View Full Version : Finally, downloaded my Christmas pics :)

01-09-2004, 01:11 PM
Here are a few pics of the furkids at Christmas.

I had all three cats a personalized blanket made.


I got them a crinkle sac but they only lay on it.

I thought this was cute.

And then Jazz decided to to suprise attack Scout.

Their big gift was a Panic Mouse. They all seem to like it, especially Scout.

Thanks for letting me share. Hope you enjoyed.

01-09-2004, 01:17 PM

What an action shot! thanks for the giggle

01-09-2004, 02:29 PM
GREAT pics!! I love the personalized blankets!
I've wondered about the panic mouse but wasn't sure how well the kitties would like it. Obviously Scout is having a ball...um...MOUSE!!
I do believe your babies had a wonderful Christmas! They are just gorgeous, happy, funny kitties!!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

01-09-2004, 02:52 PM
How cute! I love the blankets...my kitties are so jealous!!

01-09-2004, 03:44 PM
There is a story behind the cat blankets.
I found a lady on ebay in 2002 who makes the blankets and I had her do one for Disney and one with Ripley and Jazz's names on them. When I got Scout I felt bad that I didn't have one for her so I emailed the lady. She wasn't currently selling on ebay but said she would be glad to make on for Scout so I paid her (only $4 total - including shipping). Well first she forgot to make it, then her computer was in the shop and she didn't have my address finally 41 days later the package arrived priority with three blankets - one for each cat. She felt so bad about the delay that she made Ripley and Jazz their own also. She paid $3.85 to have it mailed priority so this lady basically lost money on th sale.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-09-2004, 04:07 PM
Awww...those blankets are soo sweet!

And it looks like they enjoyed the other pressies also. Cute pics. :D

01-09-2004, 04:15 PM
What a nice thing for the lady to do! :D They ae realy nice blankets. Love the wrestling shot, too.

01-09-2004, 04:25 PM
Ohmygosh, those blankets are beautiful! Wow, you really gave your kitties a wonderful Christmas! I feel guilty now! Well, everyday is Christmas in our apartment I guess, we spoil them. We keep putting off getting their big present, but we're getting it this weekend, a water fountain water dish. I got them lots of their favorite mice and treats for real Christmas so that was fun, I didn't take any pics though, silly me. I can tell how much you love your cats though, those are such thoughtful gifts, you're makin' me look bad! hahaha. Thanks for sharing! :D

01-09-2004, 04:42 PM
I love those blankets!:) Your cats look happy with their gifts. Great pics, thanks for sharing!

01-09-2004, 08:09 PM
What a nice Christmas your kitties had, and they OBVIOUSLY enjoyed it as well! Great pics, thanks for sharing~!:D

01-09-2004, 08:11 PM
Great pictures! It looks like they sure got some wonderfull gifts. I love those blankets, they are so cute :)