View Full Version : Pic's of my friend's unique piercing...

01-10-2004, 12:05 PM
We all went out last night for my bestfriend's 25th birthday. I was able to capture some pics of her piercing. I just love it. She was always self-consious about her smile, and this gave her the confidence to smile. I like it because there aren't a whole lot of people out there with it. It's the gums above her front teeth. BTW, this the the friend that I lived with in highschool that I sometimes talk about.


This is Kim, myself, and her brother Sean. Sean was my first love way back in the olden days.



Kim's fiance, Joel (in the green) in a geeky pose with Brian.


01-10-2004, 12:08 PM
Your friend is so pretty, why couldn't she smile before? I have to say, I think her new piercing is pretty disgusting. :eek:

01-10-2004, 12:21 PM
Yes, your friend is pretty. I don't understand why she was self conscious of her smile. I am not sure how I feel about the piercing. I find it kind of odd :confused: Just my opinion.

01-10-2004, 12:22 PM
Owwww! As someone who lived through 2 years, two months and 14 days of having braces in my mouth, I cannot say I'd ever want metal in or around my guns ever again.

But she does have a lovely smile, and I'm sure her upper lip will develop a callous, so if it makes her smile more confidently, okay!

I'm guessing she has to eat very carefully ... no chomping into apples with that, huh?


01-10-2004, 12:23 PM
Awesome! :D
I think if she wanted the piercing...than more power to her.

01-10-2004, 12:28 PM
LOL. I'm not into piercings thse days, so when I first saw it on her a few years ago, I was disgusted. It reminded me of a silver tooth at first glimpse. But, over time I have grown to love it. It's not to intrusive to me. (Unlike her stretched ears. :rolleyes: )

I agree, she's a pretty girl, she has a beautiful smile.

01-10-2004, 12:31 PM
I have mixed feelings about piercings. I think excessive piercing can be disgusting. Just my opinion. I have my ears and belly button pierced. That is about as brave as I get :D

01-10-2004, 12:32 PM
I think your friend is pretty, I don't know why she would think that she would need a peircing there. I think that it would hurt! I find it gross.

01-10-2004, 12:32 PM
Originally posted by DoggiesAreTheBest
I have mixed feelings about piercings. I think excessive piercing can be disgusting. Just my opinion. I have my ears and belly button pierced. That is about as brave as I get :D

Ditto. I'd possibly put a little diamond stud in my nose, but my husband would have nothing of that. He's a clean cut military boy. He hates tattoos and piercings.

01-10-2004, 12:48 PM
I LOVE body piercings.. and I love guaged ears but, I agree with Soledad's comment.

Your friend is gorgeous and IMO, the peircing just ruins her pretty smile. :)

01-10-2004, 12:56 PM
:eek: Yikes! Eww.

01-10-2004, 01:01 PM
Good stuff! :) I'd look terrible with that in my mouth, but I think it looks good on her. I like piercings, but tatoos are way cooler in my opinion. ;)

You know that litte flap of skin under your tongue that attaches your tongue to the bottom of your mouth? My friend had that pierced. Well, actually she pierced it herself.

01-10-2004, 01:05 PM
Can she eat apples with that? It does look like it would hurt, if she bit into an apple.

She sure didn't need it, she is a very pretty girl.

My daughter has her ears, belly button and now her tongue pierced. She had her tongue pierced when she turned 18. I couldn't understand that! But she likes it.

Your still the prettiest one in the bunch Tonya.


01-10-2004, 01:07 PM
cool!! i love it!! i have never seen a peircing there befor!!! wow what a neet idea!!!! :D:D:D:D

01-10-2004, 01:25 PM
i'm not sure i really like it. nose, belly, and ear percings are ones i would consider getting, but i think eyebrow perciengs look good on some people. but i don't really like the whole tounge/lip/gum piecings. is hers in her gums or in her lip? it seems like it would be claking against her teeth when she talks:)

01-10-2004, 01:40 PM
It's in her gums. It doesn't clank, and she says it doesn't interfere with food, but seems like it would to me!

I think I mainly like it because it is different from all the other piercings that I see.

Kayann, I hate guaged ears! lol. I want to puke when I go over to Kim's, and she's getting ready...She's got the thinga majigs out of her ears, and there are these gaping holes that I can see through. It's wrong!

Thanks, Trayi once again. lol. You are going to make my head swell! :D

01-10-2004, 01:51 PM

01-10-2004, 02:00 PM
Originally posted by Tonya

Kayann, I hate guaged ears! lol. I want to puke when I go over to Kim's, and she's getting ready...She's got the thinga majigs out of her ears, and there are these gaping holes that I can see through. It's wrong!

I don't like them either. :eek: Think about when you get old, and you're an old wrinkly lady with saggy ears that have gaping holes in them. :eek: Yuck. Atleast a tatoo is easy to cover up and small holes aren't noticable.

01-10-2004, 02:02 PM
By the way...remember that debate a while back that we had about allowing your children to dye their hair and have body piercings? Kim is my prime example. lol. When we were in school, her parents were VERY strict. She couldn't wear makeup, dye her hair, wear tank tops, etc... My mom, on the other hand let me do whatever. I had shaved heads, every hair color you could think of, body piercings, etc... :rolleyes: By the time I became an adult, it was all out of my system. I was ready to look "normal" and hold down a 9-5 job. Kim, on the other hand had all that craziness couped up. So, now at 25 years old, she has all the college she needs to be an elementary school teacher, but she's still trying to get all that wierdness out of her system before she settles down. lol.

When the time comes, I'd much rather have my son look like a wierdo during highschool when he doesn't have major responsibilities then in his adult years.

01-10-2004, 02:05 PM
I agree. My mom isn't letting me have a tatoo, so when I move out, I shall rebel! Lol. If they didn't cost so much, believe me, I'd probably get ten of them. :eek: I LOVE tatoos on guys. *Drools*

01-10-2004, 02:09 PM
Guaged ears close up over years. My friend Nicole has them, 00's -- I love them. I'd never get it done though because it's far too painful getting them stretched. Plus, I don't even have my ears pierced at all. I don't think i'd like anything over 00's.

The Labret is my favorite piercing. :)

01-10-2004, 02:12 PM
I have a few tattoos. I'm actually thankful that my mom didn't let me do that when I was in highschool. I had some really stupid tattoo ideas when I was about 17. lol. I wanted Ren and Stimpy on my stomach. OMG. Could you imagine me running around with Ren and Stimpy on my stomach? Especially after having two babies?! :rolleyes:

The ones that I have now were well thought out and have sentimental meaning. The one on my back is a little large though. It says Trust God in Kanji, which I got when I became a Christian. Then, when I lost my baby (Brooklyn Starr), I added a beautiful teal lotus blossom and flames to represent her to the Japanese characters. I like it 99% of the time...but I wanted a fancy backless formal for Mike's Christmas party, and I couldn't pull it off with that tattoo. It made the dress look trashy instead of classy. I also have a cute little butterfly that I got on my 18th birthday. And a retarded little heart on my bikini line...me and three bestfriends got matching hearts when we were 14 or so. It has lots of meaning, but it's so lame. lol.

If God guaranteed me that I would have perfect arms until the day I died, I would get a beautiful fox wrapped around my bicep. (Fox is my maiden name, and my bio-father died when i was a baby, so it would be really special.) But...I have visions of a grandma with flappy wrinkly arms with a faded fox on them. lol. Not gonna happen!

01-10-2004, 02:13 PM
Yeah, labret looks great especially on people who have nice lips.

01-10-2004, 02:16 PM
Yeah.. I'd never get a tattoo on my stomach.

I want to see your tattoos. :)

I want a tattoo of Simba ;D

01-10-2004, 02:17 PM
Originally posted by Tonya
Yeah, labret looks great especially on people who have nice lips.

My friend Preston has it. He's a total girly-guy.

I think guys with defined/strong jaws look good with it.

01-10-2004, 02:29 PM
Here's my tattoos. (You don't want to see the heart one. lol.) I am going to redo the coloring of my butterfly on my foot this spring when we're on strike. (It's best to wear sandels for a while afterwards.) It's already 8 years old almost. Gosh, I'm old! I also had to show off my new shoes while I was at it. I freakin love them. lol. They're not converse cause I couldn't find any converse that high. I wore them last night with a mini-skirt. It was hella cute.

BTW, long story, but the idiot screwed up on my flames. I have plans to fix those too, but that tattoo hurt so bad, I'm procrastinating.


LOL, my feet look nasty...Not a good pic! I deffinately need to retouch this tattoo.


The pimp shoes!


01-10-2004, 02:29 PM
I love guaged ears. My friend Micheal has them, they're pretty neat. But I don't have the pain tolerance to get them and have them stretched.

01-10-2004, 02:45 PM
Wicked! :D I wouldn't want one done on me because it just wouldn't look good on me but I think it looks pretty good on your friend. I'd love to get an industrial and labret...but I'm such a chicken when it comes to pain.

01-10-2004, 03:13 PM
I think it's pretty cool! :D Would kinda hurt though. :eek: Her smile is be-ootiful! :)

01-10-2004, 03:18 PM
On the topic of guaged ears...

I was hanging out with a friend over winter break and we were seeing a movie. Outside of Neo Tokeyo (a kick arse mini-resturant) talking, a teenager walked by....his holes were GINORMOUS. :eek: He had to have them the biggest size it could go..Like 15s or something. :eek: The holes were hanging down on his shoulders...I think it would be col to have them smaller, but THAT huge was just disgusting. :o

01-10-2004, 03:22 PM
Your friend is very beautiful, but I dont really like the peircing too much. However if she likes it then that's all that really matters. I do however love gauged ears as long as they aren't too large. I have mine gauged, but I don't think I want to go any bigger then where I'm at now.
This was right after I had gotten them stretched to a 0 gauge so my ear is a little red and swollen.

01-10-2004, 03:30 PM
Originally posted by Foam
On the topic of guaged ears...

I was hanging out with a friend over winter break and we were seeing a movie. Outside of Neo Tokeyo (a kick arse mini-resturant) talking, a teenager walked by....his holes were GINORMOUS. :eek: He had to have them the biggest size it could go..Like 15s or something. :eek: The holes were hanging down on his shoulders...I think it would be col to have them smaller, but THAT huge was just disgusting. :o

15s are actually rather small, I believe. Lol

01-10-2004, 03:35 PM
I was just going to say that lol.
They'd have to be over 00's.

Laura, that's really cool. :) I think that's a nice size.

01-10-2004, 03:38 PM
15's are small. I don't think that's even a usual gauge... 16 is.

The larger the whole, the smaller the number. 1's are a huge gauge.

I *love* that gum piercing. I would love to have that done if my job permitted it. It's against company policy to have more than 2 holes in our ear lobes :rolleyes: (I have my naval pierced also, but I don't expose my stomach while I'm at work...)

I think those flames look great. I love the coloring, and they're so unique. You see a lot of flames on people, but those are really different. I love them! Is that a lotus you have? (I have a lotus tattoo in that same area of my back).

01-10-2004, 04:17 PM
Tonya I just saw the pictures of your tattoos, I really like them. Here's one of my, this is my favorite. It's a steel drum with wings, I got it right after my first trip to Trinidad to study steel drums.

Here's another one of my tattoos, my best friend and I both have them. We went out and got matching tattoos before he moved away for grad school.


01-10-2004, 04:54 PM
Eyelid piercing, anyone? (http://www.bmezine.com/pierce/11-surface/A00526/high/eyelids.jpg)

Seriously, I find all of this piercing just gross. Nostril piercings and belly buttons don't disgust me, but labret, eyebrow, genital and septum piercings are just try hards.

But, besides doing it because it "looks cool" does anyone even think about the possible infections/ramifications of this??? EYELID PIERCING!!! Come on, now...

01-10-2004, 05:04 PM
Soledad, thats an attrative picture........Now that would have to hurt, wouldn't it?:eek: :confused:

I am really confused about gauged ears, what I want to see is what it looks like without the earrings or whatever they are called. I didn't even know that existed! My daughter has probably heard of it, but not me. Sorry, I don't understand it. Remember, I am not a young person and that is just something I haven't heard about. :confused:

I suppose I could ask my daughter....


01-10-2004, 05:09 PM
I can't believe I actually read though this entire thread.
I must be bored out of my mind. :rolleyes: Anyway, Tonya,
I do like the shoes. :D :D I'm outta here.

01-10-2004, 05:10 PM
I think it's awesome she had the guts to do that. :cool: If they suit people then I don't see them as "disgusting" at all. But I do think some piercings in certain places are wrong.

I have mixed feelings about piercings just because it depends where it goes. *shrugs* To each their own, I guess.

01-10-2004, 05:14 PM
trayi here's a picture of my ear without the plug (earring) in it.

01-10-2004, 05:29 PM
Uabassoon, that had to hurt, didn't it? I mean it don't look that bad. The plug? looks really great! Thanks for showing me.

I used to tease my kids that I was going to get my eyebrow pierced. I always thought those were cute. I seen a girl with her nose pierced and I thought that looked good too.

The tongue piercing I don't like..., but then I am old so who cares!!;) :D

01-10-2004, 05:34 PM
If you take care of piercings properly and get them done professionally -- they shouldn't get infections.

I've never seen an 'eyelid piercing' in person, and that picture isn't really best of quality. I never thought it'd be possible, but then again I don't see how genital piercings could be possible.

01-10-2004, 06:54 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
If you take care of piercings properly and get them done professionally -- they shouldn't get infections.

I've never seen an 'eyelid piercing' in person, and that picture isn't really best of quality. I never thought it'd be possible, but then again I don't see how genital piercings could be possible.

Yeah my friends' piercer admited to the mistake of doing it wrong and was apparently freaking out on how dumb she was. She told her she'd give it to her free the next time. Mistakes happen, I guess. Luckily, it wasn't too bad.

Christina Aguilera has a genital piercing, I believe.

01-10-2004, 07:16 PM
You cannot have your eyes, gums or genitals pierced without the risk of infection. Those areas are prone to infection because they are close to mucus membrane. It has nothing to do with how properly it was done. Additionally, piercers have no medical qualifications.

01-10-2004, 07:53 PM
Originally posted by binka_nugget
Wicked! :D I wouldn't want one done on me because it just wouldn't look good on me but I think it looks pretty good on your friend. I'd love to get an industrial and labret...but I'm such a chicken when it comes to pain.

What's an industrial?

01-10-2004, 07:55 PM
Originally posted by Uabassoon
Your friend is very beautiful, but I dont really like the peircing too much. However if she likes it then that's all that really matters. I do however love gauged ears as long as they aren't too large. I have mine gauged, but I don't think I want to go any bigger then where I'm at now.
This was right after I had gotten them stretched to a 0 gauge so my ear is a little red and swollen.

Nuts! I couldn't do it. lol. Your don't look to bad. The part that bothers me is when she takes out the thingy and cleans the giant hole.

01-10-2004, 07:58 PM
Originally posted by Uabassoon
trayi here's a picture of my ear without the plug (earring) in it.

That's the part that bothers me! lol. I'm ok when the plug is in.

01-10-2004, 07:59 PM
Originally posted by RubyMutt
I think those flames look great. I love the coloring, and they're so unique. You see a lot of flames on people, but those are really different. I love them! Is that a lotus you have? (I have a lotus tattoo in that same area of my back).

Yes it is a lotus blossom. I suppose the flames aren't to bad, but they just weren't what I'd had in mind. I was just supposed to have flickers that wrapped around the Japanese characters.

01-10-2004, 08:00 PM

That is a very beautiful tattoo.

01-10-2004, 08:02 PM
Originally posted by Uabassoon
Your friend is very beautiful, but I dont really like the peircing too much. However if she likes it then that's all that really matters. I do however love gauged ears as long as they aren't too large. I have mine gauged, but I don't think I want to go any bigger then where I'm at now.
This was right after I had gotten them stretched to a 0 gauge so my ear is a little red and swollen.
i saw a guy who had ones atleast 3 times as big as ours! it was so wierd,i'd never even seen or heard of it before. i was just staring at him and he was like "what??"

01-10-2004, 08:04 PM
Originally posted by Tonya
What's an industrial?

Industrial is the long bar in this (http://tattoo.about.com/cs/pear/l/blindustrial1.htm) picture.

01-10-2004, 08:11 PM
I'm not much into body piercing but I'm not against it! I didn't realize there were enough skin there to grab a hold of and pierce but I guess there is. I've just never seen that before but ok:confused:

01-10-2004, 08:18 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
Industrial is the long bar in this (http://tattoo.about.com/cs/pear/l/blindustrial1.htm) picture.

I've seen that piercing before...Is the bar itself called industrial, or the piercing? I like that piercing.

01-10-2004, 08:23 PM
Originally posted by Tonya
I've seen that piercing before...Is the bar itself called industrial, or the piercing? I like that piercing.

The piercing.. I just said 'the long bar' because there was more than one piercing in the picture. :p

01-10-2004, 08:25 PM
Cool. I like that one. I'd possibly consider something like that, except it'd probably snag a tree branch or something at work. lol.

01-10-2004, 08:47 PM
that's cool! i like that one! but i would be afraid it would get caught on something(like the comb when i'm ripping it through my hair)

01-10-2004, 08:59 PM
Your Friend is a beautiful girl and if the piercing makes her feel better, so be it!! Kinda gives me chills tho! Just like the ear guaging. :p
I wanted a tongue piercing and an eyebrow piercing, but never got the courage to do it. Wouldn't be kosher with my job tho. :o
I have toyed with the idea of a tatoo, it would either be a Chinese or Tribal symbol for something that is close to me, or my Rainbow Bridge Greyhound Shaianne.

What is a labret??

01-10-2004, 09:02 PM
This (http://www.bmeworld.com/mm/piercingsubdir/lippiercingpages/lipstandardpic/labret.gif) would be a labret. :)

01-10-2004, 09:10 PM
aaaaaaaahhhh I see it now!!!
Now I know what that is!!!
At first when, KayAnn (I think) mentioned that in her post, I thought it said labRAT! I had to read it like 3 times!!!
I xrayed a girl a couple months ago that had 2 tongue piercings! :eek: Then a couple weeks ago I went to do a Chest xray on a young girl and she was changing into the gown in the ER room and the LPN ( who thinks he is a BigShot know it all, and not one of my favorite peoplessshhh) was in the room telling her how to put the gown on, when the girl calls out, "Do I have to take out my nipple rings?" The LPN turned bright red and could not get out of that room fast enough!!!! I thought I would crack up from laughing!!! He was like "I am NOT HELPING HER!!!"

01-10-2004, 09:18 PM
Uabassoon, that had to hurt, didn't it? I mean it don't look that bad. The plug? looks really great! Thanks for showing me.

Actually it doesn't really hurt. You are only supposed to stretch it a little bit at a time to prevent scar tissue from forming. Then in between each stretch I would wait a few months to make sure it was 100% healed before I went on to the next size. Afterwards my ear was a little tender for an hour or two but then it was fine.

01-10-2004, 09:18 PM
I love piercings and small tatoos, but...I have none:p My ears aren't even pierced!:o lol, I'm too afraid of the pain.But I really love piercings, maybe when I get older I'll have some.:p

01-10-2004, 09:31 PM
I don't mind SOME body piercing...ears, eyebrows, belly button, etc...One of these days I may actually get the guts to pierce my ears. I just don't like inflicting unnecessary pain upon myself lol.

But most I think are nasty.

To each his own...

Now for tattoos, I've pondered that one too...I would consider a very small one in a place that could be covered up easily. However I'd have to be 100% serious before I'd do that, no spur of the moment thing that I'd regret.

01-10-2004, 09:36 PM
I spent 10 years working for a dentist and have now been working for an ophthalmologist for 9 years. The dentist was appalled at the tongue piercings that would come in our office and I know he would lecture your friend about her piercing, and I hate to tell you what my current boss (the eye doctor) would say about the eyelid piercings!!!!! People are so reckless and one's sight is so precious!!!! Why would anyone EVER want to do that?????? I think piercing anywhere near the eye is just insanity! :eek:

01-10-2004, 09:42 PM
Originally posted by binka_nugget
This (http://www.bmeworld.com/mm/piercingsubdir/lippiercingpages/lipstandardpic/labret.gif) would be a labret. :)

One of my co-worker's just got that done last week.

I'm not a big fan of piercing's. Well for me anyways. I can't stand any pain. I don't like that industrial thing. I did, once upon a time consider getting my eyebrow pierced, but the pain....LOL

Tatoo's on the other hand....I have one now, and I'd like to have more. My brother turns 18 in March, and since we share the same b-day, we're going to go get a tatoo together. Probably something like our Pisces symbol.

01-10-2004, 10:24 PM
I love guys with tongue piercings and even the (can I say the word?) things on the chest area. If my job allowed, I would get a nose one and maybe even an eyebrow. My mom would freak and I'm soon to be 40. Oh well. Here's my horse tatoo. It needs to be redone bigtime! I drew the horse myself.
I have two others also. Want to get one on my other ankle of Duke.

01-10-2004, 10:30 PM
Meant to add that if you want to see some whacky stuff, go here: www.bmezine.com

01-10-2004, 11:32 PM
No offense, but that picture kind of made my stomach roll. :(

I have my ears pierced, and that's it. Belly buttons and noses are ok, I suppose. Eyebrows are tolerable. Tongues are just disgusting. And anything else make me feel a little ill.

Just MHO, to each his/her own ... but I'm quite certain the vast majority of these teenagers/twenty-somethings getting a zillion piercing are SO going to regret it later.

01-10-2004, 11:48 PM
but I'm quite certain the vast majority of these teenagers/twenty-somethings getting a zillion piercing are SO going to regret it later

Actually that's one of the good things about piercings, is that they are removable. I've removed several piercings that I later decided I didn't want. Yes, it left a scar, but the scars are so tiny that they are hardly noticeable. It's just two little dots where the peircing was.

01-10-2004, 11:50 PM
Originally posted by wolf_Q
I don't mind SOME body piercing...ears, eyebrows, belly button, etc...One of these days I may actually get the guts to pierce my ears. I just don't like inflicting unnecessary pain upon myself lol.

Amy what about our pact!!!!!!!! :eek: :eek: If I get two more in my ears, you gotta get TWO!!!! ;) ;)

01-10-2004, 11:51 PM
Your friend's piercing sure is different--I have never seen that before.
I have my ears, belly button, and tongue done. I have no plans to remove any of them, but if a job required me to, I certainly wouldn't take a stand against it.

I don't like nose piercings for some reason, they just bother me.

01-10-2004, 11:53 PM
Originally posted by lovemyshiba
I don't like nose piercings for some reason, they just bother me.

I agree. Wouldn't *stuff* get stuck in it??? :o

I would love to get a couple more in each ear (I only have two now in each), my eyebrow, and if I was really skinny and sexy, my belly button :p But I don't see THAT one happening any time soon!

I'm undecided about tatoos though.

01-11-2004, 12:39 AM
More power to people with odd peircings ... but I'm sticking to just the one hole in each ear thanks.....

01-11-2004, 07:47 AM
Humm, sorry, but I really don“t like it ;) she“d look better without it :D

01-11-2004, 08:10 AM
Originally posted by lovemyshiba

I have my ears, belly button, and tongue done. I have no plans to remove any of them, but if a job required me to, I certainly wouldn't take a stand against it.

Now, that statement is what I like to hear. You recognize your 'right' to express yourself, AND an employer's 'right' to hire you...and make the appropriate decision.

May I ask what you currently do to feed your crew? (your job...)..

01-11-2004, 08:27 AM
Originally posted by Twisterdog
No offense, but that picture kind of made my stomach roll. :(

I have my ears pierced, and that's it. Belly buttons and noses are ok, I suppose. Eyebrows are tolerable. Tongues are just disgusting. And anything else make me feel a little ill.

Just MHO, to each his/her own ... but I'm quite certain the vast majority of these teenagers/twenty-somethings getting a zillion piercing are SO going to regret it later.

I am not offended! It made my tummy roll when I first saw it, but it grew on me. lol. I don't think *for the most part* piercings are that much regretable. If they are treated right, they heal without scars. (Kim swears her guaged ears will heal back to normal too, but I don't believe it!)

01-11-2004, 09:26 AM
My friend has a nose ring and I love it. It's a little star but it suits her really well. It's nothing big either and she can just pull it out of her nose very easily (although I HATE when she does that, lol).

I like ear piercings a lot, as long as it's not too excessive. I love that industrial thing but I don't think I'd ever get any more piercings except for maybe another one in my ears. And I think belly button piercings can look really nice. I know I wouldn't get one unless I lose *ahem* weight. ;)

Tatoos are okay, I guess but I wouldn't ever get one. I'm just one of those people who will do soemthing then regret it later or have doubts. I'd rather not. Stick on tattos from the Cheerios boxes are enough for me. :p

Aspen and Misty
01-11-2004, 10:43 AM
Originally posted by wolf_Q
One of these days I may actually get the guts to pierce my ears. I just don't like inflicting unnecessary pain upon myself lol.

Me to! LOL. I don't have any piercings. Call me a baby but I think it would hurt to much :o


I liked the piercing, but I'm not much against anything.


01-11-2004, 10:52 AM
LOL, I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't have pierced ears:o But I so want to get pierced ears! But I'm afraid of the pain...:o

01-11-2004, 11:37 AM
Originally posted by bluekat
LOL, I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't have pierced ears:o But I so want to get pierced ears! But I'm afraid of the pain...:o

My lil sister pierced her ears yesterday (10.january), well, she said there wasnt pain (well, maybe lil bit)...

maybe bit strange, but I havenęt any piercing too :p

01-11-2004, 12:38 PM
Originally posted by primabella
Tatoos are okay, I guess but I wouldn't ever get one. I'm just one of those people who will do soemthing then regret it later or have doubts. I'd rather not. Stick on tattos from the Cheerios boxes are enough for me. :p

Those tattoos are awesome, aren't they? :p

01-11-2004, 02:28 PM
Originally posted by GoldenRetrLuver
Those tattoos are awesome, aren't they? :p

-stares at Cheerios bee tatoo on arm-

They are...they really, really are. :D ;)

01-11-2004, 02:30 PM
Originally posted by primabella
-stares at Cheerios bee tatoo on arm-

They are...they really, really are. :D ;)

You have the bee one? :eek: *jealous* I just have the butterfly. :p

01-11-2004, 02:36 PM
Originally posted by GoldenRetrLuver
You have the bee one? :eek: *jealous* I just have the butterfly. :p

:D And I'm not sharing ;)

01-11-2004, 02:39 PM
Originally posted by primabella
:D And I'm not sharing ;)

Fine. :mad:


01-11-2004, 02:46 PM
yours friend peircing is awsome! I love it! I bet it hurted though!
I used to have my ears peirced but they closed up, oh well
Everyones tattoos are great! I want to get one someday...

01-11-2004, 05:55 PM
only thing i'd pierce is my ears one earing on each ear.other body parts is just gross and dumb.its ashame your friend ruined her smile w/ that peircing.she is pretty though.take care.


01-11-2004, 05:55 PM
:eek: :D :D I LOVE IT!!! I think that her piercing looks AWESOME!! I've never seen it there before and I really really like it!

01-11-2004, 07:52 PM
Originally posted by Cataholic

May I ask what you currently do to feed your crew? (your job...)..

You know, it's good that you put that in parentheses--I actually had to read it over a couple of times, lol.
My current crew feeding occupation is waitressing at a local restaurant. I know some restaurants will not let you serve with visible piercings, but my boss doesn't mind the tongue, but won't tolerate a nose piercing--maybe it's too visible?? Mine can technically be hidden. My stepmother's sister just noticed it for the first time over Christmas, and it's been there for years.

I'm not a big slacker though, I work hard, and I work 6 days a week, and this is a job I truly love. I was out of the business for a few years, and did some other stuff, but I really missed working in restaurants.

01-12-2004, 08:27 AM
You're friends piercing certainly is different. I know I've never seen anything like it before. I agree with others, she has a gorgeous smile and I don't think she needed the piercing to make it a good smile, but if that's what gives her the courage to show off her smile, more power to her! :)

I've nothing against piercings, but some can be a little off the wall.

I have two piercings in my right ear and three in the left. One in the left is up in the cartilidge. It hurt a little more but that's okay.

The only thing keeping me from getting a tattoo is my fear of needles. :o :)

01-12-2004, 11:06 AM

i am not scared of needles,my life is about needles:p i get bloodwork done all the time :rolleyes: to check levels on meds:rolleyes: one of the joys of having epilepsy and early menopause.being born with epilepsy i'm used to needles now i just give them my arm and let them take blood.

but when i was younger i would put up a fight LOL.anyway i have thought about getting a tatto but i've heard that they burn your skin to make the tatto that true????????????the needle deal is nothing to me but the burning is not something i could deal w/ i don't even use the stove much cause i'm scared of going into a seizure:eek: take care.


01-12-2004, 01:30 PM
Originally posted by Truffles
anyway i have thought about getting a tatto but i've heard that they burn your skin to make the tatto that true????????????the needle deal is nothing to me but the burning is not something i could deal w/ i don't even use the stove much cause i'm scared of going into a seizure:eek: take care.


NO! That is not true at all! There's a needle and that's it :) Could you possibly be thinking of branding? That involves burning.

01-12-2004, 01:50 PM
Eeek, nope no burning. But the needle doesn't feel like a needle. It's more of a painful buzz that numbs after a while. It goes into your skin about 7000 times a second.

01-12-2004, 02:08 PM
Originally posted by Truffles

i am not scared of needles,my life is about needles:p i get bloodwork done all the time :rolleyes: to check levels on meds:rolleyes: one of the joys of having epilepsy and early menopause.being born with epilepsy i'm used to needles now i just give them my arm and let them take blood.
I'm the opposite. I had surgery once and had to give blood before the procedure and I passed out and had a seizure. Ever since then, needles make me nervous.

I can take shots okay, they are quick, but I nearly throw up and/or pass out when I have to have IV's put in me or bloodwork done. :o :(

01-12-2004, 03:17 PM
I think your friend has a pretty smile.

I love tattoos! I would love to go to the shows. I buy the magazines. I like them so well. I have 6 right now. I want more! It is body art. I think they are beautiful.

I Like piercings. Anything that makes you happy. I only have 7 piercings on each ear and a navel ring. I don't want any more than that.

01-12-2004, 03:52 PM
Originally posted by wolfsoul
Eeek, nope no burning. But the needle doesn't feel like a needle. It's more of a painful buzz that numbs after a while. It goes into your skin about 7000 times a second.

ugh, i have delt with it lol, i am willing to go through all the pain again ;).

01-12-2004, 04:19 PM
Actually that's one of the good things about piercings, is that they are removable. I've removed several piercings that I later decided I didn't want. Yes, it left a scar, but the scars are so tiny that they are hardly noticeable. It's just two little dots where the peircing was.

That is probably true, if you have one or two piercings ... just like with pierced ears. I was talking about the people that have like twenty piercings on their face. So, each one leaves two small scars ... that's forty scars on your face. That IS going to be noticeable.

01-12-2004, 05:49 PM
That would look like a bad case of acne scars.:eek:

I have to hide my big ole' ears any way. :D

I think anyone should put a lot of thought in to either one of these things mentioned in here, before they do them.

I wanted a tattoo for 20years before i actually got one. the same with the belly button ring. I'm happy I got mine.

Do think long term on Tattoos.

01-12-2004, 06:58 PM
Originally posted by ramanth
I'm the opposite. I had surgery once and had to give blood before the procedure and I passed out and had a seizure. Ever since then, needles make me nervous.

I can take shots okay, they are quick, but I nearly throw up and/or pass out when I have to have IV's put in me or bloodwork done. :o :(

just out of curiousity do you have epilepsy ramanth????????i've had a few surgeries myself.two invololed getting cut open.but they were minor surgeries.most likely i'll go through it again.i have a VNS (vagus nerve stimulater)that is like a pace maker only the pulses it sends goes to the brain that stops the seizures:rolleyes: in august i got my second one and i love it better than the first one.anyway in 5 or more years i'll have to get a new battery and that involoves getting cut open:eek: thank goodness i'm knocked out lol.the other sugery i had was a d&c ladies know what that is i beleive LOL.take care.


ps.glad i was wrong about getting burnt wonder where i got that idea:confused: