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View Full Version : Fun Fishtank Game!!!

01-08-2004, 07:17 PM
Click Here! (http://www.freshpulp.com/fishtank/) and click the PLAY NOW button on the side.

What you do is you have a fish tank. You can buy guppies for $100, and you need to feed them when they turn yellow by click the mouse near them so they can catch food. Click the coins they drop before they hit the bottom. As you get more money and your fish get bigger, you get food upgrades, [i.e. being upgraded to pellet food, then to these pill things.] When you move up a level, you get new kinds of fish, [i.e. snails, seahorses, etc.] BEWARE: ENEMIES COME AND CAN EAT YOUR FISH! You get a laser, and you just click on the enemy to blast it. It takes a few blasts! Hit the enemies heads to make them move to the bottom of the tank, hit the left side of them to make them move to the right, etc. One of the upgrades is a better laser, which helps. The enemies DO get worse! You need to buy three egg pieces to move on to the next level. The egg pieces get more expensive each level! Have fun... it's really addicting! I'm currently on level 4... :D Ask if you have any questions!

01-08-2004, 07:45 PM
Wow! I made it to level 4, then my fishies got eaten all up.:(

01-08-2004, 07:53 PM
Yeah, after a while you get a fish that gives birth... soon they are over-running the tank! I got a whale now to protect the babies and medium fish from aliens. :)

01-08-2004, 08:32 PM
It won't let me play it. Everytime I click on "Play" the internet shuts down. :(

01-09-2004, 02:25 PM
GoldenRetrLuver, That happen to me too.:(

01-09-2004, 02:55 PM
I stopped playing because I got to 600 dollars, and it never gave me even ONE egg piece to buy in level 3.:(

01-09-2004, 04:18 PM
The egg pieces are $1000 or $2000 in level 3 I believe.

I got to level 3 earlier and somehow my fish all died. I will play again later on :)

By the way, what do you feed the carnivore fish?

01-09-2004, 04:25 PM
OMG I LOVE THAT GAME! I always used to play it. You can also play it at www.popcap.com and scroll down intill you see the game called Insaniquarium.

01-09-2004, 04:26 PM
Baby Fish. Sad, I know. But its only a game. So to feed your carnivores, buy new guppies every once and a while.

01-09-2004, 05:43 PM
Eeep, when I said I made it to level 3, I meant 1-3. I'm on level 2-2 right now and can't figure out how to kill this annoying alien.


Geez thats addicting! I just beat the game though so now I can quit :p

01-09-2004, 08:13 PM
after like 10 tries I cant for the life of me get past level 1-5 my stradgy was working well(I lost one fish to like every alien so as soon as it warned of alien signitures apprching I bought a carnavore, that way if I lost a fish I still had one and stayed in the game, but then the stupid guppys kept getting away from my carnavores and made them die and zorf kept feeding the guppys so they grew but still ended up dying anyway :rolleyes: arg! 1 alien is easy but it constantly gives me 2 at a time :eek: