View Full Version : A Pictures update! :)

01-11-2004, 11:17 PM
I am SUCH the handy girl! I fixed the digital camera and got some cute shots of the furkids. :)

hee hee, I thought this one was funny. Doesn't he look like he's trying to be the MGM lion? :) I think he was about to yawn.

The "tortie stare"...

Laying with the laundry...being a cutie. :)

Half asleep with her shaved belly. Livvy had to have an ultra sound after xrays revealed a strange, egg-shaped object around her liver. Blood work was good, so we're just treating her for her UTI with some Clavimox and C/D food. Our girl sure had us worried last week!

More coming...

01-11-2004, 11:17 PM
He is such a camera hog!! As soon as he see's me with it, he wants to be my little model. :)

Being mommy's friend. She really is a dear. :)

Phoebe is also a little dear...I love that second picture of us all together.

Sitting in the catbed, inside our new bookcases. :)

That's it for now. :)

01-11-2004, 11:29 PM
Those are great pics!!!
I can't believe how BIG the kittens are!!!

01-11-2004, 11:40 PM
What great pictures.:)

They all look good. Tell Olivia that she is lucky, they shaved al the way up Joey's sides for her Ultra sound. I am happy to hear that she is OK.

Give them all a little love for me.

01-12-2004, 12:23 AM
Great pictures.:D All of your furkids sure are gorgeous. I'm so glad to hear that Olivia will be fine.:)

01-12-2004, 12:55 AM
great pics!!! But I need to make a request... I want more close ups of the supertoes!!! :o They are too cute :D

Thanks for fixing the camera!

01-12-2004, 01:01 AM
Great pics of everyone!!! So glad that Olivia is on the mend! Poor baby girl, give her hugs from me, please! That Micah is sure a handsome fella!!! ;)

01-12-2004, 01:42 AM
Great pictures...it's always fun to see pictures of a multicathousehold!!!
Livvy with her shaved tummy looks sooooo cute!!!
:D :D :D

01-12-2004, 05:45 AM
Wonderful pictures of all the babies!!! I'm in love with each one but Noah is such a handsome devil!!
It looks like Phoebe has her toes all stretched out over your hand. How cute! I love the picture of you with the two sweeties on each side. How wonderful to be surrounded by so much kitty love!! I hope you weren't trying to get any work done though!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif
I'm glad Livvy is on the mend. Poor beautiful baby. Her coat is so silky and shiny looking.
All your cats are just gorgeous!! I could never see enough of all these babies!

01-12-2004, 07:14 AM
Great pictures. Haven't seen Hermione in a while, what a beauty!! As for Olivia, do they know that the egg shaped object could be??

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-12-2004, 11:42 AM
You know how Snoopy used to sit on top of his dog house and look like a vulture? That's what the pic of Noel reminds me of. Like she's on top of the world keeping an eye on everything that is going on beneath her. :D

And Noah is such a cutie pie. :D Of course they're all adorable, and Hermoine is getting soooo big, as are Phoebe and Sampson.

I love the pic of you, Hermoine and Phoebe. Nothing like trying to work on the computer and being covered in kitties to prevent it. ;) :D

01-12-2004, 11:59 AM
I love all of the pictures. I have to say that my favorite would be of Noah....and yes he does look like the MGM lion. What a cutie-pie.

01-12-2004, 12:03 PM
These are all such clear and wonderful pictures! I did not realize what a beautiful pattern Hermione had. I love the stripes! Oh and Phoebe is looking so grown up!! She really looks very much like my Emily (except for the cute toes!) She even has that tear drop marking under her eye. On Emily, it gives her such a sweet face and I think this is also what makes little Phoebe so endearing to me. Thanks for the great pictures!! Oh and YES you are very clever for fixing the digital!! When *I* fix things - they either work or go in the trash - mostly the trash:D

Felicia's Mom
01-12-2004, 12:33 PM
All are cute pictures! My favorites are the ones with Hermione and you. She looks like she is holding your arm.

I missed any threads on Olivia's illiness/surgery. The last I knew, all your other cats were picking on Olivia. Do you think they knew she was sick?

Miss Meow
01-12-2004, 03:28 PM
All very different and very beautiful cats!

I love Noah's teeth - what a Hollywood smile! :)

01-12-2004, 03:38 PM
Beautiful, beautiful kitties!! :)

Great pictures! Thanks for sharing.:D

01-13-2004, 12:42 AM
Wonderful pics. I always love to see your fur family.

Phoebe and Sampson are getting so big and beautiful!

01-13-2004, 04:11 AM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
I am SUCH the handy girl! I fixed the digital camera and got some cute shots of the furkids. :)

hee hee, I thought this one was funny. Doesn't he look like he's trying to be the MGM lion? :) I think he was about to yawn.

I LOVE this photo ... he looks like he's laughing!

01-13-2004, 08:48 AM
What a beautiful fur-family. I love that picture of MGM Noah.
All the best for Olivia.
And Hermione is one of my favorite stripeys. She and Tigs would make a good couple (they may be too young yet:D )