View Full Version : Petfinder is the devil! Now I want another one

My Peanuts
01-08-2004, 01:14 PM
Even though I already have two dogs, which is one more than I have ever had, I always check the petfinder website. I don't know why I do this to myself! Anyway, I really like Boxers, but I have never owned one. In fact Harley is the biggest dog I have ever had and he's only about 23 pounds. I have been checking the petfinder website for months and looking at Boxers just because I am so interested in them right now. Well I found one I love and to top is all off she is only about 10 minutes from my house! I found her a few months ago and I told my family that if I was moving out right now that she would be my dog. Long story short, she is still up for adoption and my birthday is only about 2 weeks away . I'm pretty sure there is no way my parents are going to let me have her, but I put her picture on the refrigerator with a note that says "Diana's Birthday present" on it. It was worth a try. My house is on the small side, but my yard is big. Here she is!

Tatum the Boxer/Lab! (http://www.petfinder.com/pet.cgi?action=2&pet=2004585&adTarget=468doggeneral&SessionID=3ffdacc94608e92b-app2&display=&preview=&row=0&tmpl=)

01-08-2004, 01:28 PM
I know i keep watching a dane boxer cross on there . I'd love to have her but hubby says 2 dogs is enough. RATS!!!!!!

01-08-2004, 01:36 PM
I know.. I have to stay away from the shelter sites or petfinder. I want another dog so bad but realistically I have no room or the money for it. :(

Kimmy needs a house. :D

My Peanuts
01-08-2004, 01:39 PM
Originally posted by ramanth
I know.. I have to stay away from the shelter sites or petfinder. I want another dog so bad but realistically I have no room or the money for it. :(

Kimmy needs a house. :D

I know! I really want to volunteer at the shelter that Harley is from, but I'm afraid to. I get attached really easily.

Actually, even though money is tight, I don't think it would be a problem. We have never cut back on things for our pups :)

01-08-2004, 02:14 PM
Awwwwwwwww!!! What beautiful sweet looking girl.

I really want another dog bad too but it's just not realistic at this time for our household. Once we get the car or one of our student loans paid off I plan to start pushing for it though :D

01-08-2004, 02:17 PM
Aww...cute! :)
I've *TRIED* to stop looking at PetFinder...I want to take them all home. Although, it's really hard to visit the shelter every week and not want to adopt one. (or two) My poor dad. :o;)

My Peanuts
01-08-2004, 02:53 PM
Oh how I'm trying to get that little face out of my head. Tatum has those sweet innocent eyes like Harley. I'm the one that walks, bathes, feeds, and plays with our dogs now. Of course they get a lot of love from the other family members, but I'm the primary caregiver. That's why I'm pushing for Tatum. Plus the website said she has been up for adoption for over a year! I can't understand why, except maybe because they want her training to continue.

01-08-2004, 03:00 PM
What a cutie pie! I look on Pet Finder too, but I know I could never have another dog. Not for a while anyway. I still wonder how adorable faces like that can end up in shelters, but there are so many stupid people in the world.

01-08-2004, 04:18 PM
What a cutie! Maybe it's just me, but she looks part pit bull I think.

Petfinder kills me...I REALLY want another husky. :(

01-08-2004, 04:24 PM
Originally posted by wolf_Q
What a cutie! Maybe it's just me, but she looks part pit bull I think.

Petfinder kills me...I REALLY want another husky. :(

Yeah, she looks more Pittie than Boxer.

Petfinder is EVIL. That's all there is to it. Especially when Amy sends me links to Huskies, then I have to do a search of my own.
Amy is EVIL too. :p

My Peanuts
01-08-2004, 04:24 PM
Originally posted by wolf_Q
What a cutie! Maybe it's just me, but she looks part pit bull I think.

Petfinder kills me...I REALLY want another husky. :(

It's not just you; I thought she looked like Pit too. I don't want to tell my mom that though. She is a victim of all the bad press and thinks they are all mean! She thought Harley looked a little like one too, and sometimes he does.

01-08-2004, 04:27 PM
Originally posted by My Peanuts
It's not just you; I thought she looked like Pit too. I don't want to tell my mom that though. She is a victim of all the bad press and thinks they are all mean!

Ahhh...I know that feeling. I've just given up trying to explain it to my mom. I'm thinking of adopting a pit sometime in the future, and of course she resents it. Oh well, her loss. :)

01-08-2004, 04:36 PM
My parents know better than to say something bad about Pitties. ;)

01-08-2004, 04:38 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
My parents know better than to say something bad about Pitties. ;)

Can I borrow them for a few *cough*years*cough*? :D

01-08-2004, 04:42 PM
Yes, I am indeed evil. *grows devil horns*

I know the feeling, my parents think all pit bulls are evil as well. Not just pit bulls, but any dog in that range (rottweilers, gsds, dobermans, etc.)

I've had many conversations with them trying to convince the fact that is the owner, not the breed....but I've now given up. :rolleyes:

They didn't want me to get a husky either, because they are "big dogs" and all big dogs are unpredicitable and mean so they all belong outside.

Since getting Nebo I've convinced them that not ALL big dogs are mean...and they are amazed at how intelligent he is (yeah, its called training...Reggie and Smokey are intelligent too, just not well-trained). My mom still has issues with big dogs in the house (and ESPECIALLY on the bed).

Man, all of you are totally evil too! Look at this cutie I found! Isn't he the prefect buddy for Ladybird?

01-09-2004, 08:08 AM
Thankfully my parents know there are no bad dogs, just bad owners. Friends of ours had pit bulls that were the sweetest things and my Grandma once had a dobie. :)

Dad still spoils Kia rotten even though she's destroyed their house many times. :o ;) :rolleyes: :D