View Full Version : Drake Misses His Daddy!

01-11-2004, 10:08 AM
Andrew is gone to Washington State on TDY (Temporary DutY for non military folks) for 2 weeks. He left Friday morning. Draker has been moping around since he left. The first night Andrew was gone, Drake didn't come to bed till 5 AM. He was laying in front of the front door (waiting for Daddy to come home).

Normally, he is all over the place. Running around, demanding play time. But he seems to have been laying around alot more. He didn't eat yesterday and that has me worried. Andrew will be back in 2 weeks but then is off again for 6 months on deployment. I am starting worry about how Drake is going to handle that.

I have been tryingto do things with him that Andrew does, like rough housing and taking him to the playground (Andrew takes him almost everynight, Drake loves the playground). He seems fine when we do that, but then he comes home and mopes.

I know he doesn't act like this when I am away. But I already know Drake is a daddy's boy :D I am just concerned about things when Andrew is gone for 6 months!!

Any advice on how I can help Drake cope with missing Andrew would be greatly appreciated!

01-11-2004, 11:05 AM
I feel so bad for the both of you.
The two of you are still adjusting to a new country,
and now Andrew is away.

I am not sure about any advice,
accept to do keep up with Drakes normal
I think in a few days Drake will adjust better without
Andrew. :(

It's just you will have to go through this all
over again once Andrew leave for 6 months.

It is so heartbreaking when dogs are sad.

Hugs Karen

P.S. I wonder if Drake sences you miss Andrew too.

01-11-2004, 11:29 AM
Hugs to both of you

I hope Drake will handle it, heŽll be OK :)

01-11-2004, 11:52 AM
I'm so sorry. Feel bad for Drake and you. Maybe you can get Andrew to wear an old shirt when he gets back, then put that in Drake's dog bed? That way, he would have something close to him that has Andrew's scent on it. I know Duke mopes while I'm gone, too. I'm on vacation right now and mom says he lays at the window and looks at my truck a lot. Hope that helped.

01-11-2004, 10:53 PM
Yep, I was going to suggest an article of clothing too.

Unwashed socks or sweaty shirt..sounds yukky but Logan cuddles with an old pair of socks I gave her. I wouldn't worry about not eating. Animals are so smart. He'll eat when he's hungry. He just has to get used to a new routine change.

01-12-2004, 08:43 AM
Poor Drake. :(

I was going to suggest the clothing too. :) I think Drake will eat soon, especially once he understands the schedule change. :)

Give him a hug and ear scratch for me. :)

Kona & Oreo's mom
01-12-2004, 09:20 AM
Poor Drake. I think you had the right instinct to continue with his "daddy activities." He'll fall in to the new routine, don't worry.

Hugs to you both!

01-14-2004, 10:32 AM
We had a great day today!! Drake and I feel wonderful. Smiles from ear to ear!!

The sun came out today and the sky was so blue. It was 10:30 when I woke up and saw the great weather. I jumped out of bed, got ready, saddled Drake up, grabbed the bedding off my bed, and headd out the door.

Our first stop was the nature park. I have been wanting to go for days, but it hasn't stopped raining sicen Friday! We ran and played on the trails and fields. Drake sniffed around and then chased birds and fetched sticks I was throwing to him. We were there for over and hour. Once Drake looked pretty tired, we got in th car and headed to the laundromat.

We have a European washer and dryer here. Supposed to be effeceint, but not for the user it isn't! Pain in the butt! Anyway, it is too small to put a king size comforter and king size blanket in. So, I had to do them at the laundromat. Drake went with me and helped me load them up and then we went to the grocery store and bought our groceries.

After that, we went back to laundromat and swapped the laundry into the dryer and took a nice long walk around the PX grounds. Drake had fun sniffing everything and watching the kids run around. Once the laundry was done, we packed up and headed home.

Drake helped me put away the groceries. He lets me know which bag has food by sniffing it and then licking the bag. He doesn't do that to the bags that have cleaning supplies, etc... He then helped me make up the bed! Well, he helped by sitting and watching and not jumping up while I was making up the bed. He is notorious for doing that!! Once I busted out the vaccum cleaner, Drake vanished :D He went to his safe haven: the king size bed with fresh sheets and blankets. He only comes down when the coast is clear and the vaccuming monster is asleep in the closet!

The weather didn't stay great forever :( It started getting windy when we left the park and by 3 o'clock, the sky was greay and it had gotten pretty cold. We are greatful for being able to go out and enjoy the weather while it lasted.

Drake also just polished off a bowl of food! He had been nibbling the past few days but not quite eating. I think he may be over his dad's abscence. Dad? What dad?

01-14-2004, 11:54 AM
That's great news Souraya! :D I'm so glad you had a nice day.

It's snowing pretty good here right now. Expected to get 2 to 4 inches. Kia's gonna be excited to have fresh white stuff to play in. :)

01-14-2004, 12:53 PM
aww, IŽm so happy, you both are all right, expecially Drake :D