View Full Version : Can't remember what the word is...

01-09-2004, 10:19 PM
Does anyone know the word for those excersises that elongate your spine? They are supposed to stretch the spaces between the spine and relieve pain. I was thinking about trying it for my back pain. It starts with a 'P'. Polahday or something lol. I wanted to look it up.

And has anyone tried it?

01-09-2004, 10:25 PM
well my mom did this thing where she pushed on my tail bone and it made my spine go straight and my back cracked:D LOL I dont know what its called though..hmmm

01-09-2004, 10:27 PM
Piolates? I don't know how to spell it, but I'm pretty sure I know what you're talking about:) *Pronounced Puh-la-ties* I've never done it, but dancers do it and it's a way to strengthen and condition yourself without getting big, bulky muscles. You get long and lean (lol:p). I think this it what you are thinking of;)

01-09-2004, 10:31 PM
Thanks for the replies! :) I looked it up, and it's called pilates. I am going to do some research onit. I talked to a guy today who had got into a car accident and it really helped him. He said it even made him taller. Brought him from 5'11 to 6 feet in 12 weeks! I don't care if I'm taller or not, I just think that's a cool bonus lol.

01-09-2004, 10:31 PM
I think it's spelled Pilates. I've heard someone mention that before, so I think it's that lol.

EDIT: Whoops. You beat me to it. :o

01-09-2004, 10:33 PM

I've tried it. The exercises are very slow, deliberate and breathing is very important. There is a special way of breathing and a special way of doing all the moves. Don't let it fool you, I found it very hard.

A couple of the exercises do open up the spine and I found them very relaxing, but overall, I would never enroll again. I prefer exercise that's lively and energetic with music, something like jazzercize.

01-09-2004, 10:34 PM
ohh wow, I desperately need to grow a couple inches. I'm 16 and at 5'1. My brother in grade 7 is taller than me. :o

01-09-2004, 10:38 PM
Yep! That's what I was talking about:) It does help a lot too;)

01-10-2004, 12:09 AM
I'm 5'9". I don't want to be taller... I've lived my whole elementry-junior high years in the back at concerts cuz I was always tallest... lol

01-10-2004, 09:50 AM
I have heard good things about Pilates, and have been wanting to try them also. A girl I work with does them religiously, and she loves it!!!
Maybe I'll pick up a tape today.

01-10-2004, 01:43 PM
Originally posted by slick

A couple of the exercises do open up the spine and I found them very relaxing, but overall, I would never enroll again. I prefer exercise that's lively and energetic with music, something like jazzercize.

That is exactly my thought, too! Somehow, unless I am really moving...it just doesn't seem the same to me, even though it is 'hard'. Same thing with Yoga...