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01-09-2004, 08:09 AM
This is when Buddy got home from the vet:
(I gave him a new bone to chew on instead of his bandages!)

Sierra... happy that her Buddy was back home!!

Buddy's leg is doing okay, it's going to take a long time for it to heal! When he goes outside I put a sock on him, and tape it to his leg. But.... he still comes back in the house with out it!!
Right now there are about 3 or 4 socks out in my yard somewhere.:p The pups think the socks make great tug-o-war toys!!!

01-09-2004, 08:14 AM
Just showing you the Clifford the Big Red Dog band aid's I bought for Buddy!!


Sierra checking out the first aid bucket!!


Oh yeah... Buddy love the taste of Apple Bitter!!!


Just Sierra being her lasy little self!!

Buddy... chillin' out!


01-09-2004, 08:28 AM
wery cute photos, I´m glad Buddy is OK :)

Cinder & Smoke
01-09-2004, 09:58 AM
When Shadow (Shep/Husky, RB :( ) broke the outside toe on a
rear foot; she was "wrapped" with a fairly rigid
bandage from the toes to above her ankle.

Last thing the White Coat said was
"Oh, and Keep it DRY when she goes out!" :rolleyes:

The suggested method was to use a Heavy Duty sandwich bag or Zip-Lock
with a RUBBER BAND to hold it in place...

The Rubber Band was only to be used for SHORT periods of time -
5-10 minute "Outies".
Longer than that, Vet said it could cut off the circulation.
For Longer outings, I had to secure the Baggie with tape.

The "interesting" thing was...
INSIDE - Shadow would *hobble* around as if the injured limb had
been cut off at the hip... never did that "injured" paw touch the floor...

However, when allowed OUTside, all baggie protected...
the baggie would return torn to shreds...
often "damp" and or covered with mud...

I alway wondered just HOW the baggie had gotten so "beat up" when it
should have Never Touched the Ground if that foot was *Soooo Tender*! :p

And... see if Buddy learns This "Trick"...

For more than a YEAR, Shadow would "play" the Injured Paw
for all the Sympathy she could...
LONG after it was fully healed -
she'd trott into view with perfect gait on all fours...
Untill she noticed someone was *watching* her.
Immediately "the Paw" would be picked UP and she'd do her
best 3-Legged WOE-is-Me Hobble :eek: :( ...

Only PROBLEM was ~
she almost always forgot WHICH paw was supposed to be "sore"...
Someone wold say "Wrong Paw, Shadow" -
and she'd quickly start *changing paws* in mid-stride...
often going through ALL 4 paws trying to "get it right"... :rolleyes:

Dawgz - gotta Love 'em! :D

Hope it starts Feelin Better, Bud!! ;)

01-09-2004, 10:04 AM
Thanks for the pics. :) I'm glad Buddy is getting better. :D

Phred ~ That story is so funny! :D

01-09-2004, 10:05 AM
Phred, sounds like Shadows was quite the character. :D

I am glad that Buddy's leg is slowly healing. It will take time. I know this may be tidious, but have you tried taping the sock all the way from the toe up beyond where the bandage ends? May be worth a try.

01-09-2004, 10:13 AM
I'm so happy to see pictures of this gorgeous duo!
Even with Buddy's owie!! I love the bandaid--so cute!!!

I'm glad everything is healing up--my yard has the occasional sock or dish towel in it too--if I foget to close my closet door, our thief (Abbey) will get ahold of something and take it outisde and play with it!!!!!

Great story Phred!!

01-09-2004, 10:25 AM
Awww, good to see the two back together and happy. Those band-aids are too cute! I bet the whole thing was more of an ordeal for poor Sierra girl than Buddy! I'm glad she's back to herself :)

Get better quick Buddy, and leave that bandage alone!

Phred, enjoyed the story :D

01-09-2004, 10:38 AM
So glad that Buddy and Sierra are back together. Hey, Buddy, you need to be more careful from now on. Glad you are healing. Great pics. Always love to see them.

Love the story, Phred.

Robin :)

01-09-2004, 10:52 AM
Poor Buddy. That must have hurt a lot. Hope he gets over it ok and leaves his bandages alone. Duke would probably be ripping his off.

01-09-2004, 11:07 AM
I think taping the entire sock will be the only way to keep it on!
But I tell you, he is SUCH a good boy when it comes to changing the bandage!! He just sits still till I'm done, kiss it and tell him he can go!!
I am going to run out of socks!!:rolleyes:
I will have to try plastic bags!!!

Phred - That sounds like Sierra! She's my little Drama Queen. If this had happend to her..... OMG.... she wouldn't be walking on it! (I have only seen Buddy limp once) She would sit a cry and whine all the time!!

And your so right!!

Dogs...... ya gotta love 'em!!!!!

01-09-2004, 12:46 PM
Thanks for the pics. I am glad that Buddy is doing better.

Phred, your story had me in tears!

01-09-2004, 01:27 PM
Phred - that's hilarious! I can just imagine it.

Buddy is sure a beauty. I'll bet he's digging all the attention he's getting. Kiss his boo boo for me!

01-09-2004, 02:20 PM
Angie, I'm glad to hear that Buddy's doing better. You just can't keep those "owies" covered can you:rolleyes:
Give him a little kiss and tell him I miss him:) And of course don't forget to give Sierra one so she's not jealous:p

Phred, you always have the bestest stories!!

01-09-2004, 03:57 PM
Cute pictures!!! They are both sooo sweet!

When we have had to wrap injuries, I get something called vet wrap. It is sorta like a disposable ace badage...you stretch it tight when you wrap it and it is then self adhesive. I put a little medical tape over that and it seems to stay on pretty well. When Spot cut his side, we cut the bottom off a tshirt, wrapped it around his middle and secured it with the vet wrap. It worled out pretty well.

01-09-2004, 04:23 PM
Cute pics! :) Glad Buddy is doing well.