxies and any tendencies they have in particular. I know that Tasha used to cry when I put her in her crate and had to leave and it broke my heart but I just had to ignore it. She adjusted fairly quickly though and I got a play pen for her to be in when I was gone for long periods, which she did fine in, though she was extremely exuberant when I got home and jumping all over me, which we had to work on. To this day she has a tendency to jump when I first get home from somewhere, but she's a lot better now.

I do know that dachshunds have exceptional problem-solving abilities, which means they are very good at learning how to get their way. I'd imagine Gigi really needs to learn that her crying won't work in always getting what she wants, but it has to be difficult for you. I truly think just about any puppy left on its own has separation anxiety though. I think a lot of people here have given you good advice, and you might also search the internet about dachshunds. Look for any behavioral problems that they tend to have and how best to handle them.

One thing I would be careful of though is how much attention you give her before you are heading out. If you are cuddling and playing with her a lot just before you leave, it might not be giving her time enough to adjust to being alone. Also when you get home try not to lavish her with immediate attention and cuddles. It's hard because that is probably what you want to do, but it reinforces to her that when you are home everything is wonderful and when you are away everything is lonely.

Wish I could offer you more. Good luck!

01-13-2004, 04:03 PM
I am new here, but I will tell you something I had to do to Mickey, my doggie.... He slept in a cage inside my room because he loves chewing up anything he can get his paws on, when he would cry, I would give him a snack and cover his cage so he thought it was completky dark.... ( there was a light on in my room at all timmes ) and then he would go to sleep. I wish you luck!!