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View Full Version : What are your cats pecuralities?

01-10-2004, 09:45 AM
My two babies are very strange kitties:

1) She will chew anything. Cables, headphones, phone chargers - they are not safe
2) She climbs screens - and has fallen out of the window twice
3) She really, really loves being touched and scratched on the ears
4) She hates the noise of rustling plastic bags
5) She LOVES ice - she licks it, chews it, plays with it. I just have to rattle the ice tray and she comes running
6) She's Daddy's girl and won't let me hold her!

1) He sleeps cuddled up to me every night. While he purrs, he makes this adorable squeaking noise.
2) He LOVES the refrigerator and always tries to get into it
3) He is obsessed with the laundry basket
4) If one of us leaves the house, he cries until the other one reassures him that we are still here. He sometimes cries if he "loses" us too.
5) He loves nose kissies and kissing my face
6) He has an uncanny knack of being underfoot. At all times.

What about everyone else's kitties?

01-10-2004, 11:06 AM
- She acts like she wants everything you're eating, but if you let her sniff it up close, she turns her head in disgust.
- She plays with the wrong end of toys (if you get a fishing pole toy, she plays with the pole instead of the toy on the end, etc).
- When she chases the laser pointer around, she starts panting like a dog.
- She wrestles with Reece (one of my dogs)
- She pretends she doesn't like other cats, but sometimes I catch her playing with one of my fosters. If she catches me watching though, she'll smack the foster kitten and walk away.

- He'll have conversations with me that go like this:
"whatcha doin?"
mew mew
"are you being a good boy?"
- He sleeps with his tongue sticking out - when he first wakes up with his cross eyes and tongue hanging out, it is the CUTEST thing!
- He has a stuffed dog that he carries around and wrestles with - he's done this since he was a tiny baby.
- He likes to lick the outside of the water bowl before and after he drinks
- He ALWAAAAAAAAAYS comes running when I call him (pretty good for a cat!)

01-10-2004, 11:23 AM
-This is gross but he says a meow that sounds like 'momma' when he is about to puke. It gives me time to get him off carpet and onto a hard floor, sometimes.
-he will drink only from the guest bath sink.
-he will stare at my husband until he gets down in the floor to brush Rip.
-he is afraid of any loud noise - vacuum, dishes clanking, pots and pans, door bell, etc.
-he will pull the covers off me in the morning so I will get up and fill his sink full of water.
-sadly, he has fits of rage directly solely at me but at least they are fewer apart and less severe since he's aged.

-She will sing/cry us awake each morning while swatting the drapes open
-she only wants to be held while you stand, not sit
-she LOVES cat grass but not many cat treats
-she clacks her teeth really hard while chattering at birds
-she plays fetch with us but also by herself by throwing the mouse in the air and batting it with her paws across the room. Looks like she is playing baseball.
-she cries loudly when she can't find us in the house
-she 'makes biscuits' on only certain blankets
-she has to supervise everyone in the litterbox room - cats and humans
-will sleep on the end of the sofa near the speaker when we watch a movie loudly - she always does this, wierd.

-she likes to sleep curled up in my armpit at night in bed and will butt me with her head until I wake up and get into position.
-she will sit and stare until almost asleep before lying down to go to sleep
-she doesn't chew her food well, mostly one bite and a big gulp
-she kind of hiccups when she purrs hard
-she's obessed with watching the birds in the sunroom window no matter how cold it is in there.
-loves to ambush everyone that walks by her favorite recliner by trying to pounce on their backs - never works.
-doesn't have a meow just funny squeaks and growls.
-she has a hard time picking up cat treats on a slick surface.

01-10-2004, 09:01 PM
Originally posted by aly
Shiloh- When she chases the laser pointer around, she starts panting like a dog.

Pixel used to do this until playing with Randi licked her into shape! Now she's lean, exteremely fit, and raring to go!

01-10-2004, 09:09 PM
- Sleeps on top of the heat vent
- Eats laying down, if he wants fresher food.. he will flip the bowl over
-loves ice
-hates the vaccum
-momma boy

-Loves my mom
-hates anything that moves that she doesnt know how its movie...I.E, blow dryer, massager, vacumm etc.
- likes to be scrathed on her head

-lover and biter
-hates baths and getting her nails cut
-likes any people food, but isnt allowed to have it
- daddys girl!!!

And they are all like to sleep on my little dresser, now thats a sight lol!!

01-10-2004, 09:11 PM
*Sleeps in my cabinet where I keep sweaters
*Chases fishies
*Will only let me trim his nails AFTR Allen had his done. Forget it of he hasn't seen you do Allen
*Plays with the on switch to my stained glass lamp (its on a chain that you pull)
*Eats homework

*Can hear the balcony door open from anywhere in the house (its the only time he's allowed outside.. onto the closed-in second floor balcony)
*Loves "rides" in the laundry basket from basement to the bedroom
*Waits til Pouncer is done eating before he begins... though screams for food if its not out yet.

01-11-2004, 12:13 AM
This will be long so I will do only a couple
Jez. Maine Coon
~ It is her job to swat all kittens when they are introduced to the house and let out to meet all the others.
~ It is her job to swat any cat that walks past her.
~ It is her job to sleep on top of me with her wiskers tickling my face
~ It is her job to sleep on top of the bathroom door.
~ It is her that got me into Maine Coons.

Weezie Maine Coon
~ It is her job to sit in my lap every morning while I have my coffee.
~It is her job to greet all people who come into the house.
~It is her job to sniff everyones face who comes into the house
~It is her job to play cute and have everyone fall in love with her.

Dixie Ragdoll
~ It is her job to push any cat that is getting combed out of my lap so I can comb her.
~ It is her job to try and get Weezie out of my lap in the morning so she can lay there.
~ It is her job to go under the covers and sleep with me.
~ It is her job to to think she is queen and should be worship (by everybody and all the cats.)
3 more later

01-11-2004, 12:15 AM
Originally posted by rpcathouse
This will be long so I will do only a couple
Jez. Maine Coon
~ It is her job to swat all kittens when they are introduced to the house and let out to meet all the others.
~ It is her job to swat any cat that walks past her.
~ It is her job to sleep on top of me with her wiskers tickling my face
~ It is her job to sleep on top of the bathroom door.
~ It is her that got me into Maine Coons.

Weezie Maine Coon
~ It is her job to sit in my lap every morning while I have my coffee.
~It is her job to greet all people who come into the house.
~It is her job to sniff everyones face who comes into the house
~It is her job to play cute and have everyone fall in love with her.

Dixie Ragdoll
~ It is her job to push any cat that is getting combed out of my lap so I can comb her.
~ It is her job to try and get Weezie out of my lap in the morning so she can lay there.
~ It is her job to go under the covers and sleep with me.
~ It is her job to to think she is queen and should be worship (by everybody and all the cats.)
3 more later

Cute pic, which kitty is that? Have you got a photo of your raggie Dixie?

01-11-2004, 08:45 AM
That picture is of Jez sleeping on the bathroom door. Of course if have a picture of the raggie. Here is Dixie Blaze. She will be 8 yrs old March 5th. She is a big purr bucket.

Julie Grove
01-11-2004, 09:59 AM
Getting slightly sidetracked - Lucy likes to sit and look out of the lounge window - this is her favourite place. She gets lots of admiring glances as people walk past. When she sees my mum walking up the garden path to the house, she just scarpers! Somehow she would let Gigi know that Nanny was coming and you could almost see Gigi gulping hard before running off and hiding in the cupboard. Probably something to do with that fact the my dear mum always walkw in the house and screaches at the top of her voice "where are my beautiful grand-daughters? - Gigi, Lulu - Nanny's here - come and give Nanny kisses"!!!! Gulp.....enough to scare anyone I would have thought. And she always asks me "why are my girls outside or in a cupboard somewhere whenever I arrive, I never get a kiss and a cuddle?" And I say "well, you know what cats are like Mum, busy social life and all that..."

On the night that Gigi died my mum was with us. After Gigi had the first injection to relax her, my Mum, through her sobs said to Gigi "well, I suppose now's my final chance to get that kiss and cuddle that I've been trying to get for 8 years". And then she took it.