View Full Version : Is this normal?

01-07-2004, 04:17 PM
this is an awkward question and I hope to not offend anyone, but...

Ok, I saw something unusual this afternoon.... um... Pouncer was a little excited and tried to mount Allen. Allen turned around and bit Pouncer, which of course stopped him. Then they made up and cuddled, but (now excuse me if this niave) I thought cats didn't get 'those urges' once they were neutered; Pouncer was neutered New Year's Eve.

Also, Pouncer is still a good bit swollen, so I'm wondering if perhaps the surgery wasn't too successful. I'm too embarassed to call and ask the vet this until I hear from others this is odd or normal!

Russian Blue
01-07-2004, 04:20 PM
I've heard that it takes awhile after surgery for them to get back to normal. So maybe he still has some 'urges' left in him??? :confused:

Also, I have read that the 'mount' position is also a form of dominance in animals and will still be seen among neutered animals to help them maintain the alpha position.

Those are my guesses.

01-08-2004, 05:44 AM
Same advice. The neutering was less than 2 weeks ago AND they may do this forever as a form of dominance.
Just for the record, it is possible (yet HIGHLY unlikely) that the neutering was not done correctly, but with a reputable vet that you trust, this should NOT be a concern.

01-08-2004, 06:03 AM
I wouldn't be too concerned about it. It may take awhile for the hormones to regulate.
I do think that after two weeks he shouldn't be swollen. I have never had one do that. As a matter of fact I never noticed any swelling. Maybe I'm crazy but I would be more concerned about that. You say he is still a good bit swollen?
Has anyone else's cat been swollen two weeks after a neuter???
I'm not trying to scare you, its just that I have not had that happen to any of mine. I'm curious because I'm taking my last two boys for neuter next week.

01-08-2004, 08:27 AM
When I picked Pouncer up from the vet, they mentioned that he was swollen and that the swelling would go down (but never offered a time frame so I'm going by how long it took my human friends to recover from any type of surgery) Anyway, I see the swelling has reduced considerably but he still has "nubs" and the vet said he wouldn't. And these "nubs" are the size they were before the surgery. I told the vet that Allen still has his "nubs", although much smaller than before neutering, and the vet asked if he was a large cat... large cats (according to the vet) sometimes have fat deposits there that look like what they aren't. Are you following?

I'm not afraid of less than superior work on my vet's part. They've been great with both Nicki and Allen and have the best reputation around. Even the "snobs" in our area love this vet.

As for him playing for alpha male cat, that's too funny because there is absolutley no way Allen will give that status up!!!

01-08-2004, 08:46 AM
I don't know if it is normal or not. Tiny my chihuahua has done things I never saw her do before her surgery. She was done before Christmas. She has been mounting her stuffed toy!:rolleyes:

01-08-2004, 08:52 AM
Don't feel bad...


It happens all the time. When a male is first neutered, it takes up to a month for the "urge" to diminish. At least that's what MY vet told me.

I wouldn't worry about it. As you can see by the above picture, LilEli still gets the urge once in a while and good ole Doogie just let's him go for it.

01-08-2004, 09:02 AM
Haha Moosmom! My Nicki is a girlie who thinks she's a guy - ever since she was a pup, she loved to hump things. She still does it today on a daily basis and we don't know why, but we've come to accept it. She especially loves my husband's blanket (he insists I'm a blanket hog whereas I know the truth that he is the blanket hog... we have separate blankets to stop the fight!)

We think she has some gender confusion - I guess we should have named her Martha or something more feminine than Nicki... because we call her Nick more than Nicki.

01-08-2004, 09:05 AM
Oddly Moose The Magnificent , has been neutered for years , and he tries to mount John Hancock , everuy once in a while. It must be a form of play , as John doesnt seem to mind , all that much.

01-08-2004, 09:08 AM
It sure is odd Tiny is humping her green monster.It is bigger than her! It was her first toy. She looks so weird doing that. :rolleyes:

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-08-2004, 09:54 AM
I wouldn't be worried. Tubby did this forever with a pair of slippers I had that looked like Elephant feet. Those slippers started out in Green Bay, WI and ended up in Chicago, IL because I knew how much Tubby loved them so I just couldn't get rid of them. I don't know whatever happened to them though. I know I had them in my last apartment, but I don't ever remember them being in our current abode. I must have finally decided enough was enough and gotten rid of them. Ever since then Tubby hasn't "mounted" anything that I know of, but he does yowl a lot....hmmmm......maybe I need to get another pair of slippers to diminsh the yowling.....anybody know how to get a cat to get the "urge" back again? ;) :D

01-08-2004, 10:14 AM
I guess try to find slippers that look like the ones That tubby loved. LOL! Thats so funny! I think our animals are little clowns!.:D

01-08-2004, 11:12 AM
When I was at the vet's this week a woman was there to pick up her cat who had to have his neuter surgery redone. They missed something the first time. These are excellent vets and over the years have got my cats through many difficult and routine procedures and illnesses with wonderful care. Sometimes these things do happen . She wasn't charged for the second procedure and the kitty was in excellent shape.

01-08-2004, 11:34 AM
I've never seen any cats hump anything, but my parent's dog is about 9 years old and has been neutered a long time and he still likes to try to hump things upon occasion. When I was home, he even tried to hump my daughter, who was lying on the floor! (mind you, i put a stop to that really fast!)
I've also seen quite a few geldings (castrated male horses) humping mares in their area. It seems to be a drive that just doestn't go away for some animals, despite the lack of proper "tools" to really get the job done!

01-08-2004, 12:05 PM
Tiny our puppy had no urges before her surgery. Its only a green stuffed toy she has had since i got her. We have a really wonderful vet. He says harmones are adjusting. So I won't worry. Its just odd looking!

My friends dog has a baskett ball that she likes that way. she has been this way with her baskettball for years. LOL!

I had a male dog that got nuetered young. The weird thing is, that all the females dogs started humping him! He was not happy. That was in tennesee.

I know this is not about dogs. All my cats surgerys never seem to cause these weird actions.