View Full Version : Funny fishy story...

01-09-2004, 01:58 PM
Talking about Trooper dying made me think of a funny story. Forgive me if I've told this one before...

My senior year in highschool, my best friend and I lived together. We got this fish tank. I can go on forever about all the crazy stuff that happened to our fish, crabs, and frogs. Both demented and hilarious. It was so bad that we got to the point where'd we bring our dead animals back to Walmart in a paper bag to exchange them for live ones. You know how the lady puts the yellow happy face sticker on your returns? Well we gave her a heart attack. lol.

Anyways, that's not my story...We had this little buddy, Cheyenne. He was a sweet freshman that was like our brother. We took him everywhere with us.

Cheyenne loved us so much that he gave us his beloved fish as a gift for our tank. This fish was a huge goldfish that Cheyenne had all of his life. For him, it was a very special gift to give us.

Well, after the fish living for a hundred years, he died the day after Cheyenne gave him to us. We didn't have the heart to tell Cheyenne the fish had died, so, Kim and I took the dead fish to a pet store and replaced him with an identical one. Again and again this happened. Sometimes, it was hard to find an identical one. Cheyenne would come over to see the fish (over a two year period!!!) and say things like "Wow, Charlie got HUGE since the last time I saw him." "Wow, it seems like Charlie shrunk." "Wow, I never noticed that spot on Charlie's belly." "Hey, that spot on Charlie's belly disappeared." "Hey, Charlie's fin healed, it's not split anymore."

It got to be such a huge lie that we never knew how to get out of it. I ran into Cheyenne years later and he brought up Charlie. I finally told him the truth and he cracked up.

BTW, Cheyenne turned out to be such a hottie! I couldn't believe it!

01-09-2004, 02:36 PM
LOL! Tonya that was a funny story! You must have been a case, when you were a Teenager! LOL! :D

01-09-2004, 02:41 PM
Still am! ;)