View Full Version : A tribute to Tony

01-07-2004, 11:41 AM
Tony (April 1, 1993 - February 15, 1999)

This is my beloved Tony (right hand side when looking at the picture) he is the brother to my little girl Tigger.


Tony and his sister were the first of my furkids. I married in 1993 and asked my husband if we could have a kitty. He said yes, then I pushed it and asked if we could get 2, that way they would have company. My husband gave in and said OK. I remember the day they came home. They were so small and they hide behind the refrigerator for days, only coming out for food and to use their litter box.

It was 4 months before they realized where we went at night....needless to say, once they figured out, we were never kittyless in bed from that point on.

My Tony was my baby boy. He loved to get under the covers of the bed and lay along my side. He loved to get into lots of trouble. I remember one day, I was working out in the yard and I let Tony and Tigger outside with me. Within 10 minutes Tony came running back to me with a little baby mouse. He did this 3 times...each time with a different mouse. He was so proud of himself, until his sister came with the biggest mouse I had ever seen. This mouse put Tony's 3 to shame. Poor Tony was crushed, you could tell by the look on his face.

Tony was only with me for 6 years. It was the day after Valentine's day 1999 when I came downstairs to find that he had passed away. I can really say that I was not ready for that.

Thank you for letting me share my Tony with everybody. --- Meg

Julie Grove
01-07-2004, 01:47 PM
Hi Meg, just read your post. It made me cry because I can tell just how much you loved Tony. Even though it has only been a very short while since I lost Gigi, I know a part of me will always feel her loss, no matter how much time passes. I too just love waking up with my cats, and oh how I miss opening my weary eyes in the morning and seeing my little girl staring at me, just waiting for me to stir. And then the sudden realisation that I have yet another day to get through without seeing her at all.

I don't know the story behind Tony and why you lost him at such a young age but I would like to know more. He was a very handsome cat indeed.

01-07-2004, 02:12 PM
Thank you for your post.

Tony started to get sick right before the holidays in 1998. He started to cough, kind of like he had a hairball. It was probally 2 weeks before I decided to take him to the vet. It turned out that they found a spot on his lung, not a big spot but enough for it to show up on a x-ray. He was there for 2 weeks and amazingly the "spot" was gone. The vet did think however that he suffered from Cardiomyopathy, a gongenital heart condition that he probally had from birth, but after the spot disappeared he did not know what to think.

The morning that he died, he had climbed up in bed, went under the covers and slept with me for about an hour. I remember that it was 7 am when he came into bed with me. If I would have had to go to work that day, I probally could have saved him, because he had to have passed away between 8 & 9 am, and I would have been downstairs getting ready for work, but that day was a holiday and I was trying to sleep late.

The saddest thing was that as I was on the phone calling our vet, my husband was sitting on the floor petting Tony and Tigger had come downstairs, she went right over to her brother, sniffed him, and started kissing his head. My husband was so upset that he started yelling at her, but I told him to stop yelling, this was her way of saying goodbye to him.

Tigger had a couple of months where she just was not the same, I know that she missed him dearly, because Tony was the only one she would cuddle with.

Thanks again for letting me share. I do miss him dearly, but each day is a new day and I have my 5 furkids to keep me going. Tony, Cleo, and Tobias (all of my Rainbow Bridge Babies) are always with me in my heart and memories, and no one can take that away from me.

01-07-2004, 02:26 PM
Oh my, I must stop reading these things at work. I've got tears rolling down my cheeks and have to close my office door. :( :( What a beautiful tribute and I just know that Tony is at the RB watching over you. RIP Tony.

01-07-2004, 11:03 PM
Meg, thank you for sharing Tony's story with us.What a wonderful tribute. He sure sounded like a wonderful cat. RIP sweet Tony.

01-08-2004, 11:10 AM
I can see how much you love your sweet Tony and how you miss him. To read about Tigger kissing his head makes me cry... what a special relationship they must have had!


01-09-2004, 09:04 AM
Thank you, Meg!!!

I read your vivid memories part laughing about Tony and his mousies and part crying about his sad "Good Bye"...
Every line shows how much you love him...this is a wonderful tribute to him...and it's wonderful to know how he lives on in your memories and heart!!!

Thanks for sharing...

01-09-2004, 05:56 PM
Thanks for sharing the story of Tony with us Meg. I can tell that you loved him very much and still do.
RIP sweet Tony:(

01-15-2004, 05:37 PM
How sweet a memorial you wrote for Tony. Your love for him leapt right off the page. I am sorry you had him for such a short time. May he RIP.

Killearn Kitties
01-17-2004, 07:50 AM
What lovely story you have written about Tony. It is tragic that he was with you for so short a time, but it sounds like he had a great life and knew how much he was loved.
Rest in peace sweet Tony.