View Full Version : Honey got paralyzed :(

01-11-2004, 09:35 PM
My beautiful rat Honey hurt herself today and now she is parayzed. She cannot move her back legs to walk, and just drags her body along with her front feet. She can move her feet and does have feeling in them, which is good, she just can't walk. If I set her down she just drags herself.

Today I cleaned my babies tank and decided to put Honey in with the other bigger girls while I cleaned. I heard a scream and went into the room to see what was going on and found the other girls on top of her. There were no wounds on her of any kind. I went to pick her up and she started trying to run or walk and just kept flopping around. :( The only thing I can think of is that she fell on her back or one of the girls caused some sort of pinched nerve. :(

She is doing fine emotionally and is just acting like her normal self and doesn't seem to mind not being able to walk fully. She is as happy as can be still, giving me kisses, eating and drinking and still nursing her remaining babies that haven't left for their new homes yet. She doesn't seem to be in any pain either.

When I pinch her feet she pulls them away. I felt along her back and spine as well as her hips and ribs and do not feel anything out of the ordinary. If she isn't better by tomorrow night I will take her in to have x-rays done and see if they can determine what caused this. There's really nothing you can do for a spinal injury in a rat besides wait and see if they get better, but I would still like to know what happened to my sweet girl. :(

Now she can't sit on my shoulder anymore when I type. :( And she was Dylan's favorite rat. He adored her. She will probably have to stay in a tank for the rest of her life, but I am NOT euthanizing my baby girl, no way! I am just so sad over this. She is such a sweetie. :( Please pray that she recovers PLEASE! She doesn't deserve this. :(

01-11-2004, 10:25 PM
I am so sorry to hear that! I hope that Honey gets better. Keep us posted.

01-11-2004, 10:50 PM
Thank you Tonya. :)

What's sad is that she cannot reach her water bottle and I have to hold her up to drink. :(

01-11-2004, 10:55 PM
i am really sorry about poor honey :(:(... i hope the vets can find out whats wrong with her.. :eek:..keep us posted :). I will keep her in my prayers.

01-12-2004, 01:24 AM
Cass, I'm just glad to hear that she don't seem to be having any pain. Very happy to hear that you are going to keep her too. If she is not suffering, and she is happy, then I see no need whatsoever in putting her down.

Who knows she may just be a little sore or something like that. Of course I know nothing about rats, but I know how much you love you babies, so I know you will do the right thing. You know so much about them.

Your a great rat mommie and a great mommie to all your babies including that cute big smiling Dylan.

I will keep Honey in my prayers, Cass.


01-12-2004, 01:42 AM
Poor Honey! :( Here's hoping for a full recovery!

01-12-2004, 01:54 AM
Thanks so much everyone. It really means so much to me to have your replies posted here. I am so saddened by what has happened. :( I am just hoping and praying she will get better!

Thanks again!

01-12-2004, 10:48 AM
Well she can still move her back legs but this morning when I went to check on her I really thought she was dead. She was laying on her back, and she was drenched in urine as she could not right herself to pee downwards. :( It's not that bad, as I can just bathe her, but still. Poor poor girl. :( I am just going to give it some time. There is nothing a vet can do for her besides put her to sleep, and at this time that's not an option. I will assess her quality of life in the days to come. Wish us luck, we need it.

01-12-2004, 10:56 AM
OMG!!! I´m so sorry to hear this :( I really hope Honey will get OK :) I´ll pray for her....

01-12-2004, 01:46 PM
I hope that Honey gets better. It sounds terrible. I had a rabbit when I was younger that needed to be put down after her back legs were paralyzed, and it made me so sad. :(

01-12-2004, 03:00 PM
This is so sad.
I am so sorry to hear about Honey.
If you take her to the vet, will x-rays show anything
so the vet might help with her healing?
Sending prayers that Honey will recover.

Hugs Karen

01-12-2004, 03:56 PM
I can't stop crying. :( Honey will be euthanized tonight at 5:00 after Dan gets home from work. She still cannot walk. She is leaking bloody urine which also may have crystals in it. I don't think there is anything we can do. This is NOT supposed to happen. I just lost Thor and now Honey too. :( :( I gave her a bath again because she is leaking this bloody urine everywhere. I just held her and told her how much I loved her. After awhile I had to put her back to be with her babies, so she can spend time with them before she leaves. :( I don't know if I can stand to be with her when she goes.

01-12-2004, 06:18 PM
Oh Cass! :( I'm so very sorry to hear about this.:(

Honey, have a great time at the Rainbow Brigde! You will be missed!

Keeping you in my thoughts. :(so sorry :( *Hugs*

01-12-2004, 07:22 PM
Oh no! Poor Honey... :( :( Please take care at the RB baby girl...

01-12-2004, 07:35 PM
Oh my God Cass, I am so sorry! I know how much you loved her. I was hoping she would get better.

I know it was hard for you to come to this decision. I also know that your are doing what is right. My heart is with you Cass.
Sending lots of hugs to you from me.


01-12-2004, 08:20 PM
aww sorry, I had an old gerbil, tippy, fall and get paralized as well, she passed on later but only because of old age(she was 6)

whoops I missed the post about honey going to RB, good-bye sweet honey you say high to tippy for me ok?

01-12-2004, 08:36 PM
Aww Im so sorry!! I almost cried when I read this:( Poor Honey! R.I.P You will always be missed and loved by everyone:(:(

01-12-2004, 11:28 PM
I wish I could cry right now.

I'm so sorry. I can't believe this is happening after Thor. Those poor babies... keep one of them okay, please? It would break my heart to see (er... hear about) them all going.

*Sigh* I'm so glad I have my baby right now. Take comfort in the rest of yours.

I have to admit I skimmed a few posts but I just had to say I'm sorry, as soon as possible.

I am so, so sorry.

I can't believe this is happening, she, and the babies, and Thor and you don't deserve this.

:( :( :(

I'm sorry.

R.I.P. Little Honey, you will be missed.

P.S. Will you be able to find out what's wrong/ what happned?


01-13-2004, 12:07 AM
omg cass i am so sorry :(:(.

01-13-2004, 10:54 AM
I couldn't do it. We have an appointment today for an EXAM. Either she will be coming home with us, or she won't. :( I just couldn't do it yet. Forgive me. :( It is hard for me to talk about this right now. I will update more later.

Sara luvs her Tinky
01-13-2004, 11:21 AM
oh no ... i am so sorry ...

still praying for a miracle for Honey..:(

01-13-2004, 11:46 AM
Oh Cass:(:(:( I'm so, so sorry for you, Dylan and dear little Honey:( I will still be hoping and praying for a miracle. You have suffered so much loss recently Cass and my heart breaks for you. No matter what the final outcome, Honey couldn't have hoped for a more loving and devoted Mom{{{HUGS}}} Sandra

01-14-2004, 07:38 AM
Cass, I am just catching up on Pet Talk this morning, after weeks of being away. I am so sorry about your Honey. Please keep us posted, and know that you are in our prayers. :(

01-14-2004, 10:20 AM
I know how hard it is to loose a rat...Ive had several rats in my life and losing them was really hard for me. I cried for days when my Galahad passed on *he was 5 and 1/2* He came when called and liked to crawl up my shirt sleves when I worked on the computer lol. Rats really do get to you...I guess its cause theyre so cute.
Honey, say hi to Galahad for me...he may be a big brute but he's sweet on the inside.
RIP at the RB....

01-15-2004, 07:32 PM
Ok I am finally updating this as I lost my internet connection for two days and was unable to let everyone know of Honey's progress/outcome. Yesterday we took her to the vet for an exam at 4:45. I was going to update as soon as we got back but we ended up having out internet disconnected due to having to upgrade something, blah blah blah. So I just got my connection back and it's 5:26 the next day.

We took Honey to see the vets at Cat Care Limited and like always, they were great! :D They just adore my rats and treat them so nice. Everyone comes over and tells me how sweet they are and always say things about their coat color and how pretty it is. Honey got so many head scratchies yesterday she bruxed almost the whole time at the vet. She was such a good girl, like always.

They did an exam and found that she has some sort of spinal trauma caused by falling on her back, in the lower part of her lumbar region just above her hips. She has lost ALL bladder control as well as cannot defecate on her own anymore. She was given a shot (and was such a good girl, only gave kisses during this!) of Dexamethasone to help with the swelling. Basically just a cortisone injection. She goes back next week for another. She didn't even try to bite, just licked. Oh what a sweet girl she is! :D

Her prognosis is OK. They think that with a little time and limiting her movement she will heal on her own and start to walk again. She can move her back legs and can feel deap pain (when you squeeze, she is in no pain right now) which is great. If you squeeze her feet she can pull her legs underneath her, she just can't walk.

So I am now her caretaker full time pretty much. I need to empty her bladder a few times a day as she cannot pee on her own. If I leave it full it will eventually leak out, but that's a good way to cause infection, so I have to squeeze her and empty it. She doesn't particuarly like being squeezed but she takes everything in stride and is happy when it's done. I also have to press and squeeze on her anus to get her poops to come out. They still form and make it to the exit, I just have to help them out all the way. She can get around good by dragging herself with her front paws too, but I have to limit her movement for awhile.

To ward off infection she has been prescribed Trimethoprim Sulfa three times a day. She of course takes her meds like a charm! I couldn't ask for a better, sweeter ratty. :) So hopefully one day she will be able to walk again and have her bladder control back. But until then, I must care for her. She can reach her bottle now by herself so that's good.

So please send more prayers that she can make a complete recovery! I did not want to euthanize her, and there was no reason to. I am glad I took her in for an exam before I made the decision. I feel SO much happier now that I got to keep my girl with me. I can't tell you how much I love this rat. Thanks to everyone for their support during this time, but I was NOT about to lose one of my babies again. I just couldn't take it.

Well, time to go empty a bladder. ;) :p

01-15-2004, 08:02 PM
Keeping Honey in my thoughts and prayers!!

01-15-2004, 08:21 PM
Cass, you just don't know how happy that has made me! To know that you are working so hard on keeping that sweet little Honey alive. You are just the best. I just feel so proud of you!

I just can't stop smiling about Honey, she does sound like such a little trooper! I have been thinking about you today. You are so passionate about your loved ones! I am just like a proud old grandmother. You work wonders, you should be a vet yourself!

I just don't see how you do everything you do. You take care of all your rattie babies, hamsters, and the rest of the crew plus being such a good mother to Dylan. You are indeed a miracle worker. I wish I had your get up and go, and that pizzaz you have for life!

I will be sure to keep Honey in my prayers and sweet Cass too.


01-15-2004, 11:42 PM
Awww, thanks so much! :D I love my babies and would do anything for them.

01-16-2004, 07:12 AM
You obviously are a devoted pet mom, Cass. I'm glad that you have found a way to keep Honey for a while longer. I hope everything will go smoothly with her.

Keep us posted.


01-16-2004, 09:30 AM
I can't say it any better than Willie has! You're one fabulous fur and skin mom, Cass!:) I was thrilled, just thrilled to read that Honey's on the mend! As I said before, there's always hope for a miracle and Honey is definitely a miracle rattie!:) Prayers continue for her continued recovery. What a brave little rattie girl she is; a real fighter. just like her Mom!:) Gentle hugs and kisses to you Honey! Sandra

01-16-2004, 10:01 AM
I'm so glad to hear that Honey's getting better! :D It feels great to take care of something, doesn't it?

01-16-2004, 10:34 AM
Thats great about Honey! Im glad the vet could do something for her and that you're dedicated enough to go through with it!! Not many people would do that for a rat...

01-16-2004, 11:01 AM
Originally posted by DJFyrewolf36
Thats great about Honey! Im glad the vet could do something for her and that you're dedicated enough to go through with it!! Not many people would do that for a rat...

I know. :( Dan already made the comment that "it's just a rat". :rolleyes: :( :mad: Ya well he's just a stupid human being. haha Just kidding. I do love that man, although he can get on my nerves once in awhile. :p

Thanks to everyone for the sweet comments. I am going to post some pics of Honey today so you all can see her condition. :)

01-16-2004, 09:29 PM
Cass Im so happy for you!:D I knew Honey could pul threw:D:D

01-16-2004, 10:48 PM
Cass, You're a great Mommy! I hope Honey regains the use of her legs and bladder and can walk again soon!

:p Ignore Dan, he's just a man!

01-16-2004, 11:03 PM
ROFLMAO, now that just struck me as sooo funny, he's just a man!! I say that a lot too!


01-16-2004, 11:04 PM
I know LOL. I almost fell off my chair! Now just to make sure he doesn't read that! :p :D

Thanks for the laugh Mickster!

01-16-2004, 11:06 PM
:mad: "Only a man"!!! Well, remember this: It takes both sexes to make a woman! Check your chromosomes, ladies.

Anyway, I got a nice telephone call from Cassandra about Honey. Glad the Vet had something positive to say.

Be kind to Dan. I think he loves you, and you have to respect his opinion too. And sometimes men tend to blurt things out, so relax. He may not feel the same way you do about the rats, Cassandra, but he'll be cool.

Hugs, Homer

(Cassandra English translation/equivalent: Cassandra

Origin: Derived from the Greek Kassandra, feminine of Kassandros, formed from kad- (eccellere in Italian) "to exel" and from andros "man," therefore meaning "a man that excels, of many gifts."

Name Day/Onomastico: November 1—La Festa d'Ognissanti (All Saint's Day), day in which all saints not represented on the calendar are remembered.)

01-16-2004, 11:10 PM
Don't worry Jim, it's all in fun! :p I love him dearly! :D

Hrmm, I guess that explains why I'm not as girly as most girls are? ;)

Cassandra was also the greek goddess that predicted bad things would happen, and no one would believe her, but they always came true, lol.

01-16-2004, 11:16 PM
Oh no! Homer did we insult you?? *smacks self on head* sorry!!!:)

01-16-2004, 11:16 PM
Hey Homer, I didn't know you have fish. What kind do you have?

Make sure to go to the General section of PT, and create a new thread, and let everyone know who you are and introduce your pets. I am sure everyone here would love to read up on your incredible animals, and there are a few horse lovers here too! :D

Let me know if you need help getting around the forum, although I am sure you can figure it out. ;)

01-16-2004, 11:18 PM
Originally posted by trayi52
Oh no! Homer did we insult you?? *smacks self on head* sorry!!!:)

Hey Tray, you know, I do love those men! :D I mean, they are good for some things aren't they? LOL Just kidding. Men are cool, in fact I plan on being one in my next life. :p Women have too many problems lol.

OMG, Mario, what the HECK are you doing HERE?!!!! :eek: Willie, I tell ya, you need to keep a leash on your little thief! He just stole the rest of my Corona's! :eek:

Edit: Maybe one day I'll actually learn how to spell! :rolleyes:

01-16-2004, 11:20 PM
Isn't that the truth, funny *looks to see if Homer is listening or nearby* how all those problems start with Men....


01-16-2004, 11:22 PM

Women? Problems? Who'd a thunk THAT?

Seriously, folks.

01-16-2004, 11:28 PM
Aw, see isn't he a handsome man? The rat, not Jim. LOL! Just kidding, just kidding! :D :p I don't know why I'm so hyper tonight. Maybe it's because I did ALL the dishes (hurray for me!) AND I even worked on my website, and spent quality time with Dylan like I wanted. Man, it's fun having a two year old........most of the time anyway. ;)

Does he look tall in that pic? Man oh man, how tall are you again Homer? 6'5? :eek: He's like two of me put together lol.

You know, I am really glad my babies found such a great home. GW looks so content with his new daddy, and from what Loree tells me, he sure is one spoiled ratty! ;)

01-16-2004, 11:37 PM
Oops, I am going to have to be more careful, don't you think so Homer??

Nice picture, I like your mustashe, and that cute little rat. What is his/her name? It has to be a good one, if Cass raised it, then it is a sweetie.

Welcome to Pet Talk Homer!

01-16-2004, 11:39 PM
Pretty big and pretty old.

Retired Navy Chief, too.

So all bets are off. Gotta keep the old tongue in check/cheek.

Will be working on my website soon. When I remember how to access it, that is. Hyuk hyuk. Forget things nowdays. Too many brain cells leaking out. That's what causes gray hair, you know. It's really little tiny follicle holes where the real good hair fell out and brain cells are leaking. When you go completely bald, you're completely out of brain cells. Or else the tire fix goo you have been drinking called "Rogaine" has plugged up the holes. Then the brain cells that have already leaked out turn darker colors because they are starting to decay and to pick up smog.

Enough for now. Gotta go look for my Geritol.


01-16-2004, 11:39 PM
I know why you're so hyper, you have been to thursdays!!! ;)

And the fact that Honey is doing so much better!:)

01-16-2004, 11:42 PM
That rat, my dear moustache loving woman, is G.W., short for George W. Bush. My favorite President next to Reagan and J.F.K..

And I am trying to set my webpage server up so I can post pictures and load them here as images. Once I get that handled, I'll post more pictures.

For now, my really outdated website is www.ki7ay.com

KI7AY is my Extra-Class Amateur Radio call.

:D See ya!

01-16-2004, 11:44 PM
Oh my god, Cass Homer sounds like me!!! I like him! 6'5" that is tall. My son is about that tall, I have to look up at him. Just think Cass, one of these days you will probably have to look up at Dylan!

Can you imagine that? I know it is hard to imagine, but those sweet little babies grow up so fast! Don't blink too fast...:)

01-16-2004, 11:58 PM
Originally posted by trayi52

Nice picture, I like your mustashe, and that cute little rat. What is his/her name? It has to be a good one, if Cass raised it, then it is a sweetie.

Hey Willie, that rat happens to be the one that was your favorite, the little black boy! :D

01-17-2004, 12:01 AM
Originally posted by trayi52
I know why you're so hyper, you have been to thursdays!!! ;)

And the fact that Honey is doing so much better!:)

Yes yes, Thursdays! :D I had such a blast last night with Mario sleeping by my side. I love snuggling up to something furry. ;) Must have been that shot of Jack I had this morning...........I'm too perky!

01-17-2004, 12:02 AM
Originally posted by trayi52
Just think Cass, one of these days you will probably have to look up at Dylan!

Can you imagine that? I know it is hard to imagine, but those sweet little babies grow up so fast! Don't blink too fast...:)

I know, *sigh*. they grow WAY too fast I tell ya! :( :)

01-17-2004, 12:04 AM
My god, Homer got my rat!!! Well he is just going to have to love enough for me too.

My rat!!:( , At least it has a very good home! I am happy about that.:)

Yeah, Mario is a good little bed buddy.

01-17-2004, 10:53 PM
What is Mario

01-17-2004, 11:32 PM
Great news everyone!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D

Honey starting using her back legs a little bit today! :D WOW! I can't believe it. I think she actually may get her mobility back. I mean she scoots herself around, but I actually think she will be able to walk again! I'm not sure on the bladder control issue, but at least she would be walking.

I am SO happy! Please continue to say prayers for my Honey. Jim was over today and saw that she was trying to walk, so it's not in my head lol. :p

Oh, and Mario is a monkey. ;)

01-17-2004, 11:38 PM
thats awsome!!!!

01-17-2004, 11:39 PM
Jynnelle, that is a great signature! I love it! :D

01-17-2004, 11:44 PM
Cass, that is wonderful news! Seems things just get better and better! Now we need a human chain to get orangie to you! I wonder how we would go about doing that?

Yeah Mario is a Monkey, a little sweet heart, there are some pictures posted somewhere of him. I am not sure where though, because I didn't start the thread..

So Homer seen honey up and around too, great news. I am so happy to hear that. I was really afraid for Honey.


01-17-2004, 11:44 PM
That is wonderful news.
Keeping fingers and toes crossed, that Honey
will improve more each day.

01-17-2004, 11:51 PM
Well, first Off
I had no idea about Honey and am glad that she is getting better, she sounds very sweet.

Welcome Homer!!! ;)

01-18-2004, 12:08 AM
Thanks everyone. :)

Here are some pics of Honey that I took the night of her injury. This is how bad it was........actually this was the morning after. The stuff leaking from her vaginal area is her urine. It was so dark because she was dehydrated. Now it's fine, and I've been emptying her bladder a few times a day, so it's clear now. She doesn't always look this pathetic. She was really dehydrated in these pics so she looks very thin. In fact, she lost a few grams in weight in just a little while. She has gained some back. I just had her out right now so you all can see her progress with pics, and she is actually pushing with her feet. She just needs to work up those muscles again and put weight on them, which she doesn't want to do just yet.


This one is sad. :( She was trying to turn herself to get up but she couldn't. :(



And some cute pics to make up for the sad ones. :D


Look at this face. How on earth could I have killed her?

01-18-2004, 12:22 AM
Cass those first ones are just heartbreakers, but the others are just so cute, she has the sweetest little face.

I can see why you couldn't have her put down, I am so glad you listened to your heart and kept her close to you.

This picture looks like she has her little hands together praying, how sweet!
Plus look at that sweet little tongue! God she so cute!! and sweet looking..

01-18-2004, 12:35 AM
Cass, I read this thread from beginning to end. I was sure happy that the news kept getting better and better.

And I hope by Sunday that Honey is able to walk again. Bless you for your devotion to her.

You know, I never liked rats - or so I thought - and one day I met my first rat - her name was Dusty (R/B) and she was absolutely the dearest little thing with the sweetest face. When I would visit my friend - she would come right out to me.

What is the average life span of a rat? My friend lost hers at about three years.

Also, welcome Homer........you look like a nice Papa.

01-18-2004, 12:43 AM
Originally posted by gini

What is the average life span of a rat? My friend lost hers at about three years.

It averages between two and a half to about four, sometimes shorter and sometimes longer. I hope Honey will live at least three years. She is around 6 1/2 months old right now. :)

That rat sounds like she was awfully sweet. They are such nice animals. I love my ratties. :D

Willie, thank you for the kind words. I love Honey's tongue. In fact, out of all the animals I own I think rat tongues are the best. They aren't slobbery like dogs, aren't rough like a cats.......they are just perfect.

01-18-2004, 01:34 PM
[B]Well, ladies, you have to realize that rats are survivors! Those little animals are cute, furry, and fun but they know how to stay alive. Honey is a perfect example. She was scooting around like nobody's business when I was over to visit yesterday, and if you could only have seen her front parts, you would never have thought there was anything wrong with her. I have been joking with Cass about getting a little cart put together so she could REALLY haul buns, but it looks like nature and rat resiliency are working their magic on Honey and she won't need it.

But I did tell Dan that is he ever gets really sick (God forbid!) Cassandra has the tools and ability to nurse him back to health. Even if he IS "Just a man"...

Hugs to all, Homer

01-18-2004, 01:59 PM
I would do whatever I could to keep Dan happy if he were sick.

Yes Honey does get around pretty well. I took her out last night after you left and she was really getting around well. I am so excited about this. At first I never thought she would recover, but now I am confident that she will. :)

01-18-2004, 02:24 PM
I was just thinking about what homer said, the little cart. Wouldn't that be just so cute?? I can just see this cute little energetic Honey running with the cart behind her and all the little ratties jumping on and taking a free ride! ;)

I am soooooo happy Honey is doing so well. I think the love you gave her is what got her through this ordeal. Now really Cass, don't you believe that too? She really had a lot to fight for to be able to stay with you.


01-18-2004, 02:29 PM
Actually a friend of mine is in the process of making one for Honey, just in case. We thought of this a few days ago and she belongs to a Corgi list and one of the ladies who also belonged designs these for dogs, so she thought we could have one made for Honey as well. WOW, RUN ON SENTENCE! :eek: LOL

01-18-2004, 02:36 PM
That okay, I do that all the time, even in person! I was talking to that son-in-law to be last night and my hubby was laughing at me, as I was explaing how to hook up their digital camera. I am just rambling on, and my hubby is making fun, I stopped long enough to tell him to be quite, I still had 30,000 more words to say today and it was getting late and I need to get them said fast. LOL. Of course Sam is looking pretty confused because I am really talking verrrrrry fast and not ending a sentence where it should be ended. Hows that?

I have a job to do, I must get my daily account of words in or I will explode!


01-18-2004, 02:37 PM
Oh, I forgot to say, be sure and put a passenger cart on too.;)


01-18-2004, 07:48 PM
Hey Cass. I am so glad to hear Honey is doing better. I'm counting on a full recovery!

I'm new here, wife of Homer, and Mom to 4 of Cass' ratty babies. I finally made it to the site. :cool:

01-18-2004, 08:36 PM
DOH! Marge is here. No more being weird.:eek:

01-18-2004, 08:42 PM
Homer, I am pretty sure Marge already knows your weird!! Don't you Marge??;)

Welcome to Pet Talk Marge!!


01-18-2004, 10:22 PM
Originally posted by Marge
Hey Cass. I am so glad to hear Honey is doing better. I'm counting on a full recovery!

I'm new here, wife of Homer, and Mom to 4 of Cass' ratty babies. I finally made it to the site. :cool:

Hey! Finally he gave you the link!! Sorry I didn't mail it to you but I have been really busy lately. Hey since I am typing ratty stuff the links for the cages I suggested are these:

www.Martinscages.com or www.Qualitycage.com

For Martins cages I would suggest getting an R690. I had an R695 and I hated it! But a lot of people love these cages. Quality cages are what I think you should get, and like I said you can find them at Bobcat pets. Oh hey, we are going to look at a house and the owner is the manager of Bobcat pets lol. :p We went house searching a bit today, and hopefully soon we will get one. I have my eye set on a few already that I really like.

Fern cages are another good cage company. I will search around for some more links, but in the meantime I am going to link you to the Rat Fan Club, or well, now's it Rats Rule forum. The link is to their post on rat cages. Everyone has posted pictures on their cage setups so you can see how the cages are when things are in them, and also look at designs and companies etc. :) Hope this helps. But if you want, you can come over, pick me up and I can help you with your search.


01-18-2004, 11:54 PM
aww she is so precious!!

01-20-2004, 10:56 AM
Cass, We need an update on Honey! Where have you been??

Get over here and update us!!!!!


02-29-2004, 07:35 PM
Just a little update on my Honey bunz. :) She's off meds, and her uterine infection is gone. She can walk again and she lives with the girls in the three story cage. She's not 100% but she has great balance and hasn't fallen once. She's about 97% better. There are times when her back legs sorta twist around but other than that she's fine. :)

I'll try to get some pics of her soon so you all can see just how well she's doing. :D

03-01-2004, 08:32 AM
Cass, this is wonderful news!!! :)