View Full Version : Julie (Ally Cat's Mommy)....

01-09-2004, 05:19 PM

Are you back from holidays yet ?

Hope you had a good Christmas and New Year break with your family.

I also hope things have improved between the seperated Ally & Connor.

Oh yeah...We need more photos, we have waited long enough ;)

01-09-2004, 06:56 PM
I know that Julie is back but a bit depressed. I should not tell her tales, but among other things, Ally has been hurt again by Connor and she is certain he will need a new home:(.

She is also surprised to read that most other pet talkers on the Christmas card list got 95% of the cards expected whereas she only received 50%. She thinks people are against her
SO IF YOU OWE JULIE A CARD................GET TO IT!!!!!!!!!!

I hope everyone who reads this thread will try to make sure she knows how much we want her back.

sorry I squealed :o

01-09-2004, 07:14 PM
Thanks Jen, for the update.

I have PM'd Julie but I would like to repeat on the boards.

I miss hearing from you, Julie.

I am sorry things are not working out between Ally & Connor :(

Do you think your mum will take him ?

Come back Pet Talk is not the same without you.

PS. I send a card to everyone on the list, if anyone has not receive one PM me.

01-09-2004, 07:34 PM
Oh, Julie, I am so sorry to hear of Connor and Ally! I was hoping things were going to work out. :(

Please come back, I miss you, too!

And, finally, you must trust me on this one....if 95% of the people sent ME a card, there just isn't any way you can draw the conclusion you recieving less was intentional. No way. No way at all. It must be a mail carrier problem. People were prolly MAD that I was on the exchange list...yet, they still sent the cards. So, please don't let this add to your woes. Please.

01-09-2004, 07:43 PM
Julie ... we love you here, and want to share in all your good and bad times!!! ;)

Felicia's Mom
01-09-2004, 08:25 PM
I enjoy reading your posts. Sorry things aren't better between Ally and Connor.

I sent a card to you, hope you recieved it. I loved yours, Thanks.

Ally Cat's Mommy
01-10-2004, 12:55 AM
Thanks everyone for your kind words. I have been hesitant to post at the moment - I'm finding it difficult to be positive and cheerful, and I don't want to drag anyone else down with negativity.

Sadly the situation with Connor and Ally is not improving. Ally has been back to the vet again for another infected bite, and I have taken the VERY hard decision to try and find another family for Connor. He is a real luv-bug and there is no way I can send him back to the shelter, especially now that he has gotten used to a family and a home. The shelter are on the look-out for the right family for him, and I have also posted some flyers, so we will see what happens. I think he will do well either as an only cat, or in a multi-cat home - it's just Ally that really needs to be an only cat. I feel that I have really done EVERYTHING (except hormone injections - which I am not comfortable with, as I don't know the long-term implications), and I now have no other choice than to re-home Connor.

My Mum & Dad are not willing to take him, as they are really enjoying their retirement and have plans to travel quite a lot, so they are not going to get a pet any time soon.

Re the other "issues" - as Jen mentioned I didn't receive even 50% of the cards - when I look at it logically the only explanation can be a problem with my postal service, but is WAS dissapointing when I arrived home in January and didn't receive as many cards as I expected. (You know how it goes - when you are feeling down then EVERYTHING gets to you!!)

I am also really missing my family and friends in South Africa at the moment, AND I am unemployed, so I don't have the distraction of going to work every day to keep my head busy!

Sorry for being such a grouch! I'm afraid I'm not very good company at the moment!!

Thanks again to everyone for your kind thoughts and wishes - it really means a lot to me that you are all here - you are the best!!



01-10-2004, 02:03 AM

I recieved your card and it was wonderful! Thanks again - its been put in the pile ready to go into my archive boxes. I posted your card on the 15th of December to the address that you gave on the list. It said it got there (I did a registered post thingy for all my cards). I am still recieving cards from pet talk people - its sad that most of the cards I have recieved last year and this (I would say about 50%) have been opened and inspected by quarantene.

I just thought I would let you know and HUGS I really know how you feel. PM me if you wish to talk.

01-10-2004, 02:16 AM
Julie - I'm so sorry about everything. When it rains, it pours - or at least it usually feels that way.

I had so hoped things would improve between Connor and Ally. I'm very saddened to hear it has not. I hope you can come to a happy ending with this quickly.

Hang in there!!

01-10-2004, 02:29 AM
Oh Julie {{{{{HUGS}}}}}
Like Jazzcat has written, when it rains it pours...but maybe we can be a little umbrella for you in these days...

And no matter in what mood you are I know a lot of people love to hear from you and enjoy your posts so much...please post!!!

Never forget, whenever a door closes another one opens...

01-10-2004, 09:49 AM
I mailed out cards to everyone Julie and I hope you received mine. I know how you feel. I've gone through times where everything seems to land at once and before you know it, you think everyone is against you.

We love you Julie and please don't hesitate to come on board and state your feelings. We will be here to listen and to understand and to help you.

As for Ally and Connor, I think a few Pet Talkers know only too well the benefits of rehoming when it doesn't work out. You have given it your best shot and you need to take Ally's and your health into consideration. I support you on whatever decision you make.

Take care Julie. Hugs to you.

01-10-2004, 10:32 AM
Julie, it is so good to see you back on Pet Talk, though I am so sorry things have become worse between Connor and Aly.:(
You saved Connor's life and really have done everything you can to make a happy life for him and Aly. Once he has found and settled in a new home (which I am sure he will be) it will be one load off your mind and perhaps you will begin to feel a bit brighter.

Good luck with that and with everything. And please know that we care and want to listen to all you have to tell us, sad, happy, or in-between.


Killearn Kitties
01-10-2004, 10:42 AM
Julie, I'm so sorry you are having such a miserable time. I've thought about Ally and Connor a lot and I'm really sorry for you that things have turned out this way. For what it's worth, I don't think there is anything more you could have done, and re-homing Connor is probably the best thing for everyone.

I'm sorry you feel so homesick just now. I've never been so far away from my family for any length of time, but I can see how much it affects people I work with that are a long way from home. Most of them are a bit upset when they come back after a visit home. I hope the feeling doesn't last too long for you.

You can grouch at me any time you need to. I don't mind.:)

Steffi N
01-10-2004, 11:52 AM
I am sorry to read that things are not working out between Connor and Ally and I hope you will be successful in finding Connor a good new home.
Please don't apologize for being grumpy, we all are sometimes when things aren't going well.

01-10-2004, 12:06 PM
Julie - hope things are on the upward swing for you.

I did send cards to everyone on the list. There were a couple (don't remember who or which ones) that the return addresses were different from the list. When they were different, I sent to the return addresses as I thought that would be the more accurate address. There were so many and I didn't keep track of who sent and who did not; I was just happy to receive so many cards. To me it's not about getting, it's about the act of giving. I didn't receive any returns from the Post Office so I'm just assuming everyone I sent one to received it.

01-10-2004, 02:40 PM
I have been wondering about Ally and Connor too. I kept thinking we would hear something from you any day now. I wish it was better news. We know how much you love Connor and that you saved his life. I'm sure God will bless you with a wonderful new home for Connor soon.
Sometimes the world just seems to come crashing in on us all. We understand how bad you are felling right now. The important thing to remember is that it will pass and bright times are ahead. Out of the clear blue the perfect answer will just appear.
Stay in touch and pour your heart out on PT. It does the body and spirit good to let it out and we can take it!
You, Aly, and Connor are in my thoughts and prayers.

01-10-2004, 02:56 PM
Julie, I just sent you a PM.

Miss Meow
01-10-2004, 10:32 PM
Julie, I'm glad you're back.

I sent your card about two weeks before Christmas, so if you didn't receive mine, it must be a postal thing. I'm sure someone at the post office has a huge bundle of cards for you, but put them somewhere on a shelf and they weren't delivered.

I bought some things on Ebay from Arizona, and they arrived within four days. Same time, bought something from half an hour up the road, and it never arrived, so you never can tell :rolleyes:

Good luck with re-homing Connor. He's a wonderful cat and hopefully the right family for him will emerge soon :)

01-10-2004, 11:30 PM
Julie, I'm so sorry that you're having such a difficult time right now. I had hoped that things would improve between Aly and Connor but please don't blame yourself because you tried everything you could. I'm sure that Connor will be able to find the purrfect forever loving home. I also sent you a card so I hope that you received it. Please don't stay away from Pet Talk. You're a great asset here and we've missed you. Please take care. {{{HUGS}}}

01-11-2004, 07:28 AM
Julie, I am glad to hear you're back and so sorry to hear about Connor and Ally -it all had started so well.
If you didn't get my card PM me -I'll be happy to make a new one as it can only have been lost in the mail.

I hope this year brings wonderful new things for you :)

Julie Grove
01-11-2004, 10:22 AM
From one Julie to another.....listen here Jules - you're not the only Julie that didn't get enough Christimas Cards ok! I didn't get ONE card from PT but I'm not gonna hold a grudge just as long as I don't get left out next time. But seriously girl, as new as I am it seems to me that people do care - otherwise why would a thread have been posted and why would people be responding? Huh?
I hope things get sorted out with your sweetie cats, be strong - sending you some energy to help you through a touch time. Lucy sends BIG kisses.

01-11-2004, 10:38 AM
Julie, I'm sorry to hear you're feeling down and it didn't work out with Aly and Connor. :( I'm sure you'll find a solution soon and things will start looking brighter. :)

All the best of luck!!

Hugs from me, and Fister sends headbumpies.

01-11-2004, 02:55 PM
Nothing is worse than feeling like the whole world is upon your shoulders.

Julie, here are a few inspirations that I hope will help you;

A new beginning can start at anytime.

Let your heart speak. It knows what you need.

And most of all; Find something to love in yourself. Others already have.

01-11-2004, 03:59 PM
I am so sorry to hear that things are not going well at the moment. However, you were missed. Well I missed you at least and it looks like alot of others did too.:)

I wish I had great words of wisdom for you, but I find myself lacking at the moment. Just know that we care, and please post your frustrations. We are here for the bad time as well as the good.

That's about it. Bob and Joey send much kitty loving and purrs of comfort for you. I can't purr so I will just send a big {{{{{HUG}}}}} to you.

01-11-2004, 04:05 PM
:( I'm sorry life is geting you down right now. It seems when it rains, it really pours, huh?

Did you get my email in December?

Know that we're here to chat with if you need us. Please feel free to PM or email me whenever you'd like.

Kelly :)

01-11-2004, 04:29 PM
Julie, we have missed you. You know that if you are feeling bad and need somebody to talk to, this is you family. We all care for you and miss your presence when you are not here with us.

We will try and help you feel better. I am sorry for all the problems you are going through. But if you need us we are all here for you and will do whatever it take to make you feel better.


01-11-2004, 09:15 PM
Julie I'm sorry things are crummy for you right now. Did you get my card? If you didn't, I would be more than happy to send you one direct to you in Africa :) Anything to help cheer you!


01-12-2004, 03:21 AM
Keeping good thoughts and prayers here.