View Full Version : 2 or 3 dogs??

My Peanuts
01-08-2004, 02:57 PM
This is kind of a follow up question for my Petfinder thread, but I thought it deserved its own. For those of you that have three or more dogs, do you think that it is a lot more difficult to have three as opposed to two dogs? I know it's more money, food, toys, bowls, but I mean in day to day life. Is there a huge difference? I have never had three, as a matter of fact up until five months ago I always had just one. Having two is great, so just wondering about three. Thanks! :D

01-08-2004, 02:58 PM
Of course it will make it a little harder-- but more to love!:)

01-08-2004, 03:00 PM
I'm sure it would be harder--since it IS one more dog to take care of. :) I've never had three before, but I'm *hoping* I will soon! ;)

01-08-2004, 03:06 PM
Lauren (blustang24) brings Honey over quite often (not as often as usual though, *HINT LAUREN*. And Honey's spent the night before. It's really better with three dogs for me, especially if you have two that have two completely different personailities. Nala's is "PLAY PLAY PLAY!" Simba's is "Chill."

Therefore, Simba can Chill .. As Honey keeps Nala's "PLAY PLAY PLAY" personality occupied.

Speaking of, she just plopped a toy on my lap.. I guess it's time for PLAY PLAY PLAY!

01-08-2004, 03:07 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
Lauren (blustang24) brings Honey over quite often (not as often as usual though, *HINT LAUREN*. And Honey's spent the night before. It's really better with three dogs for me, especially if you have two that have two completely different personailities. Nala's is "PLAY PLAY PLAY!" Simba's is "Chill."

Therefore, Simba can Chill .. As Honey keeps Nala's "PLAY PLAY PLAY" personality occupied.

Speaking of, she just plopped a toy on my lap.. I guess it's time for PLAY PLAY PLAY!

This is true. Otis and Digger 'chill' together, and Chubby and Prince 'PLAY, PLAY, PLAY'!:)

01-08-2004, 03:09 PM
Mine are both pretty layed back, but they have their "moods" when they just want to "PLAY PLAY PLAY!" ;)

01-08-2004, 03:11 PM
I have three Boys. My Pug and My Bichon are small dogs so they eat as much as one large dog would together. So I am really feeding for two big dogs (Pug and Bichon 2 cups each)(Boxer 4 cups). There is much more potty time <LOL> and walking time. The vet bills are alittle more I go to the FREE rabies clinic for rabies shots so that helps some. Hartworm and flea meds are more for the bigger dogs. My Boxer need more running time and fun time then the little ones do. But the good thing about a boxer is that they are very protective but yet very friendly.
I hope this help you some

01-08-2004, 03:34 PM
There are both up and down sides to having three dogs. Usually when one wants to play at least one of the others does. that makes it a little easier to give one dog attentiona nd not have th other be bored or feel let out. At the same time, if all three want attention/loving at the same time it can be tricky.

We are lucky all three of our get along perfectly and listen well. For that reason, I have not found it that much more difficult to have 3 then 2. But there are times....

01-08-2004, 03:40 PM
I have five and I wouldn't trade one of them. But we'll eventually be back down to 3 and that's where we'll keep it. Three for us was a really good number. They seemed to chill or play in rotating groups of two, which left the other one to get individual attention. It seemed like no one felt left out.

It's like FizzGigg's Mom says there is more food going in, more vet expense and more potty time, but it's was good trade off to me - more to love.

01-08-2004, 04:09 PM
Well we have 3 dogs, before we had 1 quiet easy one, and one pain in the neck:p Which is Piddle, he cries over everything, needs to be hand fed, is very spoiled and sooky...etc!

Now we have piddle, plus a puppy(Jasper), and the quiet one(wiggles) It's alot harder on times, like Wiggles wont go get a drink, because Jasper won't leave her alone, Piddle wont get down off the couch to play....Jasper won't leave him alone either lol, neither of them will play with Jasper, which is why hes constantly bugging them, as he wants them to play.

But like someone else said, theres more to love, and I wouldn't give them up for the world, and Id have 4-5 if I lived alone :D

My Peanuts
01-08-2004, 04:12 PM
Originally posted by DogLover9501
Well we have 3 dogs, before we had 1 quiet easy one, and one pain in the neck:p Which is Piddle, he cries over everything, needs to be hand fed, is very spoiled and sooky...etc!

Now we have piddle, plus a puppy(Jasper), and the quiet one(wiggles) It's alot harder on times, like Wiggles wont go get a drink, because Jasper won't leave her alone, Piddle wont get down off the couch to play....Jasper won't leave him alone either lol, neither of them will play with Jasper, which is why hes constantly bugging them, as he wants them to play.

But like someone else said, theres more to love, and I wouldn't give them up for the world, and Id have 4-5 if I lived alone :D

Sounds like your problems might be steming from the fact that Jasper is a puppy. Sylvia is also a puppy, but her energy level is already lower than Harley's. I guess that what I get for having a Pug and Jack Russell! :D

01-08-2004, 04:46 PM
When I had Dusty, Roxy, and Teddy, it wasn't to much harder. You pretty much know your dogs personalities, so it's easy to tell who's to blame for what. lol. Others above are right, usually, two are playing, leaving one available for one on one time. In a sense it makes it a little easier for quality time.

Just more pee, poop, barking, food, and vet bills. lol. Good luck!

01-08-2004, 05:50 PM
I think it depends on the temperment and size of the dogs.

For me, because Rocky is a handfull among
strange dogs.
I would stick to a 2 dog household.

I also noticed, that Sheba and Pepper use to be
good pals, but once we added Rocky to the household,
Sheba started getting grouchy towards Pepper. :confused:

That's just me. :D

01-08-2004, 06:15 PM
I think two dogs is better for me. It's easier to excersise them, and they are less expensive to care for. :)

01-08-2004, 06:23 PM
I have 6, but to make thing simpler we never get another dog until all the dogs we alreadu have are at the very LEAST a year old, but we prefer to wait untill all other dogs are fully trained so that we can focus on one dog at a time. otherwise all we need is more room on the counter for the dogs dishes when we make theire brecky(they are fed raw) its not more expensive because our butcher gives us all we want for free, well to ALL raw feeders, just go in the back and take all ya want! :D otherwise I want more!!:p

01-08-2004, 06:47 PM
This could become quite lenghtly if I wanted it to be LOL.
to sum it up I agree with what everyone else said.

I had 3 dogs for years (until me & my ex broke up & yes I miss the dog more than him lol) but besides one addition to the major things like expenses (ex. food vet supplies), more potty time, care, grooming, cleaning & dividing attention. The excersize was not much different as I would excersize all 3 at once.

Like mentioned before yeah sometimes (it has to happen at least once) they may have their little (or big for some) tufts. Or one may bug the other (therefore cause problems like mentioned before for ex. not drinking etc.) but as time goes on you learn their individual personalities & kinda know how to prevent them or solve them or who to blame.

Me myself personally overall would reccomend a third dog to someone as long as they had the appropiate time, money & understanding. The only thing that is holding me back from another canine is finances.

I personally also would wait until a dog is about a year of age before adding another just because by then your other pup is out of the puppy stages (or just new dog stage if rescued as an adult) and you know them better by then, you know approx. if you can afford more $ & time by then and lots of other reasons but overall it gives you more time w/ the new addition at first.

I do reccomend having your current dogs meet the new addition first just to get an approx. idea as to how they will get along, even if there is a tiny scuffle they may be able to live together as if you are a good owner it only gets better with time!

If you can handle the way more extras for a puppy then that is USSUALLY a better chance that they will alll live together happily. BUT MANY many many shelter/foster dogs need good homes & you may get lucky & find one that has a background therefore you know that they are potty trained & how socialized they are etc... And even if not most shelters & rescue organizations will grant you a trial period, if things do not work out you could bring the dog back & try again with another.

My Peanuts
01-08-2004, 07:38 PM
The dog in question is over a year, crate trained, house broken, knows basic commands, and gets along with other dogs. In all honestly I have never personally met her. I saw her on the Petfinder website. My puppy is over 10 months, and my adult is over a year; so all together I'd be looking at a 10 month old, and two 1 year olds. If it was up to me she'd be living here already!

I posted this on another thread, but this is Tatum, the pup in question...Tatum (http://www.petfinder.com/pet.cgi?action=2&pet=2004585&adTarget=468doggeneral&SessionID=3ffe06a408780448-app3&display=&preview=&row=0&tmpl=)

01-08-2004, 07:58 PM
Tatum is a cutie!!! I love that face!!!

One other thing to consider ( and if I could change anything about our dogs, this may be it) The situation you would be in, and taht we arein is that all the dogs are very close in age (For us, there is 13 months from oldest to youngest) That is great now, but I'm nopt sure what it will be like when we have 3 senior dogs, both from a finanical and emotional standpoint. Obviuosly situations can change alot over time, but do you feel you would be able to care for three older sog that may have health problems? And the bigger concern for me is what if we loose them all close together?

01-08-2004, 08:45 PM
i have alwasy had at least 2 dogs in my house-hold. all my life. this is the first tim EVER in my whole life that we have owned three dogs. *it is great*

01-08-2004, 11:12 PM
I have 2 dogs, but I often dog sit and I get to sometimes take my dogs with me, so I've lived with 3 dogs and 4 dogs before.
I can comfortably handle 4 dogs, so that would be my limit (providing I was financially able to have 4 dogs). Any more would be hard to walk, and I'm not big on taking several walks. I like to get it all done at once :-)

Also just recently I was taking care of my co-worker's mini poodle in my house and it wasn't a big difference at all.

01-09-2004, 12:43 AM
i think it's all personal. are you financially capable, time capable, and is your house/yard big enough for 3 big pups. i have 2 now and seems my rooms keep shrinking lol. i want more goldens! lots more goldens like 5 in all. but i know i have to wait until i can handle it. otherwise, its just wrong. make sure you have the time to devote to 3 pups. enough to give them lots of love! if you're good for all that...i'd say go for it. puppies are pure happiness. you'll just have 3 times the luv. food/ dishes/potty time is all temporary. its like a baby...diapers are just part of the deal, but entirely worth it!

01-09-2004, 08:38 AM
Originally posted by Cincy'sMom
Tatum is a cutie!!! I love that face!!!

One other thing to consider ( and if I could change anything about our dogs, this may be it) The situation you would be in, and taht we arein is that all the dogs are very close in age (For us, there is 13 months from oldest to youngest) That is great now, but I'm nopt sure what it will be like when we have 3 senior dogs, both from a finanical and emotional standpoint. Obviuosly situations can change alot over time, but do you feel you would be able to care for three older sog that may have health problems? And the bigger concern for me is what if we loose them all close together?

I was just going to add that. yes as they age they will all be seniors at the same time. Unfortunatlly most senior dogs develope one problem or another, weather it be arthritis, weaker bladder control, blindness, deafness, thyroid problems the list goes on & on. But do you think you could afford that all at once? Also unfortunatly they do not live forever, lossing all at the same time would be devastating for me to handle. I personally like to have them about 3-5 years age difference mainly because of the "senior" dog moments.

01-09-2004, 09:45 AM
Originally posted by lv4dogs
I was just going to add that. yes as they age they will all be seniors at the same time. Unfortunatlly most senior dogs develope one problem or another, weather it be arthritis, weaker bladder control, blindness, deafness, thyroid problems the list goes on & on. But do you think you could afford that all at once? Also unfortunatly they do not live forever, lossing all at the same time would be devastating for me to handle. I personally like to have them about 3-5 years age difference mainly because of the "senior" dog moments.

Me too. My plan is to adopt dogs when they're about 3 years old, and about 4-5 years apart in age. So for example when Jake was 7 we got Max (age 2.5). When Max is 7 and Jake is 12 we'll get another 2-3 year old dog. We're just going to keep doing that, avoiding puppyhood altogether and never having more than one very old dog.

01-09-2004, 10:09 AM
I'm with Cincy's mom on that one too.
Unfortunately, 2 of my dogs are 2 years old, and little Riley is just a year. That puts them all in their senior stage right around the same time, and wasn't very smart planning on my part. Plus, when the time does come, it will be so hard.

That said, when we had 3 it was great for many of the reasons mentioned. Kito likes to just sit by mommy and get head rubs, but Abbey and Riley love to play play play!!!!!! Now it's Riley and Jada who play nonstop, and Kito and Abbey do once in a while too.

We have the fenced in yard for them to go out, plenty of room to separate everyone if we need too, and can afford the vet and food bills. Obviously you have already considered these things.

Making sure everyone gets along is important too, it will make them much happier. Kito doesn't warm up to other dogs really quickly, but Riley was only 12 weeks when we got him, and he was fine, and to this day never ever picks on Riley.

Good luck in your decision--Tatum is gorgeous!!!!

One more thing--we don't go anywhere either, lol. If we do, we have a dog-sitter who comes to the house, and he knows the dogs and how they act. Just remember that another one is another one to find someone to look after if you want to go anywhere.

My Peanuts
01-09-2004, 01:28 PM
Thanks for all your opinions. Unfortunately the decision to get Tatum is not mine, and I don't think it's going to happen now :( . I just hope she gets a good home soon.

Pupslover--it really wouldn't be 3 big dogs. Sylvia weighs about 14 lbs, Harley about 22lbs, and I have no idea what Tatum weighs, but probably around 50.

The best advice was the fact that they would all be seniors at the same time, it really made me think.

01-09-2004, 01:37 PM
I personally don't find 3 dogs that much harder than 2, expecially with Angus being older and the other 2 being young.
The girls have each other to play with which is nice. And when Angus feels like it he plays too.
The only drawback I can think of at the moment is when it's rainy & yucky outside I have 12 muddy paws to clean instead of 8:D

01-09-2004, 02:02 PM
oh..well that even wouldn't be that bad. but if its not up to you...then i guess you'll just have to see whats in store..

good luck either way. your pups are adorable!