View Full Version : Heeeeeeeelp!!!

01-10-2004, 05:57 AM
Guys, I need some help from other experienced kitty meowmies!

I just can't stop Pixel crapping on the floor! Luckily, she rarely goes on the carpet, but instead she goes on the tiled floor in the laundry (very close to the litter) or in the kitchen (near the laundry). She will do this no matter how clean the litter is!

It is driving me absolutely bonkers .... nothing I've tried works.


01-10-2004, 06:02 AM
What have your tried?

-stool sample to the vet for analysis?
-adding another litter box, maybe in the room she prefers?

Did anything change prior to the behavior?
-new litter?
-new food?
-new routine?

My mind is not working yet, but this is a good start.

01-10-2004, 06:57 AM
Did Pixel do it at all before you got Randi? Or just after?

01-10-2004, 07:36 AM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
What have your tried?

-stool sample to the vet for analysis?
-adding another litter box, maybe in the room she prefers?

Did anything change prior to the behavior?
-new litter?
-new food?
-new routine?

My mind is not working yet, but this is a good start.

We've got a second litter tray. There has been no new litter, food or anything like that. She has started doing it since Randi got here, but she used to do it when she was sick (wayyy before Randi's time) so maybe I should take her to the white coats...

01-10-2004, 08:39 AM
Oh I am so sorry to hear!!!
I would also go to the the V-E-T asap...

If there is no medical reason, maybe Pixel has once been disturbed by Randi while she used the litterbox...maybe a change to a hooded box will then help or replace the box?!
Or maybe you should try a new cat litter brand...sometimes they decide out of the blue that they actually don't like the other stuff anymore...

However good thoughts are on the way to little Pixel!!!

01-10-2004, 08:46 AM
Pixie is an absolute angel at the Vets!!

01-10-2004, 09:06 AM
That is odd, as Cats generally bu\y instinct , cover up thier meses , to hide from predators picking up thier scents.The only thing that you can do , is to try a new litter , and hope that that works.

01-10-2004, 11:07 AM
If it isn't health related then maybe try Feliway if it's available to you. I've been using it since the end of Sept. here and it has helped Ripley through the stress of adding Scout plus a two room total redecorating (he decided the newly painted wall and new carpet needed to smell like him - ugh!). Feliway stopped that behavior before he did any serious damage thank goodness.

01-10-2004, 11:48 AM
I am no specialist at this But maye she is doing it for attention. I would take her to the vet ASAP. :) Good Luck!!

01-10-2004, 11:48 AM
There IS a reason, we just don't recognize it yet. Is it always outside the litter box? If not, when it is outside the litterbox..what is the status of the box? TOO clean? NOT clean? TOO much litter, NOT enough litter? Move the boxes apart? Take off the lids? Reading material not handily located next to the box? He he...just checking to see if you are reading my posts. What about what you are doing when she does it? Just back from an overnight? Long day at work/school? People over? Think! There has to be something...once we determine that it isn't medical.

Pixel- you stop pooping! You hear me?

01-10-2004, 02:12 PM
I have the same problem with Maggie Sue. In her case I think it is because she so desperately wants to be the dominant cat. She is too good to use anything that the other kitties use! That is the only thing we have been able to figure out. It isn't medical in her case. She will use it to pee, but most of the time she will poo right beside the box. It drives me crazy but I really don't know what to do about it. I try to tell myself that thankfully she is doing it in the utility room on tile and not the carpet or bed!!
The reason I think it is a dominance issue for her is because she trys to dominate the other two females all the time. She just has that attitude!!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-10-2004, 05:26 PM
When I lived in all my apartments, occassionally Peanut would poop on the floor, but always on a throw rug and usually after I was gone for a weekend or something, so I never thought anything of it - just her way of showing me she wasn't at all happy about me being gone.

But ever since I moved in with Terry, and the litter boxes are in the basement, she has pooped on the basement floor - always. She never poops in the box now, no matter how clean or dirty, no matter what. Since it's in the basement, and her poops are hard, clean up easy and don't smell the entire house up, I just let her do her thing....even Terry doesn't mind since she's such a daddy's girl. :rolleyes:

So, unfortunately I have no advice since I've never even tried to correct the problem. But like Maggie Sue, she always pees in a box, just never poops.

01-10-2004, 09:08 PM
Originally posted by catmandu
That is odd, as Cats generally bu\y instinct , cover up thier meses , to hide from predators picking up thier scents.The only thing that you can do , is to try a new litter , and hope that that works.

Randi doesn't cover up HIS doo-doos, which may be part of the prob...

01-10-2004, 09:11 PM
Originally posted by Cataholic
There IS a reason, we just don't recognize it yet. Is it always outside the litter box? If not, when it is outside the litterbox..what is the status of the box? TOO clean? NOT clean? TOO much litter, NOT enough litter? Move the boxes apart? Take off the lids? Reading material not handily located next to the box? He he...just checking to see if you are reading my posts. What about what you are doing when she does it? Just back from an overnight? Long day at work/school? People over? Think! There has to be something...once we determine that it isn't medical.

Pixel- you stop pooping! You hear me?

Hehe - I think we need some Dibert books for the cat litter too! :)

I think I will try the white coats as my next form of attack against the marauding poop brigade

Julie Grove
01-11-2004, 08:32 AM
I responded to a similar problem yesterday in Behaviour but I think the problem was peeing so you might want to see that. Get a new tray and a covered one if you don't already have one and when your cat messes where he shouldn't, transfer it to the new litter tray and you could pop your cat in their also immediately afterwards to show him.

01-11-2004, 08:12 PM
Originally posted by Julie Grove
I responded to a similar problem yesterday in Behaviour but I think the problem was peeing so you might want to see that. Get a new tray and a covered one if you don't already have one and when your cat messes where he shouldn't, transfer it to the new litter tray and you could pop your cat in their also immediately afterwards to show him.

Heyy, good idea!

now I just have to catch her....

01-11-2004, 08:46 PM
All the good ideas have been taken.:)

Hopefully it is nothing serious and can be taken care of at the vets or by a little help in behaviour. I am glad to hear that vet is not a dirty word.:)

Either way let us know what happens.

01-11-2004, 10:40 PM
Even though you have two litterboxes, you may want to get another one. She might just be extra peticular and that could help. You can also get a Feliway plug in and put it near the new box.

Let us know how the trip to the vet goes. :)