View Full Version : I have finaly got a .......

Rio and Me
01-09-2004, 10:11 AM
Job, after about a month of searching for a temperary job I got a job at are care home for the elderly, (i'm a care assistant).
I've gone from animals (my all time love) to humans (the animal i hate most on this planet,lol).
I dont know how i'll get on but i'll give it a try, i start on Tuesday.
So i'm sort of looking forward to it.
Pointless thread
Ky and Rio

01-09-2004, 10:35 AM
Bring pictures of your pets with you to have handy as a source of conversation material! Many of the elders probably miss the animals they had, and would smile at pictures.

There are always exceptions, I know, but elderly people in general are some of the nicest people ... they just want a friend, a bit of human touch, to be looked in the eye and smiled at ...

Congratulations on being employed!

01-09-2004, 10:53 AM
Congratulations on the new job!!!!

Karen's idea is wonderful--no easier way to start a conversation than by talking about your pets!!!

01-09-2004, 11:03 AM
Rio, I'm so glad for you. You will find those people such sweet humans! I visit a nursing home here and those people are so loving! I don't have anyone there, I just go. I need them as much as they need me.

Karen you are so right! :)

Rio and Me
01-09-2004, 11:32 AM
Yer I will take a view pictures, While I was there for an interview today I found out that this one lady was having a speciel guest next week her cat, bless her she doesnt even remember her cat but had a faint idea when the name was mentioned, I'm sure when she see's her she'll remember.
I would love to take in my mums dog so they could pet her and such but I'll have to see after a while what they think of the idea.
Oh and my mum, who has been on sick leave for a view years now has just started work at the same place today, they didnt even relise untill i mentioned it.
I'll let you know on their reactions of the pet photos.
Ky and Rio

01-09-2004, 12:30 PM
Rio, I think you will like working there!! Some of the elderly people are so sweet, you may come across some thats not so sweet. The thing is they love to have somebody love them and need to have that love so much.

I love visiting these people, you would be suprised at how much they love to just have visits even from people they don't know.

I have even took some of my friendlier pets to visit them before, and they were so happy to get to pet a puppy. They are such sweet people.

I think you will love them when you get there. Good luck on your new job, let us know how it is going.


01-09-2004, 01:00 PM
Congratulations! I think that you will find your job very rewarding.